Has anyone had resconstructive surgery (panni - arms - etc) done outpatient surgery?

I am just curious....I still have about 30 - 60 pounds left before I consider reconstructive surgery. I know that the major cost is the hospitalization & I was just curious if anyone has had a panni, their arms, or breastlift done as outpatient surgery?? and what was the approximate cost? I have not really researched my insurance (united healthcare of ohio - choice select) to see if they will cover the panni at least. Any info would be great!! 9 1/2 months post-op down 110#s...YIPPEE!!    — chance2lv (posted on March 16, 2002)

March 16, 2002
I don't know about the panni & arms, but I DO know that some surgeons do breast reduction outpatient. That's they way my surgeon did it. My surgeon had surgical theaters, and recovery right in her office, so I was never in the hospital at all. So, maybe it probably depends on the surgeon. I had a consultation with another doctor first and with him I would have been in the hospital at least overnight... it wouldn't have mattered either way to me since it was covered completely by my insurance. Check around with plastic surgeons in your area for one that does it outpatient. They'll tell you, just call them.
   — KelBurt

March 16, 2002
I'm in Columbus and the plastic surgeon I have consulted does all of those surgeries in a surgery center. I had a friend who just had him do an abdominoplasty and liposuction on her hips, thighs and butt. She went home from the surgery center the same day. She said the total cost (surgeon's fee, surgery center and general anesthesia) was $8000. After doing some comparing, I felt that was very reasonable. He also has a very good reputation and no malpractice claims ever filed against him. I've got another 25 pounds to go before I can have it done. I hope to have the surgery either around the 4th of July or labor day. I can't wait for the reconstruction surgery.
   — Patty H.

March 16, 2002
I had adominoplasty as an outpatient at a surgery center in KCMO. The plastic surgeon was wonderful! It was a 4-1/2 hour surgery, he removed 13-1/2" lbs. of skin and fat. I went in at 8:00, surgery at 9:30am and released the next morning at 6:30am. I was very skeptical, but I was able to move around and do a little walking the next day and returned home where I had to climb 14 steps to get to my bedroom. I was off work for 7 days and returned to a desk job. Best of luck!!
   — SDmovergal

March 16, 2002
Karan - the major cost with most reconstructive surgery is not hospitalization, it's the surgeon's fee. Many procedures are done outpatient. I stayed over one night, but only because I was having a hernia repair, abdominoplasty, and mastopexy done all at the same time, and surgery wasn't until 2:00 p.m. Even with all of that, the hospital and anesthesia was about $3,000, surgeon's fee was $6,000
   — kateseidel

March 16, 2002
I had my panniculectomy and brachioplasty in November. My plastic surgeon offered me the option of inpatient or outpatient surgery. I chose to stay overnight in the hospital since it was scheduled to be a 5-6 hour surgery and my insurance was covering everything. However, I realized post-op that I could easily have gone home that day without any problems. I was walking the halls that afternoon, without even having to stoop over, and I can honestly say that this surgery was the most "comfortable" one I have ever had. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

February 7, 2004
   — walkerl35

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