Need some ideas on alternate drinks other than water.

I used to be be a heavy water drinker before surgery, over a gallon a day. I am only five days post-op and water tastes blah especially at room temperature! I know there are other drinks I can have too. Please give me some ideas what I can drink (that taste good) so I can alternate with the water for now?    — Laurie L. (posted on November 12, 2001)

November 12, 2001
Try drinking Propel made by gatorade! Tastes pretty good along with some vitamins and helps with energy..Good luck
   — Marla S.

November 12, 2001
If you brew some decaffinated tea that can count toward your water intake. Sweeten with equal or splenda and is as good as ever.
   — Tracy L.

November 12, 2001
Crystal Lite. Lots of flavors - also has calcium and vit D in it. Counts as your water. Has no calories, no sugar, no fat. Good Stuff!
   — gina P.

November 12, 2001
I drank sugar free kool aid for awhile, then water tasted fine again. Now drink mostly water.
   — bob-haller

November 12, 2001
Fruit20 by Veryfine is really good. I've only been able to find it at our local price club and sams club. It comes in 3 flavors that i know of. Strawberry, Raspberry and Orange. It's tasty and it is water! Yeah! I also really like Apple & Eve juices. So good. Cranberry, Cranberry Raspberry and my personal favorite Cranberry Grape is wonderful for the kidneys.
   — [Anonymous]

November 12, 2001
All these are Sugar free... Diet Ice Botanicals, Crystal light, country time lemonade koolade, lemon flavored water with splenda, tea, coffee.. Visit my profile for more information
   — Victoria B.

November 12, 2001
I know how you feel. I have a hard time drinking just water and have found that I like the flavored Sam's Choice Free America water from Wal-Mart. I know that is has carbonation but I put it in a large bowl and with a hand chopper/mixer that I have, I beat it till the carbonation is all out of it and now I get more than enough water in per day. Good Luck! I'm 4 months post op and down 81 lbs.
   — Amy E.

November 12, 2001
Langers has come out w/a SF Cranberry & Cran/Raspberry sweetened w/splenda. Pretty good!
   — Lori_B

November 12, 2001
Also...Fruit 2-o i got mine at Sams Club. No Carbs.
   — Jackiis

November 12, 2001
I don't know if you dump on sugar or not, but Gatorade was my lifesaver the first 2 months after surgery. It was the only thing I could keep down and kept me from getting dehydrated. It provides 50 calories of carbs per serving, and it didn't make me dump, although others may be more sensitive. What I did was water it down 50%, so I could have 16 oz. of Gatorade for 50 calories. It tasted so good and made me feel a world better. Hope the info. helps--
   — Terissa R.

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