Vitamins & Suppliments. Which do you take? How much do they cost? How well do they work?

I thought it would be useful if we could share our experience, as this topic comes up a lot. Vitamins? Diet shakes? Snack bars? Protein supplements? Super low calorie frozen dinners? What brand names? How expensive? Advantages vs. disadvantages? Sufficiently yummy (where applicable)? Cost effective? Please include the phone number and/or web addresses for any of these companies.    — ericklein (posted on July 16, 1999)

July 16, 1999
I use spray vitamins and have for quite a while... here is where I get them.. check it out. best of luck to you in your quest
   — Peggy W.

July 16, 1999 Order on line for a complete set of vitamins and minerals specifically formulated for ALL biatric patients. They come right to your door complete with usage instructions. I have been using them for going on 3 months. After 9 blood labs are the BEST EVER. I take 3 capsuls 4X daily. For protein i use. DEISGNER PROTEIN, in Strawberry and chocolate. a total of 150 g daily spread into 4X servings. I make a shake with frozen strawberries, bananas and watered down fruit juices. You can also make a protein orange julius with the vanilla. They are sufficiently yummy but you're not going to get a line at the mall!! I also use protein bars when I am on the run. I use MET RX, comes in a veriety of flavors, but you have to watch the sugar on the iced oatmeal. the vitamins cost $49.95 monthly. The protein is $18 a can and the bars are about $2 each. Eric, thank you so much for asking!!!!! :~)
   — Christine N.

July 16, 1999
I haven't had the operation yet but I do have a product in mind that my doctor is very interested in finding out more about it. The drinks are higher in nutrition than Sweet Success or Slim Fast. I'm curious to see what others' experiences have been. My surgery is in 2 weeks and it will be the extensive one.
   — Jody M.

July 16, 1999
Im more than happy to share my information about my Vitamins and supplements. I get all my vitamins and supplements from my doctor. They are mailed to me. I must say that you should be followed up by your doctors, because you may need different vitamins and supplements then I do. Everyone is different. My doctor takes my blood work every three months to keep a close watch on my body. Adult Chewable multivitamin $7.95 60 tables, I take two a day. These come in different flavors, Chocolate, Strawberry. Chewable Vitamin C 500 MG $4.95 for 100 tablets I take two daily. These also come in different flavors, multi flavor: Pineapple, raspberry, orange Chewable Calcium $3.50 90 tablets - I take three daily Two flavors - Bavarian cream and Chocolate Iron SUpplement with Vitamin C $4.95 I don't take these yet, I will in the near future. 100 tablets Zinc Supplement $4.00 for 100 tablets I don't take these yet, but I will start in the next month. Sugar free Protein Powder Creamy french vanilla or chocolate 35 servings 1 serving daily $24.95 I don't take this yet, but I will start this in the next month. These vitamins are called "Pro-care vitamins. You may order them from my doctor. His name is: Dr. Marema He is located in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Phone: 954-351-7770 Dr. Marema and his whole staff has had a Gastric Bypass. He knows what you have been through. He has done a lot of research on Vitamins and Supplements. I hope this has help. Sincerely, Paula
   — Paula D.

July 16, 1999
Check out These vitamins were designed by a Bariatrics doctor for WLS.
   — Alyce K.

July 16, 1999
I am pre-op but have been investigating alternate protein sources to have on hand post-op and also for my son (who must avoid carbs due to a chronic digestive yeast condition) to use now. I have found the Designer Protein that others have mentioned is not too bad. I blend it with 4 ice cubes, 3/4 c. skim milk, a packet of nutrasweet and a half a banana. Pretty good! At the same time I bought the Designer Protein powder I found high protein food bard by Dr. Atkins. They have 20 grams of protein and no sugar! The Almond Brownie is the best; Peanut Butter is pretty good too. They were at GNC and I guess they are very popular. The GNC in the mall here sells them by the box; they are always out of them. The GNC near my house sells them individually and they always have some. Just have to check it out I guess. I don't know if Dr. Atkins has a website but if he does you might be able to order them there.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 17, 1999
Mayo says 2 Flintstones "Complete" childrens chewables per day, with 4 ultra tums per day. One B 12 shot per month, no substituting with nose sprays or pill. Must be the shot to guarantee B 12 absorption. Vitamins must be "complete" also. It does'nt have to be expensive.
   — JAN C.

July 17, 1999
Every morning I have a Spiru-tein Energy Shake. They have at least 8 flavors (some are better than others) and come in multi serving canisters and single serving pouches. Each serving has 14g protein (not counting whatever you mix it with -- I use skim milk). This fills me up for most of the day. It can be found at a number of places including several on the Web, but I get it at GNC. I also take lots of vitamins, I take them about 1/2 hr after my shake: 2 children's chewable multi vitamins (sugar free) 1 tablet - 610 mg potassium 1 tablet - 100 mcg B-12 1 tablet- 50 mg Iron 1 tablet - 500 mg vitamin C 1 tablet - 50 mg Zinc 1 softgel caplet - 400 i Vitamin E 1 tablet - 400 i Vitamin D 1 tablet - 250 mg magnesium 2 - 3 Vitactiv chews (500 mg Calcium each) take separate from other vitamins as the body can only absorb so much calcium at a time and the rest passes through. I know this sounds like alot -- but each is in a healthy dosage and this way, on those becoming rarer days that I can't eat at all, I know I'm getting all the vitamins my body needs. I prefer taking separate vitamins rather than a super multi because I can add or subtract according to my blood work. This doesn't have to be expensive, the most I pay is $6-$7.00 for the Vitactiv and I've gotten several vitamins for between $2 - $3.00/bottle. Sorry this is so long, but its really helping me! Since I started using the shakes and all the vitamins I can usually keep my caloric intake below 1000 and still get in about 50-60 g protein/day , my weight loss has started moving faster again (had hit a couple of plateaus around months 3 & 4) and I have alot more energy to work out!
   — Edna H.

July 17, 1999
Vitamins are from and are about 50.00 per can and they last over a month. Distal bypass take 12 per day, medial take 8 per day. Protine I get from netrition and I use pro-blend 55, mix with a little koolaid with no sugar and its a great drink, vanilla that is. They have every protine drink you can think of.About $25.00 per can which lasts almost 2 weeks.
   — Anna D.

July 17, 1999
I am posting in regard to products used to counteract hair loss. Let me say I have not yet had my surgery. I am scheduled for August 27th. However I am a liscensed, Cosmetologist with many years experience. I have tried many of these products thoroughly with my clients experiencing hair loss due to various problems.(post surgical, stress, alopecia, balding, thinning and some unknown reasons) I have used many brands and trade names such as Nioxin,etc. and I can honestly tell you that they are NOT effective in stopping hair loss or restoring growth. Some have ingredients that make your scalp tingle, giving you the impression that they are doing something phenomenal to your scalp. Thay are not. Many have ingredients that can coat the hairshaft, making it feel like the hair is becoming thicker. It is not. Hair grows in cycles and require stimulation to the papilla (nerve) and topical products do not do this. Most people begin to suffer the initial effects of hair loss at about three months post-op. This usually continues until around the sixth month unless the patient is not consuming enough protein. This loss does not occur in all patients but often enough. Generally speaking, when a client of mine tells me they are having major surgery, I suggest they take a multi-vitamin and a zinc supplement daily. Your bloodstream absorbs these nutrients and it is passed into your hair as well. This is no guarantee that you will not lose any hair but it is helpful. Also, I would not reccommend perming or coloring your hair too soon after WLS as the added stress might just make the difference to your hair. Remember, everything you take into your body is absorbed into your hair. So be good to it.
   — Cissy C.

July 18, 1999
I am 8 1/2 months post-op. My labs are just fine and all I take is Wal Mart's own brand of complete multi-vitamin/ mineral pill called One Source. They seem to work just fine for me and are very inexpensive.
   — dboat

July 19, 1999
I take a multi vitamin that I purchase from a place called Bioslim, they are all natural and I love them (yes they are from one of those diet places on tv - but they are great)! I've been taking them for about 2 years now, the dosage is 6 a day, they are about $25 a month if you belong to the Bioslim club. I've posted a message earlier to see if anyone who is post-op ever took them and is still taking them, I'm hoping not to have to switch.
   — Carrie G.

