I am a type II diabetic and having surgery on 8/16/01. I am currently taking

I am currently takingglucophage, avandia and 2 shots of insulin daily. I currently have trouble with my level dropping. I am concerned that post-op my sugar will drop. Everything I've read tells me to drink only sugar free drinks. What do I do if this happens? Has anyone had this experience?    — Joan T. (posted on July 31, 2001)

July 31, 2001
Yoi will probably need to do what I am doing, I check my sugar twice a day and decided from there wether to take a pill or not. In the hospital they didnt medicate me at all if my number was under 200. My number after surgery spiked to over 400 but one week post op some days are 112 with no meds at all. I was on glucophage and amarly and havent taken any glucophage since I got home. Been taking amarly if its too high. I am following up with my PCP friday on this issue. I know one thing, if I get under 100 I get shakey and coulds collapse and hurt myself. I would rather be a bit high than low. You should see whoever manages your sugar before surgery for directions, and that might not help a lot anyway. Many pcps have little experience in this area. Feel free to email me.
   — bob-haller

July 31, 2001
I'm 52 and have had type 2 diabetes since 1986. I was on 2 shots of insulin a day and 1 Avandia and 4 Glyburides (2 in am 2 in pm) a day. After surgery all diabetic medicine stopped until my blood sugar tests could be evaluated. Then I started on 1 Avandia in am. My sugars came down but my pcp thought not low enough (like about in the 150's). So he had me take 1 Glyburide in pm. That did the trick. My sugars have been from 90 to 120 in am (fasting) and depends on how late I ate the night before, and what I ate. My surgery was may 9 2001. My pcp went from being skeptical about wls to being a believer now. Before surgery my blood sugars were around 250 and I have bad neuropathy in my feet. I feel great now, and I'm down 45#! Good luck and best wishes!
   — Andrea S.

July 31, 2001
I stopped taking all medications immediately after surgery, largely because it was a PITA to take them. However, it wasn't long before I was officially off all meds, anyway. I haven't had any problems with sugars so low that the numbers cause problems. In fact, my numbers are pretty consistently normal.
   — Suzanne B.

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