I put on a bathing suit and all I see is a fat person In size 22 instead siz!e 14

Im a size 14 now and after surgery I still feel like I am overweight and need to put on a differernt bathing suit size 22 ! what is wrong with me? Barbie :(    — balefran (posted on July 12, 2005)

July 12, 2005
It's just like looking in a circus mirror isn't it? Very normal. Your mind hasn't caught up with your body. There are alot of issues that are unresolved in your mind. In time, with alot of good support, this should slowly lesson and you will see more of the true you. HUUGZ Hang in there! We all go through it!!
   — shoutjoy

July 12, 2005
Weird isn't it? I used to give the advice that it takes about two years for your mind to catch up with your body. But you know...I gained a couple of pounds and now feel like I'm HUGE. So I guess it doesn't really ever go away. ; ) LOL<br>There is nothing wrong with you hun, you are perfectly normal. /hugs
   — RebeccaP

July 12, 2005


July 12, 2005
I also know how you feel. I don't look very good in a 14 either, but I found a suit I liked and bought some matching shorts too. I like the look just fine. Suit way. In the big picture, I can live with that.
   — KDescha

July 12, 2005
Something IS wrong with you... you're NORMAL! :-) Obviously we all go through this. I remember my co-worker telling me this after her surgery and I would be like "You are nuts, lady!"... and now I can SO relate! :-) But I always try my darnest to concentrate on the positives. I make photo comparisons and they sorta "wake me up" to the fact that I'm no longer THAT girl. I'm THIS girl :-) It also doesn't hurt to get the feedback from other people... ESPECIALLY the ones who haven't seen you in a long time. I LOVE their facial expressions! :-) Funny story, the other day, this guy and I were talking and he said "I'm going to tell you something and I hope you don't get offended, but... when you were fat......" He said WHEN YOU WERE FAT! LOL! :-) And there I was standing in front of him thinking... what do you mean... I AM FAT! Or am I? :-) Hang in there... and think about your wonderful accomplishments. LOVE YOURSELF as you are because no matter what size you are, you are just right! :-)
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 12, 2005
Barbara, you are at a very important turning point in your process of transformation: letting go of your former identity and allowing yourself to meet, become familiar with and embrace your new identity. People like us, we DON'T truly see our bodies in the mirror, we check out our faces, maybe, check out our make-up & hair, but we don't really SEE our bodies. That's why it's such a shock when we see a snapshot of ourselves. So I strongly encourage my coaching clients to have friends or coworkers or family members take their snapshots every week for the first 6 months using either digital cameras so they can promptly download the image into their PC, or disposable cameras with only 24 exposures so they'll be sure to get a roll developed each momnth. Then record on the backs of them the date and your weight or dress size & put one snapshot for each week in a small, portable photo album to carry around with you. It's key that you become intimately familiar with your actual body as it changes its shape; and looking at your photos seems to be the most effective way. Secondly, it's really important to imagine what your future self would like to do/be... Imagine the activities you might want to explore in a healthy, normal body. Go to clothing stores that you absolutely love and browse in the departments your future self would go to so that normal size clothes become familiar to you and you begin to discover how you want to dress your more attractive, smaller body. When you work out with weights, try and do so in front of a mirror so you learn to take your body seriously, respectfully, and to make sure you're doing them correctly. WLS patients who don't do the emotional "head" work find themselves unprepared to live longterm with longterm success because it is just too anxiety-producing. The unknown is a scary place and unless we are willing to become familiar with it, we are hardwired for our own survival to get away from it. All the best! Lauralyn
   — EmbodySuccess

July 13, 2005
I can really relate with your situation. I was a 24 and now I am a size 10. I feel huge some days... Why is it I feel bloated all the time. I look in the mirror and smile because I know I better off now than I use to be. I can run 3 miles! But I can relate with you. I feel fat looking in the mirror some times. I have extra skin and it looks out of place on a 150 lb frame. If I didnt have so much skin I would look my age. But at least I feel it. You have to be able to feel the difference. No more panting after stairs or walks. You fit normal size clothes... STORY: I walked in to Lane Bryant my favorite store ( I love their bras) Well they told me they didnt have my size and to go to Victoria Secret.) I still feel big but I dont look it. Keep pictures with you, before and after. Look at them when you need a pick me up.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 13, 2005
I think anyone that has lost weight can relate to this. I am 350lbs lighter and some days when I look in the mirror, I do not see a thin person but the same old me. Also when I go to the store, I still head to the larger sizes instead of the size 10 that I now am.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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