July 20, 1999
I had an RNY on 3/29/99. My doctor prescribes Trinsicon, a B12 vitamin, with folic acid, iron, and intrinsic factor to aid absorption. I also take a childrens chewable. For protein I have tried many shakes, and the 2 I like the best are Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey Protein. It has 22g protein, and only 2 gm of carbs and 1.5 gms of fat. The other is Cybergenics Quick Trim. It has 30 gm protein, 15gm of carbs and no fat. Both of these can be mixed with water, and taste pretty good. My only problem is that I forget to take my vitamins and protien. I need some how to motivate myself to take the stuff. Any suggestions? PS. Watch those Adkins bars and shakes, they are high protein and low carb, but they are really full of fat.
   — cassandrem

July 20, 1999
I will also be taking ProCare chewable vitamins - see Paula's post below. I addition to ordering them from Dr. Marema you can get your doctor to sign up with them and then you can either buy them at your doctor or have them shipped. They have a website http://www/ This company only sells through doctors. They are very tasty and not gritty at all! I also use Designer Protein powder. I like to mix it in/with whatever and let it sit for a while so it will blend better.
   — bluekat76

August 26, 1999
One product that I have tried that I found to be terrible is the ProCare Protein Powder. When I called they said it only came in the vanilla, so I ordered it. I've tried numerous times to use it, mixed with milk, mixed with water, mixed with yogurt, adding various things to it like nutrasweet and some pureed fruit, I even tried adding part of a diet Carnation Instant Breakfast (chocolate) to mask the flavor, but nothing worked. The best description I can give is that it tastes like the smell of raw piecrust. I actually become nauseous trying to drink it. The biggest problem I have with it is that you can't get a sample ahead of time, so you spend big dollars, plus shipping, for a product that you cannot use. I hope some of you out there have had better luck with it than I have! I am also using their Adult Chewable Vitamins and Iron Supplement with Vitamin C, but I don't think I'll be ordering these again as I can buy vitamins locally for much less, without having to pay shipping charges. Oh well, live and learn!
   — Jaye C.

August 26, 1999
I am 1 year post op. I am iron deficient. I am having problems w/ iron doc wants me to take liquid ferosol/325 mg daily/i can't stand it!!! really is terrible...any suggestions??/regular supplements don't do it because of the malabsorbtion rate. Any input would be appreciated.
   — MaryLou F.

August 26, 1999
Well, I went out (pre-op) and purchased all kinds of vitamins and Protein Supplements and sampled a few already "Just to get into the groove" and to hopefully cut down on hair loss, if I get Protein and zinc into me now. I will share my thoughts with you on the one Protein Bar that has 32g of Protein called "The Ultimate Protein Bar" high in protein low in fat It's a rather chewy bar I do mean chewwwwwwwy and smells much like "Catfish Charlie" for the fishermen here. LOL I can tell you it's not my choice, but I can handle it. The one called Promax Bar has 20g, however, tastes better and is Lemon Chiffon. I also purchased "Designer Protein" a canister of powder "flavorless" on it's own. You mix it with juice and fruits and ice in a blender it says.. It sounded promising I'll try it today.....
   — Victoria B.

September 2, 1999
I have found an excellent (really!) shake mix!!! Actually, they have several kinds, even one for the Lactose intolerant! My personal favorite is the HMR 800 in chocolate and vanilla. They have the most protein & calories so it is thick & creamy & tastes like a milk chocolate shake! Also, with the extra protein & calories you stave off those hunger pangs longer! Here is what the HMR 800 offers: 6 shakes a day gives you 960 calories, 96 grams of protein, 116.40 grams of carbohydrates, 12 grams of fat, 6 grams of fiber, & uses saccharin instead of sugar,plus they come with vitamin/mineral tablets!!! And, best of all you can call an "800" number to receive a FREE catalog, and they also offer a sampler pack of their best selling shakes. This sampler pack contains 2 pkgs. of HMR 500 (1 van./1 Choc.), 2 pkgs. HMR 70 (Choc./lactose free/also can be made as a pudding!), 2 pkgs. HMR 800 (1 Van./ 1 Choc.), 1 pkg. chicken soup (gross!!!), and 1 Benefit's Protein Bar (yummy!). They have other shakes, a HMR 120, I think. They also have packaged dinners that taste good & don't require refridgeration! The Shake Sampler Package is $5.95 + S&H. The dinner sampler is about the same price. The shakes can be purchased in cans or individual packets, and the price depends on the shake mix. I do not work for this company, nor do I know anyone who does. It is the same shakes that 'Optifast' used, and that Oprah had used in 1987. If you are interested you can call or write to: Health Management Resources (HMR) 1(800)418-1367 194 Hanse Avenue, Freeport, New York 11520-4679 I hope this helps some of you out there! God Bless, Kathy (I am using this for my pre-op diet. Hopefully I will be able to use it post-op, I don't see why not?)
   — katieliz49230

September 2, 1999
I am two years ppost op and still having a little trouble getting the protein I need. I have begun using a protein supplement calld DESIGNER PROTEIN from GNC (General Nutrition Center). It is excellent, I use two scoops (approx 34 grams of protein) in a cup of milk in the blender with a few ice cubes ... it is excellent! and believe me, I have had my share of disgusting supplements! I use the chocolate, well ... because, is there really any other choice?
   — Mary Anne M.

October 10, 1999
I have found I need to take B12 & iron at a different time then my Calcium Mag/Zinc. The calcioun Mag Zinc causes iron not to absorb as well. To keep my hemoglobin at 12.5 I take the B12/Iron at night. That seems to work better.
   — Beth R.

November 9, 1999
I've been searching for an acceptable protein supplement, like so many people on this site. I tried some different flavors and brands of protein powder, and couldn't find any I could stand. Mixing them with ice and juice in the blender made them taste better, but they always got foamy and filled my stomach with gas. Now, I've been using some bars called Met-Rx Protein Plus. Each 3 ounce bar has 32 grams of protein, and only 2 grams of sugars. I can only eat half the bar at a time. They aren't exactly delicious, but they're not bad, and I'm getting my protein in much better too. Also, they are very portable, so I can take one with me when I'm on the go.
   — Lynn K.

January 17, 2000
I like Slim Fast, hot or cold and iced. Soy beans, roasted. Salmon patties, from Trader Joes, 21gms protein, no fat
   — Casey D.

March 6, 2000
The people that make Designer Protein are making a protein crunch snack, called Nextra. They cost .99-$1.39 for a serving. The serving has 17 gr protein. I have them in barbecue, ranch, nacho cheese, and cinnamon/apple. I like the cinnamon apple least, the savory flavors are better.
   — Jennifer C.

July 21, 2000
I like a hot coffee in the morning, so I mix a scoop of French Vanilla protein powder (Designer Protein or Ultimate Whey, whichever happens to be cheapest when I go to buy some at GNC) with a cup of coffee in the morning. I do this in a blender. I often add a tablespoon of Carnation No Sugar Added Hot Chocolate mix also. I blend this and it makes a great "breakfast". I drink one before work and one later on in the morning. That gives me a good protein boost (about 40 grams) every morning and I can get the rest of my 65 grams with food consumption throughout the rest of the day. I am 10 months postop with a medial transected RNY.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 6, 2000
The UCLA Bariatric Center recommends we take a chewable multi-vitamin daily (like Flintstones) and chew two Tums daily for calcium. They also encourage us to have between 45080 grams of protein per day depending on your profile. I use Pro-Complex to get in a big serving of protein per day in a morning shake. It takes me about 1 and 1/2 hours to get it all down but I feel "good" the whole day knowing I have had my protein. There are about 53 grams of protein if mixed with juice and 64 if mixed with non-fat milk. You can make any kind of "smoothie" that you can imagine. I use chocolate and vanilla. I got a good deal at If you prefer the taste of Designer Protein a good site is . I like orange juice with ice cubes blended with the vanilla. It tastes like an orange julius. Pineapple was good too, I added fresh chunks to the blend. Do what ever you like but get your protein down every day.You will have more energy! Good Luck!
   — Glenda S.

August 6, 2000
Typo: It should read take 45 or 80 grams of protein per day. Sorry, gs
   — Glenda S.

August 17, 2000
1. Twinlab - Vita Quick & Mini Quick - VERY HORRIBLE TASTE! 2. All One Powder - Terrible Taste - doesn't mix well. 3. Trader Joe's Vanilla Whey Protein Powder - Good Taste (experienced severe dumping) 4. Vi-Cal Liquid calcium-magnesium with Vit. D - Okay in milk products 5. Trader Darwin's (Joes) Children's Chewable Vitamins - Okay
   — Toni B.

