Anyone out there take Nardil or Parnate and have had WLS?

Out of all the AD's that I have ever tried the MAOI's work the best. However, they are notorius for putting on weight and not because they increase your appetite. In fact they don't know the real mechanism behind the weight gain. I really need to go back on it but am afraid of sabotaging my weight loss (45lbs since 7/12.) Anyone have any experience with these drugs or other AD's and weight gain after WLS??    — terri S. (posted on September 3, 1999)

June 13, 2005
Yes, I also take Parnate (an MAOI) and I have gained a lot of weight. Actually, I gained most of my weight back, but not by just taking these meds, but also by eating sweets due to the depression. Also the type of depression that I had prior to the meds caused me to overeat. I wonder if the weight gain caused by medicine is permanent while you are taking the pills or if you can lose it. Maybe someone could answer this question.
   — Cathy T.

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