How much does the surgery cost and how can you get approved for ins

I had open RNY on 3/6/02 and have lost 85 lbs. I still have a long ways to go since I started at 337 and am only 5'3". I know that I will need a TT and have my arms and thighs done. How much does it cost for the surgery (Dr. and hopsital both)? I have Federal BC/BS and they will only cover plastic surgery if it is medically necessary. I've heard that rashes might meet that, but what else? I don't have a rash. My stomach hangs down over my legs and makes a smacking sound against my legs if I walk fast. Would that make it medically necessary? If I said it causes my back to hurt would that help? I don't know what besides rashes works. Does odor? If anyone knows or has Federal BC/BS and have gotten them to pay, please let me know how? Thanks!    — Jan M. (posted on July 28, 2002)

July 28, 2002
I don't have your insurance but a picture is worth a thousand words. Have your plastic surgeon takes pictures of how far your stomach hangs down. Also, if you have odor, then that should be included in his letter to the insurance company. Better yet, put your own letter together and tell them about the problems you encounter with the excess skin (the slapping when you try to run, etc.). I feel my letter and pictures helped get my tt approved. I doubt your arms and thighs will be covered unless your having skin irritations and rashes. You'll probably have to pay out of your own pocket for that. My arms cost me $3600 and the price quote for my thighs was $4200. Granted, my plastic surgeon is in a higher class area of own so I think his costs are also higher then the average. Those prices those are just for his fees and don't include the hospital or anesthesia. If you can get the insurance to approve a tt, it would cut down on your costs to have the other procedures performed at the same time because the insurance company can't breakdown how much was charged for each procedure so they would pay the hospital and anesthesia charges.
   — Patty H.

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