August 23, 2000
IRONMAN PROTEIN PLUS SHAKE (made with water) This taste pretty good. It is only one scoop to two ounces of water and it has 15 grams of protein each scoop. It has given me lots of energy and has digested very well.
   — anitawilson

August 24, 2000
I am 3 months post-op and am down 50#'s. I take a Centrum A-Z, 2 Tums EX, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Ferro-Sequels and once a week I take B-12. I found the best protein suppliment for me is Geni-Soy. It has 25 grams of protein. It has no fat, no carbs and no sugar. It is chocked full of vitamins and comes sugar free so I use equal. But when I use a fruit flavored drink to mix it with, I don't add anything but ice. I get it at Rite Aid for $13.99 pr. can. Wal-Mart also carries it. Since I am lactose intolerant now I mix it with soy milk (adds 4-7 grams of protein to it) and my favorite thing to mix it with is So-Be Lean peach mango drink. No sugar, few carbs. Sometimes I put a banana in it if I use the soy milk. It taste the best with the So-Be Lean. It is a great refresher when I get home from work.
   — allendepot1

August 29, 2000
I recently tried Myoplex Lite tropical fruit protein shakes. These are bar none the best! Only 2-3 grams of sugar and mixed with water. You can also mix them with juice. They have 25 grams of protein. Not the most inexpensive, but the best and they do not sit on my shelf because I don't like the taste.
   — Cynthia R.

September 12, 2000
I like the GNC product called Problend 55 Protein powder. It comes in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. I buy the strawberry because it goes well with the fruit I mix in there with it. I think a great problend is: 2 scoops strawberry powder, 3/4 cup ice chips, 10 oz. water, 1/2 banana and 4 fresh strawberries. Granted it's 400 calories but so what it's better than french fries! This has 55 grams of protein. So with the other protein foods like colby cheese or light yogurt I'm getting like 85 grams of protein per day-not bad. I kind of push the mixing of fruit into the shakes on these postings because I think we fuss so much about the protein that we forget the cleansing properties of fresh foods like raspberries, bananas and strawberries and veggies too. So remember eat these things everyday. We cannot live on lamb, beef, pork and chicken. Variety is the spice of life!
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 26, 2000
Has anyone taken amino acid (for protein)? I went to GNC and that is what the clerk recommended. The pill is huge!!! Please let me know if there is a pill form of protein - I cannot "stomach" the protein shakes! Thanks!!!
   — Melissa N.

September 26, 2000
protein supplements really shouldn't be taken unless it is a last resort. your best bet is to try to get protein in your diet. chicken and fish are the best sources as well as egg whites and beans. try to get protein in your diet before you attempt supplements. consult a nutritionist or dietitan for the best diet plans.
   — Briana S.

September 27, 2000
I must disagree with the previous post. Those of us who have been taking protein supplements every day know how much better we feel, and how much more energy we have than before we started taking protein. I feel TERRIFIC at 11 weeks out from surgery and I credit most of that to the 50-75 grams of ProComplex that I take. Yes, I do try to eat protein as fish, chicken, or cottage cheese....but the tiny amount of food I can get in my pouch doesn't provide even close to my daily protein requirements. Perhaps the previous poster has not had surgery...her profile says 'learning about surgery' with a BMI of 18.7
   — Anne G.

September 27, 2000
Kathy asked why not use HMR post-op? the main reason you may not use it post-op is because a single serving just makes too much. I also like this protein and used it pre-op...but found I couldn't use it at all after rny surgery. A single serving makes quite a bit...too much for my pouch, even when drank very slowly. Evidently HMR puts 'fillers' in it, presumably so that their fasting patients (it is for a medical fasting program) will feel full and satisfied. But....take heart! There are lots and lots of proteins out there now, the Sports Nutrition stores are loaded with them. I like the ProComplex. It tastes okay...a bit chalky. I mix it in the blender with a couple of ounces of water and drink it down like medicine. I take my vitamin, my iron supplement, my B-12 (once a week), and my protein and I feel wonderful. I even sleep better...and less!
   — Anne G.

September 27, 2000
In regards to the protien debate...Supplements or Diet?: I find the best thing for me to do is to have supplements on hand. Some days I simply cannot eat all the protien, other days I am tired of eating fish, eggs and chicken - it goes down thickly and I nearly get nauseous. Having some powder and Carnation Instant Breakfast (NO SUGAR ADDED) on hand ensures I get the grams needed and goes down easier. When I have no time to eat, a protien bar is great for on the go. While I wouldn't subsist on supplements, I'm sure glad they're available when I have no appetite.
   — Allie B.

November 25, 2000
Does anyone have any experience with the sugar substitute, "Splenda"? Please email me privately with your responses if you like.
   — Cynthia R.

November 25, 2000
So many people seem to love Splenda. After hearing all the raving, I ordered some from the web site. I thought it would be great for baking since it is heat-stable, unlike nutrasweet. Unfortunately, I have been dissapointed. I seem to be one of the few people for whom Splenda doesn't taste "just like sugar". To me, it tastes funny. Not just an aftertaste, but a weird taste altogether. I have made various baked goods using Splenda, and ended up throwing them away because they tasted bad to me. I am hoping and waiting eagerly for modern science to come up with another low-calorie sweetener that works better for me.
   — Lynn K.

November 26, 2000
for sugar substute i use (WHITE STEVIA) it is used for diabetics which I'am not but I canned peaches with it and no after taste it taste like the real thing their different forms it comes in but the (POWDER WHITE STEVIA is best and you need verry littleof it I canned 6 pint cases of peaches and used onlt 2 TABS.for the 6 cases I got it at health food store in Fred Myers I also got a recepi book cost 15.00 for each ,hope this helps ANN TUCKER
   — ann T.

November 26, 2000
   — Taquittee

November 27, 2000
For calcium supplementation I had to stop taking the Viactiv chews.....the sugar was very irritating to my teeth and I was so tired of taking tums. I found a calcium gelcap that has 1200 mg of calcium per's called Super Calcium 1200. It retails for about $13.50 per bottle. I think there are 100 gelcaps per bottle. It's a big gelcap, but it goes down just fine.
   — PrettyHotAndTempting

December 9, 2000
The protien supplement that I like best is Extreme Pure Pro. It is a powder that is more like juice than the thick shakes, which I can't tolerate at all. It is also Whey protien isolate, and seems to satisfy all of my hunger and cravings for 3-4 hours per serving.
   — Cara S.

January 8, 2001
The only supplement I have found that I like is Health Source Soy Protein Shake. I buy it at Albertson's & it's under $10 a can. It has 20 g of protein in 2 scoops. I mix the vanilla with 1/2 cup orange juice & 1/2 cup water & several ice cubes. Then I shake it up in a plastic container. That way it's a little foamy, but not too much. I have found I can't tolerate the thick shake-like drinks & this is the only thing that really works for me. My Doctor told me to add more protein when my levels came back a little low. I am supposed to get a minimum of 90 grams per day & am supposed to shoot for 100 grams per day. I take two generic multi vitamins plus vitamin A each day as per my Doctor's orders. He monitors my labs frequently & orders any other vitamins if I show a need for them. A couple good food items I use are Lean Cuisine Lasagna (300 calories & 23 g protein), Lean Cuisine Meatloaf (260 calories & 20g protein), Dinty Moore chicken & dumplings (canned) (200 calories & 15 g protein) and Campbell's Chunky Sirloin burger with country vegetables soup (250 calories & 16g protein), also canned Nalley's chili (260 calories & 19g protein). I have found a few good protein bars eg Atkins Diet almond brownie isn't too bad, (I'm out of the following, so can't get the names from the labels...hope I can describe them well enough), "Ultimate protein bar" makes two really good ones, a s'mores flavor & a lemon meringue (these are the best I've found & will try to add more info about them later), and Pure Protein bar in the blueberry flavor is pretty good. One other I like is called Balance in chocolate banana flavor & it's available at Albertson's here, but it has more sugar- like 14 grams, or so, so wouldn't work for everyone.
   — Kathy W.

January 14, 2001
I am 3 months post-op, and I use Nutrilite protein, and meal replacement bars, they are yummy, $2.00 each, and you can order them on line and delivered by e-mailing [email protected] The TRIM ADVANTAGE PROTEIN BAR is jam-packed with the essential protein you need without the extra carbohydrates and saturated fat, plus, the great fudge almond brownie taste will quell even the most powerful chocolate attack. Each TRIM ADVANTAGE PROTEIN BAR: * Contains a whopping 22 grams of high-quality protein that provides all 9 essential amino acids. * Is 3 times lower in fat than the competition. * Provides "skinny" carbs - only 4 grams per serving, including fiber. * Contains 250 calories and only 1.5 grams of saturated fat. * No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. A TRIM ADVANTAGE Crispy Rice with Chocolate MEAL REPLACEMENT BAR is a great tasting meal replacement bar that gives you quick and convenient refueling for an active lifestyle. Each TRIM ADVANTAGE MEAL REPLACEMENT BAR: * Has 15 grams of protein --- twice the amount of Slim Fast meal replacement bars. * Is at least 1/3 lower in saturated fats than other meal replacement bars. * Has 230 calories and only 2 grams of saturated fat. * No artificial color, flavors or preservatives added. Best of all, a box of 9 TRIM ADVANTAGE MEAL REPLACEMENT BARS is just $18.00.
   — Joy Z.

