Has anyone had their surgery delayed because of low thyroid?

I had a very low thyroid number on my preop tests. I had another test done today. I am wondering if anyone had to have their surgery delayed because of a low thyroid result. I really hope I can go ahead as scheduled.    — Gina U. (posted on September 28, 2001)

September 28, 2001
I am not a doctor, but my cousin is going to be having surgery and her doctor said that until her hypothroidism is under control it will in fact delay her surgery. Speak with your surgeon.
   — Cinna G.

September 28, 2001
I was tetsed for low thyroid, 3/00 and was normal, while I was waiting for insurance approval (4/01 to 8/01). The ins. co. said I had to have another thyroid test done. This came back low (subclinical hypothyroid), The ins. co. ok'd me for the surgery before they had my result back. Why I had to have the test is beyond best guessing
   — [Anonymous]

September 28, 2001
Thank you very much for the responses. The tests that were run today came back NORMAL - yay! I am SO relieved!
   — Gina U.

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