How should I feel after 2 weeks home from hospital ?

Babysit 4kids 3,5,5,6,year. After my surgery I,m going to my moms for about two weeks. Then I will go home. I watch my two kids and my sisters 2 kids a 3 year old stays all day I have a 5 year old that goes to school in the A.M. and then a 5 and 6 year olds to go to school in theP.M. My mother thinks its will be to early to start watching them again so how should I feel after 2 weeks home from hospital? I think I can handle it. thank you for any info. it will make my mom feel better about it. I do have some one to check in on me during the day if I need help.    — Angela S. (posted on April 7, 2001)

April 7, 2001
I am 11 days post op for a lap RnY. I notice you are having the open procedure. There is no way even with the Lap RnY I could watch all those kids at this point in my recovery. Maybe in another week or so. I did day care 14 years ago and have a very good idea of what is required. I could not be doing all the bending, stooping and all that is required without jeapordizing my own recovery. I would recommend waiting a little longer.
   — smummert

April 7, 2001
Angela, At two weeks you may feel fine (I did - Lap RnY), but at 3, 4, and 5 weeks I felt like death warmed over. I had only my 2 year old to watch and though I did it, I was very thankful I did not have any others to deal with. You will be VERY tired. As my doctor told me, it will be hard to give care and nuture when you feel like you are falling apart. Give yourself some time and follow your gut feelings (no pun intended!), if you feel like you can do, then do it, BUT if you feel a little over whelmed, then give yourself some more time, after all YOUR health and well being are the most important thing here. Good luck!! Jann
   — paschool

April 7, 2001
You definitely should not be chasing after that many children 2 weeks post op. There are alot of muscles involved, and you will not be allowed to pick up anything over 5 pounds, or be pushing or pulling anything strenously! You may get a hernia which means you will be right back in surgery and I think that is not what you would want. I am 11 days post op and I would not do it. I am not only a patient I am a nurse too so I know, I have seen many patients start back doing things too early, then they get themselves into having more problems than they needed to. Hope this helps...Sandra
   — Sandra P.

April 8, 2001
Boy I really don't know about that, I think I would plan on having some help for a couple of weeks. I have my husband staying home with me the first week home, but we have a two and four year old, and i think that's going to be a lot for me to handle, course my hubby works nights so that will help. I've had surgery don't before and i wasn't really doing much for at least 4 weeks, Good luck.
   — Lisa B.

April 8, 2001
TIRED is the way you will feel for the first month. I had an open RNY 14 weeks ago. I went back to work 4-5 weeks post-op, when the tired finally abated. The upside is that you energy level will SOAR after that-that is what makes this all worth it. I don't think you will be up for chasing little ones, if they play quietly no problem.
   — Margaret S.

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