February 1, 2001
I would like to STRESS many doctors tell you to take Tums. They DON'T Work and you will end up with bone deficency. I know! That's me! You need Calcium Citrate. So when you buy calcium supplements make sure they are citrate and NOT Carbonate. With a gastric bypass your body will not absorb the Carbonate!
   — Cathy D.

February 4, 2001
I am still pre-op - waiting for insurance approval. But, my surgeon recommends a whole fruit and veg supplement - It is equal to 5-7 servings of fresh fruit and veg each day with all the salts and sugars removed. For the protien, he suggests a Protein shake in the morning or a protein bar. The rest of the day, your diet should focus on protein and fluids.
   — Melissa B.

February 13, 2001
If you would like to try a free sample of the Trim Advantage protein bar E-mail me with your mailing address. [email protected]. You can find the product information on my information below or at
   — Joy Z.

February 16, 2001
After the great search for a tasty protien shake, I was almost about to give up, when I discovered "Carb solutions" shake powder. It is GREAT!! Low sugar, 19 grams of protien in the chocolate. It is a fairly new product. I mix it with a handful of ice, 8oz of water, 1 tsp of instant coffee(sometimes 1/2 banana), and usually 1/2 a packet of carnation instant breakfast no sugar added just for extra taste. I actually look foreward to my 2 shakes a day, one in the morning after I drink 32oz of water, and one at night after the next 32oz of water. And I try to get at least 20 to 40 grams of protien in through food during the day. Since I have had this routine I have been on a terrific losing streak!! I finally broke my plateau of 3 weeks!! Anyway, The Carb solutions can be found at Right-aid, Wal-mart, Shop and save, or probably any place like it in your area. It is anywhere from $8.98 to 11.99 per can and lasts me a week with 2 shakes per day. GOOD LUCK!!
   — Lauren P.

February 22, 2001
An all natural sweetener with no calories is available - it's called stevia and its made form a South American herb. The taste depends on the quality, and it can be bought in a powdered form called steviocide. It's 300 times sweeter than sugar and can be used instead of nutrasweet. Nutrasweet is, incidentally, a poisonous substance and we should not depend on it for our only sweetener.
   — [Anonymous]

February 22, 2001
I just tried a new protein bar made by Designer protein called ChocoLATS AND IT WAS GOOD!! NO aftertaste , no fish mouth , just plain good . 20 gr protein 3gr carbs 1 gr sugar. I got it as a sample at GNC when I bought mu designer protein drink. I WILL buy this one! Rose Collins
   — Rose A.

February 27, 2001
Okay. Here's the scoop on Protien bars that actually taste really good. And I'm not kidding. None of the others even come close. And I'm pretty sure I've tried them all. These two are by far, the best. **Biochem's Ultimate Low carb 2 bar: Chocolate Smores supreme flavor. **Carb Solutions: Peanut butter and grape jelly flavor. Sounds gross but tastes incredible! Try these two and you'll never want to try another flavor again! If you've tried either of these and can top them after having tasted them, let me know.
   — Patrick D.

February 27, 2001
I tried the liquid protein from it is designed specifically for bariactric patients. It is supposed to be honey flavored. My advice is to save your money! the stuff was nasty and it made me want to vomit. I have since sent it back hoping for a refund as promised.
   — Kara C.

March 11, 2001
   — gwhisman6

March 17, 2001
I've been researching different protein products and although I haven't decided on one particular one, I did find that they are all FAR more expensive than at ( And, if you live in Idaho, they have a retail store. I went price comparing and couldn't believe the difference!!!! Worth looking into for sure!!
   — Peg M.

March 24, 2001
I love Carb Solution Bars. They are a great source of protien, especially when you are on the go. And the plus side they aren't loaded with carbs, only 2 carbs per bar. I have one every morning for breakfast. I just bought the drink mix to try aw well. I buy the bars a WalMart, also at Fry's Food & Drug & Fry's Marketplace.
   — Pam S.

March 29, 2001
I tried the Lo Carb 2 bars, and the Smores and Peanut Butter and Jelly ones are GREAT. I mean it, they don't have a weird taste at all, and I am very fussy. They cost around $2 each. The protein shake I plan to use is the HMR 800, you can find at most health clinics. They use it for the HMR fasting program, or the old Opti-fast program Oprah was on. They are very delicious and come in chocolate or vanilla. I am pre-op, but I plan to use a packet and half of powder mixed with a half cup skim milk, 1/4 cup water, and some ice cubes. I'll mix fruit, sugar free extracts, or a tablespoon of sugar free pudding to the vanilla at times for variety. The chocolate is great too. It gives you 28 grams of protein if prepared the way I described, 280 calories, 2 g fat, and very low sugar. It costs about $30 for a box of 18 packets, so it's pretty pricey, but worth it to me.
   — Melissa B.

March 29, 2001
I agree with Melissa - Lo Carb 2 Smores and PBJ taste great! My favorite, though, is the Black Forest Raspberry Swirl. I refrigerate them like I used to do with a King Size Caramello or Reese Cup - what a life ago! Each protein bar has around about 20 grams of protein, 0-1 gram of sugar, and 0-3 grams of carbs. $2/bar. Pure Protein has a good blueberry cheesecake with 30 grams of protein, 0 sugar, but 14 grams of carbs. I use the protein bars when I get a sweets craving at ovulation/menstruation, or as a meal replacement when I'm too busy to prepare a meal - but I try not to use them except when I need them for cravings. A friend told me Myoplex has a bar with 30 grams of protein, 0 sugar, and 0 carbs. Don't know about the taste, and they are definitely more pricey - $3/bar. Just remember, we don't absorb all of the bar nutrients, and you can't substitute them for predigested protein mix, of which we absorb all nutrients. I use Pro Score 100 chocolate protein mix - 2 scoops to 8 oz water gives 32 grams of protein. Think it also comes in Vanilla. About $26.50 for a two lb can.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 10, 2001
I am still looking for an acceptable protein powder, but while searching I found a site where I can get samples of a number of different protein powders for $1.50 ea. I placed an order and received my shipment promptly. The site is Hopefully, one of the samples I received will be the one. I also bought some soy nuts. . . high in protein and very tasty.
   — Bobbie G.

April 11, 2001
I have found a protein shake that I really like and have been using daily for about 6 months (without getting sick of it!). It is called Keto Shake and I get it from Nutrition Plus stores. It has 24g protein per serving and approximately 200 calories per serving. I pay $16.99 for a can which contains 11 servings. It comes in a multitude of flavors: Banana Cream Pie, Strawberry Shortcake, Peach Dream, Chocolate Fudge, French Vanilla, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Egg Nog. I've tried them all (except Peach...doesn't sound appealing) and love them all!
   — Julie C.

April 15, 2001
I have had a problem swollowing pills since I can remember. After the surgery I had to take supplements and was unable to find any good ones. I took pills but after drinking so much water to get them down, I threw them up. I tried chewable but they did not give me any energy. After years of searching for liquid vitamins that tasted good, I finally found Isotonic vitamins. These vitamins are a G-D sent. I feel great. They get absorbed into the system within 5 min. and they have a pleasent taste. They are all natural so you can take them with any medications. I cannot say enough good about them. Anyone who has had our surgery should try them. You won't be sorry. If you like, I can send you information on them and you can order them through me. (I liked them so much I became a distributor for the company). My email address is [email protected]
   — Ellen S.

April 17, 2001
I am pre-op and I wanted to try products before my surgery in June. I went to a local health food store and purchased Bioplex Whey Protein Supplement. It has 20gram of protein per scoop with 0 sugars or carbs. It does not have any taste and mixes well with a spoon. I put it in my soup broth ( 2 scoops for 40grams protein) mix with juice, or with fruit & ice. I paid $35 for 2 lbs. I especially like it mixed with low-fat soup broth. yummy!
   — Linda H.

