I am 4 month post-opt and I feel like I'm eating all the time.

Today I ate 1 scrambled egg and 1/2 of english muffin and 1/2 of a hash brown (McDonalds), lunch was a 3 oz. chicken breast salad, and dinner about 3-4 oz. of chicken breast on top of Alfreado noddles. What do you think. Oh yea I have lost 100 lbs. and need to loss another 100.    — kyad7 (posted on February 5, 2001)

February 5, 2001
I have a protein shake for breakfast and stick to 1/2 cup portions with meals (and no snacking between). 2 oz meat, 1 oz of green veggie, 1 oz of starch veggie. Lots of water, at least 72 oz per day. Watching what I eat, just like someone trying to lose weight without the benefit of wls, because it is only a tool. I can eat more, but I limit the portions to ensure I lose my last 50 lbs and keep it off <b>FOREVER</b>. We will have to watch what we eat for a lifetime to maintain our success. Perhaps you can refer to your surgeon's post-op eating plan for the right answer for YOU. Congratulations on your weight loss! Best wishes for continued success!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 5, 2001
Right about 4 months the pouch has healed enough that we start noticing we can hold more and we freak out! I've seen it so many times and I've been there myself. Like the other poster said, limit your portions but try to make the majority of what you eat protein as it helps you to lose faster, fills you up with less and keeps you full longer. Stick with an established meal plan, don't fall into the pattern of grazing. If you get hungry between meals try drinking more water. It may just be that you're thirsty. For portion control, I use a coffee cup as my "bowl" and a tiny saucer as my "plate". That way I know I don't serve myself too much plus it's better psychologically because whatever I'm eating out of looks "full". Hope this helps!
   — Kellye C.

February 22, 2001
I am so glad someone posted this question!! I am 4 months post-op and have lost 70 lbs. I sometimes feel like I am always eating. I figured out that some of my old eating habits have come back to haunt me. My amount of food just all the sudden increased in the past week from a 1/2 cup portions to a little more. I have been beating myself up all week long over the food increase. I am losing much slower now than I was and I have 30 lbs left to go to reach my goal. I drink more than 64 ozs of water a day, get in my protein, and I exercise also. I find myself wanting to graze at times also. I read several of the postings about the amounts of food people eat and I felt much better after reading them. That is what is so wonderful about this site, you are not the "ONLY" person experiencing problems or concerns. I think everyone is different and as long as you are doing what you are supposed to do, the amount is fine. Just remember that you have to exercise!! I wish you the best of luck!!!! RNY 10-25-00
   — Michelle P.

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