Travel ?'s for 8 weeks post-op.

I am contemplating attending a week long out-of-state business conference in my 8th week post-op. I know everyone is different, but what did you feel like at that time of recovery? This is a 1.5 day car trip so all together we would be gone about 9 days. (My husband would go with me.) I am most concerned about being able to eat in restaurants by then and whether I'll be able to be in the car for that long at a time. Not to mention whether or not I'll be able to concentrate. The first couple days of the conference are very technical in nature. (Government fiscal and administrative requirements.) What do you think?    — Diane S. (posted on March 30, 2000)

March 30, 2000
Diane, I am 10 weeks postop, and your concerns are legitimate. I was very spacey for weeks after surgery, but around 8 weeks (for me) that improved, although I do a Bible study and still have days when I cannot concentrate on the speaker for the entire hour. Tha car ride should be fine, and restaurant eating should be ok too. Whenever I am traveling (I have 2 kids who play travel soccer, so I am out of town every weekend), I try to eat at a place that has some kind of chicken. You can order a grilled chicken sandwich, or at any IHOP or breakfast places, you can get either regular eggs or egg beaters. You also can get a hotel that has a fridge and bring some things with you. The food part really isn't hard, but for me, the concentration would be the most difficult part. Good Luck!
   — M B.

March 30, 2000
PS- don't forget a water jug!!!
   — M B.

March 30, 2000
In addition to your food concerns, also think about the social food situations you'll be in. For example, if you and your co-workers go out for dinner, it will be obvious to them that you are not eating very much. If they already know what type of surgery you've had, then it's not an issue, but if they don't, you should think about now how you might respond to them. The same applies if the gang decides to go out for a drink. Whatever you do, don't let peer or social pressure make you eat/drink something you shouldn't. Otherwise you may experience an unpleasant dumping incident! If a hotel is preparing meals for your conference, call ahead and arrange for special healthy meals. With your long car ride, allow extra travel time for frequent stops, and have your food stash in a cooler or something. It may be difficult to find a good selection of healthy food at typical highway junk food places. Once you're at the conference, see if your husband can scope out a grocery store for you. Good luck!
   — Paula G.

March 30, 2000
From what I've read, most people are out and about by 2 months post op. I think the best advice would be to be reasonable. Take plenty of driving breaks and rest stops, you'll need to anyway if you keep up drinking your water. I was driving 5 hours trips by myself when I was a month post op, I had a lap BPD-DS on 1-6-00 and found that getting away was good for me. I felt like I had rejoined the human race. Also, I wouldn't worry about food, there is such variety out there and food seems like a small deal to worry about. Just picture yourself being stuck at home and your husband taking you out on a date every night. What would you order? Have a good time at the meeting and welcome to life after surgery!!!
   — Fran B.

March 30, 2000
The recovery is different for everyone. I know that the type of surgery and your age is going to make a big difference in the recovery. I am 29 and had mine on 2-4-00, and by the first of March I was ready to go back to work. I stand, I do a little light lifting etc,,,, I went back on the 9th of March. So, yes you are right everyone is different. My mom had surgery in Dec and she did not get her strength back as fast as I did. It is going to be something you will have to decide when the time comes. I will be 8 weeks tmw, and I can eat pretty much anything. Just remember when eating out, most places have soup, chili, etc....goes well with the surgery.....good luck!!!!
   — Lee Ann B.

March 30, 2000
I am post op 24 weeks today! I didn't do a long road trip until almost my 14th week. I would suggest walking to build strength, also make sure you have some extra pain killers just in case you may need them (you never know what to expect) Also when I traveled, I didn't drink enough water and ended up getting the most painful bladder infection... blood and all... make sure you drink lots of Water while you are riding in the car! When I traveled My dr. wrote me an RX for a very very mild muscle relaxer in case I got cramps from sitting for so long. Just make sure to stop a lot and stretch out your body. Lots of luck!
   — Jamie T.

March 30, 2000
I felt great and could travel very easily. It was a little difficult finding things to eat but it can be done. Good Luck and have a good time
   — snicklefritz

March 30, 2000
At 8 weeks post-op, I am back to work at a demanding, high stress government job-scientific/environmental/regulatory. I understand why you may be concerned about concentration. At 6 weeks my concentration was sketchy, but at 8 weeks I can go to bat with the best of them. Make certain to drink enough water and get in your protein. I have eaten out on four occaisons, it is very manageable. I select soups and soft foods. Request your meals not be made with any added butter or fats. Ask if something is prepared with added sugar. I have traveled once. I stop and stretch, my husband does the driving. This limits the stress on my abdomen. Stop and walk a little. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

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