April 24, 2001
I am pre-op and am looking for a good protein powder that I can start now and any other suggestions for pre op? Most of you love the taste of chocolate but I HATE it and I am allergic to it as well as banana and soy. any of you have any suggestions to what I might use to compensate.
   — Darlene B.

April 27, 2001
I'm suprised not more of you have said Spiru-tein High Protein Drink. When 1 scoop (14 g. protein) is mixed with 8 oz of skim milk, (8 g. protein, the result is a delicious high protein drink that I look forward to twice a day. I've even gone to add a scoop of Zone Perfect Protein Powder to the shake to add an extra 7 grams of protein. Two of these a day will add an extra 44-58 grams of protein to your diet. They are filling, and they give you loads of energy. I always mix mine in the blender with ice to for a frothy shake. I love Banana and Cookies and Cream the best, but the other flavors are good too. Try them..Spiru-tein.
   — Peter S.

April 29, 2001
I don't have a vitamin suggestion but I do have a great natural sugar substitute. It can be found at Food Co-Op's and other natural food stores, it called Sweet-n-Safe, made by Noble Supplements. I can't remember how much it costs but I know I wouldn't buy it if it were too expensive. I like it better than Stevia and it is less expensive as well.
   — Melissa R.

May 5, 2001
Im 7 months post op and here's what I do. The only thing I count is protien. IMHO we don't eat enough of the other "bad stuff" to fuss about (ie fats, calories ect). Of course if you are someone who constantly eats fatty foods despite surgery... then maybe you should count away! ;) If I don't get enough protien throughout my day, I drink a protien shake. I use Pro Complex (it has 53g of protien and is VERY VERY good!)in Chocolate and Vanilla or Strawberry. I have some WONDERFUL recipes so you can email me for them if you wish (even one that is a great imitation for the 7-11 cafe coolers!). For vitamins I take 2 Flintstones complete, an iron pill, and I found out I needed to also supplement my fiber with Fiber Choice. Its a chewable, not the expanding kind and tastes great and is sugar free! The Pro Complex is somewhat pricey, look online for a good deal thru The Fiber Choice I pick up at a warehouse type store like Sams Club and Costco for very cheap! I buy my Flinstones several boxes at a time, when they are on sale, using double coupon power with the coupons that come inside the boxes you buy them in. I may spend total on supplements, including the protien, about 30-40 a month! For dinners I do sometimes buy frozen dinners, the size is ideal if you get the smaller entrees. The full size dinners are large enough for 2 meals. For sugar substitute I use Splenda. I used to use Stevia but to me it has a strange aftertaste.
   — Tee G.

May 10, 2001
The perfect protein drink! "Perfect Zero Carb Isopure" made by Nature's Best. It is a gatorade like drink, not thick like the shakes etc... It has 40 grams of protein, 160 calories and no sugar. I couldn't eat the protein bars or the "soy" tasting drinks or powders. You get this at GNC or health food stores can order it for you. It is expensive, $3.20 a day if you drink one a day. I drink it as my lunch, so I am not spending as much on lunch as I did pre-op. I hope this helps!
   — Audrey V.

May 13, 2001
Someone on the site told me about a protein shake called "Whey Delicious" by World Nutrition. I had read all of these "horror" stories about these awful shakes so I thought that I'd steer clear. I was not getting enough protein in being a post-op newbie that I decided to look for an alternative. I found a GREAT one! I ordered the product in Vanilla Bean (they advised to start with vanilla b/c it mixes easily with everything) and it arrived 2 days later! It comes in a 2 lb (32,8oz servings) cannister and it was around $34. They also include some recipe ideas. I was interested in this product b/c it is SUGAR-FREE (sweetened by the Chinese herb Stivia!?!??), has 21g of protein per 8oz serving and only 5g of carb. I LOVE IT!!!!! I make a shake in the blender for breakfast ... 3 oz of fresh squeezed oj, 2oz cold water, 1/2 banana, 5-6 strawberries, 1 scoop (1oz) of powder, and few ice cubes and poof! YUMMY!!!!!! NO AFTER TASTE AT ALL! TASTES GREAT LIKE A FRUIT SHAKE FROM THE MALL! This makes more than 8 oz so I refridgerate the rest for a mid-morning snack. I have had NO problem handling the sugar from the fruit or the juice. Some people say that bananas are "forbidden fruit" I have had NO problems! Always run something new by your doc first though! OK ... to order the shake call 1-877-4-A-BOOST. (The flavors are *Vanilla Bean*, Choc.,Berry Blast, and Banana)
   — Karen N.

May 14, 2001
Hey folks, pre-op here. I bought some chocolate Carb Solutions shakes (premixed) last week. That was the nastiest stuff I've ever tried. Please tell me they're not all like this. What about protein supps without artificial sweeteners or at least without Nutra Sweet/Aspertame. I don't know if it's harmful but I hate the taste. Thanks
   — kcanges

May 21, 2001
I use "Designer Protien" from GNC. Not bad tasting and you can mix it with milk or water. 17.5 g protien in an 8oz glass.
   — Joel W.

May 28, 2001
I bought some snapple looking drinks in passion fruit, blue rasberry and apple-melon. It is called Zero Carb ISOPURE and has 0 carbs, 0 sugar (passion fruit has 2 grams) and 40 GRAMS OF PROTEIN. It's not awful and has a fruity taste. No aspartame either.
   — Lisa L.

June 1, 2001
I use SciFit whey protein powder every morning. It gives me 22gm of protein in the powder and I always mix it in 4oz of skim milk, adding an additional 4gm of protein. SciFit can be shaken, you do not need a blender for it. It comes in 8 flavors: chocolate ice cream, strawberry ice cream, banana ice cream, vanilla ice cream, peach sherbet, chocolate/strawberry, chocolate peanut butter cup and coconut cream. I have not tried the coconut cream flavor. My preferences are the strawberry, chocolate and banana flavors. I did not care too much for the chocolate peanut butter cup or for the peach sherbet. If you don't like the super-thick milkshake type protein shakes then this one is for you! It is not watery, but does not get thick. I always add either 2 peices of frozen fruit (strawberries or banana slices) or 2 ice cubes to my shake and blend it up with my hand blender to give it a little texture and make it nice and cold. I get the SciFit from She sells it in samples for $1.50 each so you can try out the flavors and find the ones you like before spending $25 on the 2# canister. She carries all the flavors listed above.
   — kimgreenrn

June 3, 2001
Eric, I was told not to use protein shakes or bars. The vitamins are sugar-free bugs bunny chewable twice a day for about two months and then one prenatal and two calcium citrate from then on. I found chewable vitamins at, they also have a gastric bypass other products. If you have any other questions, please feel free to e-mail. [email protected]
   — Tere F.

June 4, 2001
I have had digestive problems post surgery. (A lot actually.) I can't eat most solid food and can't (what irony!) get enough food down. Usually 400 -- 600 calories a day. So I am tying to supplement what I can eat with protein drinks and bars, with Drs. support. Many of the high protein drinks are too "rich", especially the chocolate flavors and I can't hardly get them down. So far canned Atkins drinks work best, I like the strawberry best and the vanilla is okay. (170 Cal., 20 grams protein.) I like the Balance bars. Yes, they are protein/ carbs/ fats -- usually about 180 cal. and 9 grams protein. The full true high protein bars are again too rich and I can't eat enough to really help. I also like the Luna Bars, again about 180 cal./9-10 grams protein. They are "lighter" with rice in them. So anyone really carb sensitive would probably avoid. For me they do not trigger hunger or dumping and I can usually get 1/2 to a whole one down, so for now they are helpful. Vitamins. What is hard is the iron. In the chewables it really comes through. Ugh. For awhile I used Centrum Liquid. Not good tasting, but bearable. Now I take a small generic multi. that goes down okay and has no taste. Yeah.
   — LindaMe

June 9, 2001

   — Roxanne H.

July 18, 2001
Design Protein bar - Chocolats - it is delicious. I buy this from Target for $1.49. 1g or sugar, 20g of protein. I buy the whole display (15 per display case) whenever I can find them. I have tried dozens of these, and I actually can enjoy this one, when I can find it.
   — Marie H.

July 26, 2001
I have had a hard time getting all of the liquids down. The last thing I want or need are three 12 oz protein drinks in a day! I have found the answer for those of you who have a similar problem. PRO COMPLEX gives one 55 grams of protein for only 12 fluid ounces. It only comes in chololate, but it doesn't taste too bad and, hey, it's only 12 oz per day! You can find PRO COMPLEX at GNC.
   — Elsa D.

