I am 5'8 and 275!! Do you think I will require a TT when I reach 150 lb's?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on July 18, 2001)

July 18, 2001
It depends. Where do you carry your weight? Is it mainly in your stomach, or mainly in your hips and thighs and generally all over? Mine was the second answer, I was 275 and I'm 5'7" and I don't 'need' a tummy tuck. Sure, I could maybe use a tuck here and a tuck there, but I sure don't need one. I credit it mainly to the fact that I lost slowly, I was more of a pearshape, and I haven't been overweight all of my life, like some people.
   — Cindy H.

July 20, 2001
I am 5'8 and was 281 when I had my surgery on 1 Sep 01. I've lost 102lbs so far and would like to lose another 15-20. I have a very small tummy now with a little hanging down but expect it will probably go away, or at least most of it, if I lose the extra weight. Even if it doesn't, I look good in clothes, so will not have a TT. Batwings, however, are another thing! Hope this helps!
   — nealp

July 20, 2001
I am 5'8 and was 281 when I had my surgery on 1 Sep 01. I've lost 102lbs so far and would like to lose another 15-20. I have a very small tummy now with a little hanging down but expect it will probably go away, or at least most of it, if I lose the extra weight. Even if it doesn't, I look good in clothes, so will not have a TT. Batwings, however, are another thing! Hope this helps!
   — nealp

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