Craving Shrimp

I'm almost 3 years post op (Open RNY with 157 bypassed). All my life I've gone through food cravings. Example, I'd eat tons of bagels with cream cheese for 3-6 months. Anyway, for the last week I've craved shrimp. A very expensive craving I've tried hard to ignore! A friend gave me a 1.25 pound bag of shrimp. I ate it all then the craving got even worse, so I went to Aldi's and bought four 12 oz bags ($3) yesterday! I ate the one bag in about 35 minutes. And the 2nd bag, today, is half gone. What is going on? Is it iron I need and perhaps that is why I'm craving shrimp? (I'm assuming shrimp is iron rich). Thanks.    — Danmark (posted on February 6, 2004)

February 6, 2004
Hey Daniel, I'm only four months out and haven't craved anything since I had surgery but pre-surgery, I was always told by the dietician that if I was physically craving something, I was deficient in some vitamin or mineral so maybe that's it. Maybe you have a magnesium or chromium deficiency or something like that. If you have a dietician or a nutritionist, you might ask them. If it's a deficiency, it could be almost anything. I think I heard somewhere that shellfish was rich in iodine but don't know about the iron.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 6, 2004
Daniel, your not pregnant are you? :-) Just be thankful that your craving a good healthy protein and not CHOCOLATE. Though shrimp is high in cholesterol..
   — Cindy R.

February 6, 2004
Wow I never knew shrimp was high in cholesterol.... But it is high in iron and protein. Here is a site that is wonderful in figuring nutrients.
   — jenafwife

February 6, 2004
Thanks for the posts guys and the info link. I found something here: Seems it is rich in various vitamins and minerals. I've always loved shrimp but this craving is really strong. I did know it is full of cholestral but since mine was under 200 the last I knew, I'm not worried about that. Hope this helps my lack of energy since wls. It would be nice. ;)
   — Danmark

February 6, 2004
Hi Daniel, I can so relate to cravings... I have craved foods I didn't even like before I had my surgery. I love shrimp also. I could eat it for breakfast and have! LOL
   — Brenda T.

February 6, 2004
Hey Daniel, I love it, I thought I was the only one who did this..Although my crave is cashews. I could eat them everyday and I have been that way for probably a year. I don't keep them in the house except for when I break over because I simply cannot keep my fingers out of them. There has to be something in that we need to crave them like that. I would take cashews over chocolate anytime!!
   — Sharon1964

February 6, 2004
Daniel, I'm not sure WHY, but at 8 months post op, I have craved nothing BUT shrimp! I can't seem to go one day without it. I've eaten it since early post op, thought it would change later..still hasnt. I figure its a good source of protein, and my Dr doesnt have a problem with it. I buy it from cosco in bulk, squeeze lemon on it, its quick and easy, and I HAVE to have it, LOL Go figure! Some of my friends who have had the surgery also crave it. There must be SOMETHING in it. :) RNY LAP 5-19-2003 421/272/190
   — Goodgirl

February 6, 2004
I wish I could tell you what it is in shrimp that your body is craving, but I don't know. I do know that I went throught that during my first pregnancy. If I could have afforded shrimp all day, everyday, I would have eaten nothing but. It's still a good protein source, and it's not bad for you! (I am not sure, but I do believe the cholesterol thing about shrimp has gone by the wayside. Just because a food contains cholesterol doesn't mean it will be treated as cholesterol in our bodies.)
   — koogy

February 7, 2004
I don't particulary crave shrimp but I have eaten tons of it since surgery. It always goes down well and sits well. I also never feel as full from it. I eat it cold and either plain or with ketchup or shrimp sauce. I tolerate the sugar in both as long as I keep it reasonable. Since I don't eat any other carbs with that meal I'm fine with the sugar in them. I look for shrimp when it's on sale. For quite a while around Christmas amd New Years I could get 2 lb bags of 31-40 count for under $12. I used to buy it 10-12 lbs at a time. I always have a couple of bags in the freezer. I realize it's not free but it is such an awesome protein source. I used to get 3-4 meals out of a lb, now it's more like 2-3. I eat shrimp for breakfast a lot as it's easy and I can eat it in the car. So it's a way to get a very healthy meal with no fuss. Look at it as you are investing in your health and don't focus on the price. As far as the craving, I know for me the best way to burn out a craving is to just eat it constantly for many meals. Eventually I start to look for something else. I have had a number of things that I burned myself out on since WLS. Crystal Light is one of them. Also the wonderful Turkey Store Shredded BBQ Turkey. I ate so much of that the first 6 months, that I only have it once in a great while now. The same with string cheese. Was definitely a staple the first 6 months. My cholesterol is so ridiculously low (114 total) that all the shrimp I eat just doesn't seem to affect it. Between that and eggs I should have ugly cholesterol, but fortunately I don't.
   — zoedogcbr

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