July 27, 2001
Try shopping at a bodybuilders' nutrition store, like "Incredible Nutrition" in Columbus, OH. They often have lots of different lo-carb protein ideas. I have a dairy allergy, so can't use milk protein at all (whey, casein, etc., etc.). Have been using Nature's Plus KETOSlim Incredibly Delicious Vanilla, and flavoring it with Atkins Carb-Free Hazelnut Syrup and a tsp of instant decaf. Instant "iced latte!" Mmm-good! For vitamins am using Liqui-Mins liquid multi-vitamin & mineral supplement (Orange Mango flavor) and Floradix for iron. GNC also has some liquid single vitamins - I am taking extra B-12 in drops. I mix all of this into my morning juice and dilute everything with a little water to make it palatable. I'm still pre-op, but thought I'd get used to using this stuff beforehand. The liquid vitamins are terrific! Much better absorption than regular ones!
   — Marjorie B.

July 31, 2001
I have tried many different protein supplements and found proscore 100 chocolate the best mix. I ordered it from the first time and then found it at nutrition discounters. I am now eating the brand "solid protein" bars from GNC. The best flavors are cookie dough and mint chocolate, they really taste great!! I have one for breakfast every day.
   — Pam K.

August 2, 2001
   — Stephen F.

August 8, 2001 has some amazing products geared especially for people who have had bariatric surgery. They have a protein powder called Extreme Pure Pro that taste like crystal lite/kool-aid (for those who don't like the shakes). Comes in Tropical Punch and Grape. And for us Chocaholics they have wonderful no sugar/no carb chocolate bars that taste wonderful (no funky after-taste). They come in milk chocolate and dark chocolate. It's a site defintely worth checking out.
   — Shirley A.

August 17, 2001
I had an awful experience today! I am 2 weeks postop and thought I'd try another protein shake (tried Atkin's chocolate, liked it fine, but HARD to mix!!!). I bought "ProtoPure" from VitaminWorld, which is their own brand, in vanilla. It has mostly whey protein in a highly absorbable mixture. When I got home I had some, a very little, and immediately started having an upset stomach. Within 10 minutes I started having an allergic response, by that I mean wheezing and coughing. I took 25mg of benedryl which did the trick, but after waking up from my benedryl coma (which by the way 25mg before surgery didn't affect me this way) I had to visit the bathroom for about 30min of "cleaning out". I don't know what it was that I reacted to, but I'm not trying it again! If anyone has any information to share, I'd love to hear it!
   — Lori L.

August 18, 2001
Hello, I have tried a ready made drink called Isopure from GNC it has 40gram of protein and no sugar and no carbs. It is really tasty, not the normal cho/van, it comes in punch,grape, apple melon, and one other flavor. I like it. Good Luck.

August 22, 2001
I just received some liquid nutritionals from Life Force International. They have liquid vitamins, calcium, a protein powder, and several other items. They are whole food nutrition in a liquid form that actually taste good. I am so glad that I ordered product. The liquid vitamin called Body Balance is $45.00 for a one month supply. It offers 121 different nutrients. It is a little expensive but I feel that the price is well worth it. I think that liquid nutrition is absorbed better than pills. I mixed the products that I ordered in water. They also have a product called True Green. It is like getting a salad bar in a jar. I know that this will help me because I am not getting the greens (veggies) that I need.
   — barbs3kids

August 22, 2001
I use Hi-Energy supplements manufactured by Bariatrix. They are wonderful and I can provide information at the following website: or click on my profile and click on my web site. Thanks Michelle F RN
   — Michelle F.

August 30, 2001 ... Great site for many things, they have several pages of food for gastric bypass patients.
   — Pam P.

August 30, 2001
I found out many years ago that taking orange juice and iron together increases the iron absorption enormously. I was taking a vitamin with iron & a vit c tab at same time and my iron jumped to 16.5!! Which would be high even for a man, normal for women is 12.0-14.0. So if this is your problem area, take oj with your iron pill and you'll see fantastic results.
   — Karen M.

September 9, 2001
The best protein shake I have had and I've tried a ton of them is called Whey Delicious. I love the Orange Cream and Berry flavors but they are all incredibly good. It has 21g or protein and no sugar because it is sweetened with stevia(a herb sweetener). I sometimes even just take a spoonful of the powder...yes, thats how good it is...I don't know if that's a wise thing to do but I just love the stuff.
   — dream_small

September 11, 2001
For me, best tasting protein drink, Atkins, creamy vanilla. You can buy the powder in a larger can, but I perfer to buy the individual serving cans, no hassle of mixing. Very, very good taste. Protein bar, Carb Sloutions, chocolate fudge with almonds. In small bites, very tolerable.
   — Jackie E.

September 27, 2001
Wal-mart is carrying a new economical protein powder called EAS Advantage Whey Protein. The makers of EAS make Myoplex and all that stuff too, I believe, so I was surpised to find this powder at Wal-mart now. On the package it says EAS has developed this new Whey Protein that is high quality and economical. They come in 12 oz. containers (12 servings per container) in vanilla and chocolate. 1 scoop gives you 115 calories, 2 g fat, 3 g carb, 3 g sugar, 21 g whey protein. It mixes up in 4 to 6 ounces of water or skim milk. It is sweetened with Stevia. I've only tried the vanilla so far, but I have to tell you it is excellent!!! It is only $8.98 per can as well!!! Trust me, I am very picky. You should try this one if you can find it.
   — Melissa B.

October 2, 2001
ProBlend 55 mocha cappacino is GREAT!!! I got mine from Proscrore 100 chocolate is also really really good. You can order samples from and try these first, it's worth it!
   — Melissa B.

October 7, 2001
I use Herbal Life High Protein Low Carb drinks and products and I am still loosing and always get the Protein I need. For more information on the products go to:
   — Dusty W.

October 13, 2001
I've recently started using Met-Rx Extreme Chocolate nutrition shake, which I've bought through Its retail price is $50, but sells it for about $30 for 20 shakes. That sounds pricey, but I've thrown away a FORTUNE in protein shakes that were just too rancid-tasting to tolerate! In any case, if you check out any Web sites for this stuff, it's generally not under protein supplements, but sports nutrition. It's got lots of vitamins and 38 grams of protein (you really could split it into two servings and get 19 each time). I use some ice cubes and a blender, and even my 8 year old (who has begged a taste or two) adores this stuff. Email me at [email protected] if you want more info.
   — Mary Ellen W.

October 18, 2001
10/18/01: I am 12 months post-op, and I use Nutrilite protein bars, and meal replacement bars, they are yummy, $2.00 each, and you can order them on line and delivered. (Receive a FREE sample by e-mailing [email protected] along with your mailing address); The TRIM ADVANTAGE PROTEIN BAR is jam-packed with the essential protein you need without the extra carbohydrates and saturated fat, plus, the great fudge almond brownie taste will quell even the most powerful chocolate attack. Each TRIM ADVANTAGE PROTEIN BAR: Comes in the flavors of Original Fudge Almond Brownie, Orange Creme, and Mint Brownie: * Contains a whopping 22 grams of high-quality protein that provides all 9 essential amino acids. * Is 3 times lower in fat than the competition. * Provides "skinny" carbs - only 4 grams per serving, including fiber. * Contains 250 calories and only 1.5 grams of saturated fat. * No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. A TRIM ADVANTAGE Crispy Rice with Chocolate MEAL REPLACEMENT BAR is a great tasting meal replacement bar that gives you quick and convenient refueling for an active lifestyle. Each TRIM ADVANTAGE MEAL REPLACEMENT BAR: * Has 15 grams of protein --- twice the amount of Slim Fast meal replacement bars. * Is at least 1/3 lower in saturated fats than other meal replacement bars. * Has 230 calories and only 2 grams of saturated fat. * No artificial color, flavors or preservatives added. Best of all, a box of 9 TRIM ADVANTAGE MEAL REPLACEMENT BARS is just $18.00. For more nutritional products and information go to the web at
   — Joy Z.

