How long does it take to get energy back after PS?

On 3/31/03 I had an abdominoplasty, breast reduction and a little lipo in my knee area. I'm a little sore, not bad. I actually stopped taking pain pills about 6 days after surgery. I returned to work after 2 weeks. I really feel good, except my energy level is very low. I am so tired. I take a multi vitamin, vitamin c and B12, and calcium. I get in my protein. Is this normal?    — jan M. (posted on April 21, 2003)

April 21, 2003
I know that ever since my WlS I've taken 2 multivits, but you might need an iron supplement. Have your doc test your blood to see if you're not anemic. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

April 21, 2003
Hey Jan, I had PS the same day as you! I had an extended TT, extended Brachioplasty and a breastlift. Couldn't be happier with the results so far! I am still tired at the end of the day too. (I'm also back to work after 2 weeks). Remember, we just had major surgery again and it takes awhile to get back in the full swing of things. Give it another week or two and don't push yourself!
   — Kris T.

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