Does pain in the calf mean a blood clot?

I am pre-op. My surgery is scheduled for February 28th. I went to the Doctor yesterday for my final visit before my surgery. In my left calf there is a spot that hurts. Not to the touch just every now and then it hurts. He felt of my legs and ask me if it hurt when he pushed on them and it did not. But tonight I went out with my girls shopping and when I got back home and sat down it starting throbbing just a little. Not unbearable but enough for me to notice. I am afraid it is a blood clot and it will go to my lung after surgery. Am I just over reacting or should I be concerned? I do have varicose veins and the spot it hurts is close to one of those. If anyone could give me some insight I would appreciate it. Thanks and God Bless    — terrifogle40 (posted on February 8, 2002)

February 8, 2002
I have had a blood clot in my leg after foot surgery, If it truly is a clot you will know it. It's not just a little ache once in a while. You will have bad continuous pain, swelling of the leg, redness and heat also. Yes, you are probably overreacting, but I understand why it is scary. Please try to stay focused on your surgery and know that the surgeon won't do it if he really thinks you might have a blood clot. I also know all about depression and you will be in my prayers. Just hang in there, knowing people on this site really do care about you. Jan
   — Jan N.

February 8, 2002
Terri, Sorry about the depression comment. I got your question mixed up with another one who mentioned depression. You'll still be in my prayers. Jan
   — Jan N.

February 9, 2002
Do be concerned! Find someone to look at it who is qualified. Back in 1996 my Mom had some terrible pains in her calf. Later it turned out it was a blood clot and it went to her lung(s). Since then she has pulmonary hypertension. (She never smoked). Anyway, it may or may not be a blood clot, but DO NOT take a chance. Please!
   — Danmark

February 9, 2002
I always thought it meant your body needed potassium.
   — Annie H.

February 9, 2002
I have had DVT's three times and Pulomamary Emmbolisms twice. All three times that I had DVT's (Deep vein thrombosis or blood clots in the legs) I experienced constant pain in the area of the clot that was similar to a cramp. When the blod clot moved up the vein the cramp moved with it. And, yes there can be reddness, swelling and heat or fever at the site of the blood clot. You can have an ultrasound done to confirm the presence or lack of a blood clot in the leg. If it concerns you that much and you really think it is a clot, I would ask your doctor to immediately schedule you for one. You can then put your fears to rest one way or the other. Either you don't have a clot or if you do, you will be treated immediately for it. Having a blood clot would probably postpone your surgery, but would not make you unable to have the surgery at a later date. I had my surgery in November and even though I am predisposed to clotting I did not have any problems and my surgeon took all of the precautions needed to prevent me from having any blood clots.
   — Susan M.

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