October 22, 2001
I have used different protein shakes over the years for my husband and have found one thing in particular about them that really stinks...they are awful to mix. I found a mixer through Pampered Chef that is used just for powdered is wonderful. I highly recommend it so that you don't have that clumpy nasty mess in your glass. It also works great for your kids chocolate milk.
   — Mustang

October 26, 2001
Can anyone tell me if the ProBlend 65 helped them, are is there something on the shelf that I can purchase the would be similar to ProBlend? I appreciate any information I can get.....I am mainly interested in the shake drinks, Protein supplements, the taste and the price is also important.....thanks email me at: [email protected]
   — grandmaw2chloe

November 1, 2001
Has anyone tried the CalMax (calcium, magnesium, vitamin C power supplement)?? I saw it on an ifomercial the other night. I take the CalMag *horse* pills now - will need something to replace them after my surgery.
   — CathleenC

November 15, 2001
I found out about Reliv nutritional shakes just before my operation and used them afterwards too. What I like is their flexability, that is, your shake can have different components, I use Reliv Classic (basic nutrition), with Reliv Innergize (minerals, electrolytes), and Provantage (Protein), I don't take ANY other supplements because these shakes have all I need and in a highly absorbable form. They aren't cheap, but end up costing me less than all the pills I used to take with better results. They can be found through your friendly local Reliv distributor (see for details)
   — Stephen P.

November 17, 2001
I use the "Designer Whey Protein" powder. It comes in 3 flavors and has 18g of protein per serving. The vanilla and vanilla praline are pretty good in the morning when you are in a rush.
   — ivereeee

December 5, 2001
Advocare products are fantastic. They are very high quality and the protein shakes are excellent (like a malt or milkshake) if blended with skim milk. The price is high but worth it. They have a web site The kicker is that you must join ($40) to order your products but you a bunch of stuff with that and can then order and sell to family and friends. I don't try at all but have people that just need a certain thing on a regular basis and give me a call. They also have a product that is supposed to promote the production of collagen/elastin in the skin ( I will test this theory soon on myself). There are protein bars, shakes, all kinds of stuff.
   — Aimee P.

December 8, 2001
I actually like the ISIS protein powder formulated for Women (from Trader Joes) for 4 oz it only has 160 calories, 4 sugars, 28 protein and 10 carbs. I also add 1/2 T. of sugar free Nestle Quick... yum... sort of. :)
   — Angel V.

December 24, 2001
12-24-01--I just have a question for anyone out there who has had surgery and using protein drinks/bars. I take antidepressants presently, hope to be off those after surgery--but is not--has anyone had any bad experience with products that may also contain herbs and the combination with other medications? I haven\'t had surgery yet but am doing extensive research in to all areas of the surgery pre and post operative expectations. Please feel free to email me at [email protected].
   — scrappenmom

January 7, 2002
I've found 2 protein drinks that I enjoy. Carb Solutions and Myoplex Low Carb Ready to Drink. The Myoplex is quite thick, so it can be very satisfying if you're really hungry. One 17 oz. serving costs about $3.50 at GNC and contains 30g protein/3-4g carbohydrates. Carb Solutions ready to drink shakes are by far my favorite. Each serving has 20g protein and they don't sweeten it with Aspartame. (A plus for me since aspartame creates an insulin response and slows my weight loss.) The Vanilla is total YUKK, but the Cappuccino & Chocolate flavors are great. They come ready to drink in 4-packs of bottles, so they're convenient to throw in my purse if I'll be out doing errands, etc. They're also thinner in consistency, so they go down very easily and digest quickly.
   — Lisa T.

January 10, 2002
I am now an Associate for the American Longevity Company. I fell in love with the products and my lab results prove that they work. I feel better, the liquid vitamins don't burn the pouch. I use the Tangy Tangerine, 1 ounce 2x per day. I also use The Ultimate Whey Protein Shake. The best there is out there...believe me I have tried them all. I am not a breakfast eater so these shakes do the trick. If you are interested in the products please email me at [email protected]. I will very quickly send you a catalogue and forms. You can benefit from the low prices as a preferred customer which cost you only 6.00. This is a great thing since you no longer have to sign up as an associate and build your business unless you want to. The cost savings are as an example: The Tangy Tangerine normally costs 55.00 but as a preferred customer or associate the price drops to 38.00. I realize to some of you that this seems expensive but I swaer it is well worth it. You must contact me via email as the company will not process any orders without a corresponding associate number. Thank You and be Well Kathy Gallagher Open RNY Distal 8/14/2001 [email protected]
   — kgallagher0120

January 10, 2002
I take Calcium (Viactive chews) 2 daily. I had difficulty swallowing 600mg Calcium tabs. They are very large and bulky. I prefer the chews because they have different flavors and they are very easy to take. The box lasts about a month and cost is from $5 to $8 dollars depending on where you shop. I am currently using a childrens chewable with iron, but am looking into a one a day with iron tab. I do not care for the chewable vitamin taste and I find that I don't look forward to taking it so I end up forgetting about it. The vitamins are very important, so I want to get something that will not be a bother to take. I eat lots of bean dishes, for extra protein. I also try to get cheeses with added calcium and low fat. Fat free chees is ok, but it doesn't have a good effect on your BM's! Ha. Ha. I find that it's better just to eat regular cheese in moderation.
   — MaryFran64

January 12, 2002
I havent taken any protein yet.....I need help the protein powder that I bought doesnt disolve in anything I can have. Arent there any protein pills????????
   — Lisa D.

January 17, 2002
I take it all. I take 3 multivit's a day, 9 fish oil pills, caltrate, cal/mag/zinc, vit E and ZMA if I can remember to take it an hour before bedtime. I also take citrucil with creatine and glutimine added before I go to bed. As far as protein shakes, I drink between 2-4 a day. I LOVE, and I do mean LOVE the sci-fit ice cream straw and also the peach sherbert. The choc peanut butter cup is growing on me though.
   — Manda R.

January 25, 2002
I have found 2 pre-mixed protein drinks that are wonderful. They don't have that chalky yucky flavor and personally I get sick of the choc etc. flavors all the time. They are alittle bit on the spendy side but well worth it. The first one is Isopure Zeor Carb in Glass bottles. It comes in 5 flavors: Blue Raspberry, Punch, Grape, Orange, and Melon. To me it tastes like kool-aide. Each bottle is 20 oz. with only 160 calories and 40 grams of protein. I get mine on the website and I've also seen them at some GNC's. The other one is Designer Whey Protein Blast. It comes in a 20 oz. bottle with 34 grams of protein and 140 calories. I personally like the Orange Passion Fit which tastes like orange juice but I know that there is a Kiwi Strawberry flavor also. They are suppose to be coming out with 2 more flavors but haven't found them yet. I buy mine from and have found them also at GNC's. They all cost about the same where ever you find them but I don't live close to a GNC.
   — Amy E.

January 25, 2002
I have had a hard time with the YUCKY Flintstone and Pokemon chewable vitamins. A friend of mine that has had the surgery suggested a strawberry vitamin (with or without iron) that he said tasted like a sweet-tart. He even sucks on his a while before he chews them. I tried them and they are better than anything else I have tried. They are tart when you first chew them. You can find them at For 60 tablets (1 a day), they are $8.50 a bottle. They have other supplements as well and are very reasonably priced.
   — Debra P.

January 25, 2002
i use bugs bunny sugar free chewables. they taste much better than flintstones. for protein supplementing i use met-rx protein bars that i get in walmart, roasted & salted soy nuts & i make sure to eat lots of fish & seafood.
   — sheryl titone

January 26, 2002
I tried some liquid B-12 today made by GNC. It tastes a bit like cherries. Dose is one eye dropperful per day, very easy and very palatable.
   — NicoleG

February 15, 2002
I have not yet had surgery (distal, open RNY scheduled for May 29 after our school year is over) but I have been doing a great deal of research about the surgery in general and specifically nutrition afterwards. Just thought I would share a couple of things that I found out that might be helpful to others who are also trying to learn about supplements. First, with the exception of soy protein powder, protein powders break down almost immediately when heated. So mixing them with hot liquid, (coffee, hot chocolate) makes the protein in them useless. For me, it was also amazing to learn that even if I work hard to find a low/no sugar protein powder, I will get 12 grams of sugar from the milk if I mix it with 8 ounces of even skim milk. So that might make people who dump easily on sugar have some problems. Also, most sources (other than manufacturers/distributers) agree that a blended protein powder (such as a blended whey product like ProScore 100 or ProComplex or ProBlend 55) gives you the best protein rather than having all soy powder or all one type of whey for example. And I have also learned that our bodies can only use/absorb 30 grams (at most) of protein at one time. So having shakes or other products that have more than 30 grams of protein in one sitting is a waste of money - it won't hurt you, but it is expensive. The protein concentrations should be at least two hours apart for us to be able to use/absorb them. I hope that my research can benefit someone who is trying to find out some basic answers about protein supplements.
   — jason7598

February 17, 2002
What kind of foods do you find more protine in?
   — Theresa R.

