Fainting and head-rush dizziness

Hey guys and gals, all weekend long EVERY time I got up from sitting or laying I got a really bad head-rush dizziness. I've had them before, but not this bad. One time I actually passed out for a few seconds! Should I call my doctor's office on this? I hate to bother them with little piddly stuff. I just saw him last Thursday. Thanks! Robby 3/15/02 -125    — Robby E. (posted on November 25, 2002)

November 25, 2002
You on any BP meds? Probably time to get off them. Other drugs can do this too. You getting in your water? I would all your doc and get it looked into.
   — bob-haller

November 25, 2002
Aloha!!! I experienced the same thing. It was, in fact, my blood pressure. Because of all the medication I was on after surgery (and before)... a whopping 24 medications a day!.. I became hypotensive with the rapid weight loss.. In addition to the blood pressure medication I was on, I was also on a fair amount of diuretics. Between the two, they sent my blood pressure to the VERY low range. My doctor did an Electrolytes Panel and other lab work to rule out dehydration (as Bob indicated in his post). Once this was done, they concluded that my body no longer needed many of the medications I was taking. So they started to take me off of them. :) I am happy to report that I am now off ALL the medications!!! Make sure you follow up with your PCP so that they can rule out certain things....but I have a feeling that it is your blood pressure or dehydration. Good luck!! Hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii).... Open RNY / 08-07-02 Down 93 Pounds!!!!
   — KathieInHawaii

November 25, 2002
I have the exact same problem. I have'nt fainted YET, but HAVE come very close. I assume it's low blood pressure. I've NEVER been on any meds for high blood pressure. Never needed anything. However my blood pressure is getting very low. At least what I think is very low 110/62 to 97/46. It's just keeps dropping. I expect that is our problem. No doctor seems to tell me although I keep asking.
   — Danmark

November 25, 2002
I would definitly call your doctor. Fainting and dizzy spells are not piddly stuff. If you've never done it before and you are now then it might be surgery related. I had the same problem but it got so bad that I could only lie down to get any relief. When I had to get up to go to the bathroom while in the ER last month I actually fell and got a huge bump on my head that still hurts! Luckily no major damage. It was due to dehydration and low potassium and B12 levels. I was hospitalized for a week because I also had some internal bleeding. Now I've started having the shakes and I'm getting that checked out now. Sorry to make this so long but please call your doc Robby if you haven't already. There's a reason this is happening and I hope it's easily resolved. Good luck and God Bless. :)
   — Diana L.

November 25, 2002
Hi, I'm the original poster of this question. No, I have never been on any BP meds and have never really had high blood pressure. So I know it can't be a matter of getting off meds. The only RX I take is Imitrex for migraines.
   — Robby E.

November 26, 2002
What you are describing sounds like it could be low (not high) blood pressure. (I am pre-op, but have had this problem most of my life.) Your doctor should check it after you've been lying down resting for a while, to simulate the conditions at home. If you've lost a lot of weight and previously had normal blood pressure, it could be because of the weight loss-- and your body will adjust. However, like the other messages said, you need to be checked for internal bleeding, and have your potassium, etc checked-- to see if these are the reason, too.
   — Beth S.

November 26, 2002
I worked for a doctor (a long time ago :) and we had a patient with this problem. When we checked her blood pressure sitting or lying it was normal. The dr (crazy woman, but very smart) had me take her blood pressure while she was lying down, then again as she got into a standing position. It went thru the floor! Turns out she had an internal hemmorhage and the dizziness was from the change in blood pressure when she changed positions. I would get it checked out if I were you. Might be nothing but who can tell?
   — ctyst

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