Any advice for care after tummy tuck?

I am 18 mths post-op and getting ready to see a surgeon about my tummy tuck (and hopefully getting my breasts lifted). I was fortunate w/my original surgery to have someone to take care of me when I got home from the hospital but this one looks like I'm going to be on my own! I am looking for advice from anyone who had their tummy tuck and had to take care of themselves at home after and if there are any tricks to make it a little easier.    — Carrie G. (posted on January 26, 2001)

January 27, 2001
Dear Carrie: I have been on my own for all my surgeries (DS), arm and breast reduction, and tummytuck and neck lift. It's doable. Get easy foods (individual cottage cheese, soups, frozen dinners, whatever will keep your appetite up and can be grabbed easily. Have a waterproof mattress cover, plenty of Chuks (plastic disposable absorbent lines to keep under you wherever you lay or sit), lots of sheets, changes of pjs or loose clothing. With the TT drainage is common and messy. Be prepared. I used heavy duty Kotex for catching the drainage -- cheapest and most convenient. The biggest complaint I had was having to change myself and my sheets about 3 times a day for the first week. You shouldn't be sitting around for several weeks -- either lying down in bed or in a recliner. Also my PS suggests having laxatives ready and despite being regular as clockwork since my DS 15 months ago, after each PS it took 3 days and several laxatives to get me "moving" again. Apparently the painkillers bind you up. I also found that while the painkillers worked great for pain, I had restless sleep, so have used Tylenol PM at night to get some uninterrupted sleep. Check with your surgeon though because we DS folks are not restricted in the kinds of drugs we take as we have functional stomachs and are not prone to ulcers as RNY folks are. You will need good painkillers for a week to 10 days though. I'm a month out now and lookingi and feeling great! Almost ready to arrange for my lower body lift and thigh lift.
   — Jill L.

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