Does this hump go away with weight loss?

I've noticed that I, and most other overweight people have these whereas thin people do not. I've always wanted to cut my hair short, but was too embarassed by it to do it...I was hoping post-op I could do this if it went away...anyone know what I'm talking about?    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 20, 2001)

August 20, 2001
I would also like to know if it goes away and yes I know what you are talking about. I have one as well as my sister. It is awful and makes me feel like the Hunchback from Notre Dame
   — [Anonymous]

August 20, 2001
I assume you are talking about the one by our back up near the neck.. and yeah I'd love to hear about people where it has or hasn't. I would assume it would go away though.. I'm sure its fat.
   — [Anonymous]

August 20, 2001
I never really noticed it until now but yes, mine did go away.
   — Helen C.

August 20, 2001
I had that "hump" and yes, mine went away. I now have spine bones that show there.
   — Jo C.

August 20, 2001
I am proud to report , the hump is GONE!! That was so ugly.I do believe they all disappear, because it is a big blob of fat.
   — Rose A.

August 20, 2001
Mine was quite pronounced, almost enough for a cat to sleep on! Gone now. Yippee!!!!!!
   — vitalady

August 20, 2001
Yes it goes away! It was the first place I noticed wt loss. We seem to melt from the head Now I can't wait to have defined shoulder blades. I think shoulder blades are so sexy!
   — Marilyn C.

August 20, 2001
My Buffalo hump is almost gone. Mine was so severe that my PCP thought I might have Cushings syndrome as that's a symptom. It's nothing more than a deposit of fat.
   — Linda M.

August 20, 2001
My hump is completely gone. It used to be so big and hurt so bad. It is so nice to have my hair short and not have the big "hunchback" on my neck. My doctor kept trying to cut it out. I am so glad I fought that. LOL Don't worry, it will go away.
   — Tere F.

August 20, 2001
I can not imagine what you guys are talking about. Must be I'm fortune and don't have it? :)
   — Danmark

August 21, 2001
havent had surgery yet but when i lost weight years ago it went away im (hoping) sure it will this time too yep i hve one of those hump backs of the old dame
   — Jackiis

August 21, 2001
This is often refered to as a "dowagers hump". And yes, it goes away. It is a deposit of fat that I noticed was gone at about 6 months post-op. Good luck to you!
   — heidiinPA

August 21, 2001
To set the record straight:<br><br> A <i>dowager's hump</i> is due to the collapse of a thoracic vertebra as a result of osteoporosis.<br><br> A <i>buffalo hump</i> is an accumulation of fatty tissue over the spine and is due to excessive production of hormones by the pituitary gland which in turn stimulates the growth of the adrenal gland. You can see a picture <a href="">here</a>.<br><br> Common causes of a buffalo hump: - extended use of some steroids (glucocorticoids such as prednisone, cortisone, and hydrocortisone) - <b>extreme obesity</b> - hypercortisolism (caused by Cushing's syndrome)<br><br> Unfortunately, I have a "hump" between my shoulder blades (on my back, as opposed to on the back of my neck), and I think its due to excessively large breasts :( But I'm going to have a reduction as soon as I reach goal!
   — webgrrlie

August 21, 2001
I submitted this question and I went to the link provided, it is not what I am talking about, I guess I should have said it's between the shoulder blades, only higher up closer to the neck, but not actually ON the neck. That picture is not what I have, or from what I can tell the rest of you have also. Thanks for all the input!
   — [Anonymous]

August 22, 2001
Anon: I know exactly what you're talking about, and I believe it is due to excess weight. At 300 lbs, I definitely have a "fat neck" in the back! I've lost almost 100 lbs, and it is going away. I'm sure that when I lose the other 75 lbs, it will be gone. I did not have this fat deposit when I weighed 120 lbs. By the way, this is one of the areas I've been monitoring. I was afraid it was Cushings' Syndrome, but it is only fat.
   — Kristy J.

September 24, 2001
I have heard it called a "dowager's hump" also. I think it's a girl thing Daniel :) I have noticed it on a lot of overweight women. I had a doctor once comment on mine saying it was Lordosis (sp?) When it feel it, it feels like the spine is curved also. I'm seeing a chiropractor soon and will ask him and get back to ya on if it will go away or not. Take care of you :) One Day at a Time!
   — Karen B.

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