could this be a gall bladder problem?

For the past couple days I have felt a gurgling sensation right in the area where the top of my incision is. I had open rny on 2/22/02. I also had some pain and discomfort on the upper right side of my abdomen right under my ribs. I have an appt scheduled with my surgeon next week Tuesday,but just wanted to get input from others on what it may be.    — Kelly T. (posted on August 12, 2002)

August 12, 2002
It could be your gallbladder if the pain is in the upper right quadrant, or it could also be gas pain. Usually a gallbladder attack will be accompanied by other symptoms from heartburn to diarrhea, but this ISN'T always so. Unfortunately, our chances of developing gallbladder disease is way up post-op. If it helps, while you are waiting to see your doctor, you can try some Simethicone drops or Gas-X just in case it is gas. Good Luck.
   — Tina B.

August 12, 2002
I can only say from my experience, but it doesn't sound like it. My first gall bladder attack was so severe I didn't know what was happening. I was 18 days out from giving birth to twins and my husband called some friends over and drove me to the er, but by time we got there my pain was completely gone - just like that. Each one of my attacks was a sharp shooting pain around the middle of my abdomen that went all the way through to my back.
   — Willette L.

August 12, 2002
I'm pre op right now but I can tell you what my gallbladder attacks felt like. I had my gallbladder on June 24th, 2002. For over a year I thought for sure I had an ulcer. I would get this deep ache just below my breast bone. Sometimes it would pass through to my back. I'm a school bus driver and for some reason I tend to sit up and even lean towards the stearing wheel and I thought if I sat up straight and leaned back into my seat it would be better. Sometimes as I was driving it would spread over to the area under my right rib. I finally went to my doctor in March and he prescribed Pepcid, prescription strength. I took the Pepcid and it definitely helped with the acid reflux and heartburn I had but I still was getting attacks and they started to happen on a daily basis. Now, it was never so painful that I felt the need to go to the er. I think I might have a high tolerance for pain or something because I've heard that other people have extremely painful episodes. I'm wondering though if that happens when you actually have a gallstone moving down the duct. Anyway, after a month, I went back for a followup and this time I saw my regular PCP and she touched the area under my right rib and I nearly leaped off the table. Next day I went for an ultrasound (uhhh, yes, that was uncomfortable) and later on that day she called to tell me that I did indeed have gallstones and that I needed to have surgery to have it taken out and the rest is history. I still have 'phantom' pains and I get that gurgling sensation after I've eaten. Since you are going to your surgeon you should mention this to him. You should have an abdominal palpitation and an ultrasound. Like with anything else, not everyone has the same symptoms/problems. The only one who could tell you for sure would be your doctor. Good luck and hopefully it isn't gallstones so you don't have to have another surgery. Take care!! Cathy
   — jenlaur1

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