March 4, 2002
Zone Perfect bars are absolutlely fabulous. Check out for more info. I get them at Walgreens, Walmart, Vitamin World, Target. THey are around $1.15 each. They have 200 cals and around 14-16 g of protein in them. Taste like a candy bar. They have a bunch of flavors, I like chocolate mint, fudge graham, strawberry yogurt, chocolate raspberry. They are all crunchy, kind of like a nutty bar. Also I like the Balance Gold bars, a few different flavors at Wal-mart for 97 cents each. YUM!
   — Melissa B.

March 4, 2002
You guys gotta check this out, that website i mentioned below, the has snack chips that one bag has 180 cals and 14 g of protein. Comes in spicy pizza, nacho cheese, and lemon garlic flavors. 6 bags are 5.94. they also have a deal on a 14 pack zone perfect bars in a variety of flavors for 13.99. they have between 14 and 16 g of protein. Also a box of strawberry fruit crunch bars, 14 bars in a box for 8.94. (I'm not a rep of this company, i am just really excited cuz i found bars i like!!)
   — Melissa B.

March 4, 2002
One of the reasons that Luna and Zoneperfect bars taste so good is because they have quite a bit of sugar in them! The Zoneperfect bars have between 13 and 15 grams of sugar each. More sugar than many post ops like to take in, or can tolerate. Make sure to read labels.. it's very important.
   — BethVBG

March 7, 2002
ALBA Shakes are a wonderful way to get the protien powder. A lot of folks have a hard time finding the product. I was able to order it from TADENTERPRISES.COM. I like the Vyo Pro Protein powder. It has aspartame for sweetener, very little fat, and comes in chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. I ordered it from for only about $21 for 2 lbs. The strawberry Alba shake mix with the Strawberry protein powder is great!
   — Shirley E.

March 11, 2002
Atkins Strawberry in the cans. I drink it nice and cold (put in the freezer for 15 minutes) and with a straw. Yum. Just as good as a slim fast, or better. 170 cals and 20 g of protein. You can order them online for cheaper, something like 12 cans for $23.44, which is $1.95 per can plus shipping. I got 4 cans at GNC for $10, a bit pricey. But they are very good!
   — Melissa B.

March 18, 2002
I ordered several kinds of protein shake samples from Vitalady this week. I found that the best is the Sci-Fit Lemonade Smoothie. It has 22 g protein and 2 g carb. It mixed really well and I used a couple of ice cubes in it to get it really cold. It was not caulky and tasted really good. You can order Sci-Fit the cheapest at
   — Vicki M.

March 19, 2002
I like pro score chocolate in blender with a banana and ice for breatfast everyday for a year. I buy if at and the shipping is free over $75 so make a big order and save.
   — vanessa R.

April 2, 2002
I've started Proteinex and get so much energy from it I was wondering if it has something in it that is not good for me. Historically, anything that made me feel this way was amphetamine like. Any input welcomed
   — faybay

April 4, 2002
My two favorites - ZonePerfect Fudge Graham bars, 190 cals, 7 g fat, and 16 g protein. YUMMY. Taste like a chocolate covered graham crackers. Found mine at Shopko. Also, love the Atkins Strawberry shakes in a can.
   — Melissa B.

April 12, 2002
I tried the digestiable protien, Protienex. It is not bad. I can actually tolerate it and feel good about it. I am so happy that I tried it out. i have already recommended it to all of my WLS friends. It is 15 grams of protien with only 2 tablespoons of a liquid. Thank you Jesus for scientific advancements!
   — Rhonda S.

April 12, 2002
My surgery is scheduled for May 6th. I have been trying protein bars and they are nasty. The protein shakes by Carb Solutions are great, all flavors. Also they are very affordable.
   — David M.

April 14, 2002
Hello,I have not had my surgery yet,I'm do to have RNY on 5/14/02.Iwill tell you thow that I have tried some really bad stuff out there but nothing like thoughs carb-solutions protein bars.I found this protein powder that is called Promod. You can buy this thru or . ,and if you try you might even find it in your local hospital . If you call the nutrisionist their I'm sure they can help you .It comes in powder form you add three scoops to anything liquid or solid it has 5 gm of protien per scoop ,it also has no taste at all.The price thru rossis 6 cans for 70.00dollors ,but my mother gets it at the hospital for 5.65 .Ihope that can help some of you that can't tolerate much of those other supplements.
   — Michelle V.

April 14, 2002
Hello,I have not had my surgery yet,I'm do to have RNY on 5/14/02.Iwill tell you thow that I have tried some really bad stuff out there but nothing like thoughs carb-solutions protein bars.I found this protein powder that is called Promod. You can buy this thru or . ,and if you try you might even find it in your local hospital . If you call the nutrisionist their I'm sure they can help you .It comes in powder form you add three scoops to anything liquid or solid it has 5 gm of protien per scoop ,it also has no taste at all.The price thru rossis 6 cans for 70.00dollors ,but my mother gets it at the hospital for 5.65 .Ihope that can help some of you that can't tolerate much of those other supplements.
   — Michelle V.

May 3, 2002
Hello, I had my surgery on Jan. 24th of 2001 and have tasted alot of protein drinks, bars etc.. with most of them tasting terrible.. I have found the ones from herbalife are great... if you want more information email me at [email protected] and i can give you the scoop on what is good and what is great!!! Thanks, Janell Braddock down 133lbs.. :)
   — Janell B.

May 4, 2002
Herbalife Protein supplements are the best!!!! let me know if u want to order some... 330-264-1801
   — Janell B.

May 15, 2002

May 21, 2002
I have been trying to find Proteinex everywhere, and cannot find it . Does anyone know where I can order it from?
   — Chereise S.

May 26, 2002
my dog's name
   — Treva R.

May 27, 2002
I use TwinLab chewable calium citrate. Four wafers a day (tastes kind of like sweetarts!) I can only find this at a Natural Health Food Store). It is made by Twin Laboratories and most health food places will order it for you. It's the only calcium citrate chewable that I have been able to find and I enjoy the taste! Happy chewing!
   — Sharon L.

July 14, 2002
7/15/02-I took the advice of a few people and tried the Zone Perfect nutrition bars. They do contain quite a bit of sugar (13 grams in the flavors I tried). I bought the Chocolate Graham and the Chocolate Peanut Butter. They both tadte great. They have a "light" texture, kind of like Kudos breakfast bars. I would definately recommend them to anyone who is looking for a protein bar that doesn't have that chalky or extreme soy taste. I have tried some other protein bars and knew right away from the smell of them that I wouldn't be able to eat them. My next experiment will be with the Zero Carb Isopure protein drinks. I called my local GNC but they only had the Isopure, not Zero Carb Isopure, needless to say it has a high carbohydrate content.
   — ladybuginhotlanta

July 14, 2002
7/15/02-I took the advice of a few people and tried the Zone Perfect nutrition bars. They do contain quite a bit of sugar (13 grams in the flavors I tried). I bought the Chocolate Graham and the Chocolate Peanut Butter. They both taste great. They have a "light" texture, kind of like Kudos breakfast bars. I would definately recommend them to anyone who is looking for a protein bar that doesn't have that chalky or extreme soy taste. I have tried some other protein bars and knew right away from the smell of them that I wouldn't be able to eat them. My next experiment will be with the Zero Carb Isopure protein drinks. I called my local GNC but they only had the Isopure, not Zero Carb Isopure, needless to say it has a high carbohydrate content.
   — ladybuginhotlanta

July 15, 2002
Be careful about purchasing protein supllements without checking with your surgeon. Mine prefers his patients to get their protein from real food and not shakes. And early on, most of the bars contain too much sugar. If you eat little amounts of foods with sugar, it's possible to build up a resistance to dumping and for me that was something I didn't want to happen. I like knowing that sugar is an absolute no-no. I'm 14 months post-op and I now eat Balance Gold bars for breakfast, but that's the only thing I allow myself that contains sugar. They are high in protein and full of nutients. Also, beware that your tastes change after surgery...what is your favorite today may be intolerable after surgery. It happened with me. I purchased a lot of applesauce for my soft diet days and couldn't stand the taste! I also found that I can eat fresh tomatoes for the first time in my life...I became lactose intolerant about 2 months post-op and no one has been able to explain that. Best of luck and I hope this helps...
   — Teri D.

July 18, 2002
I take and recommend Pro Blend 55 from Human Development Technologies. I love chocolate but like to add fruits to the vanilla flavor for my morning shake. I've tried protein powders that I could barely drink down, but Pro Blend is the best powder I've ever tasted. It has 3 grams of carbs and 28 grams of protein per scoop. I buy it at for convenience and the best price.
   — Michelle A.

July 25, 2002
I'm just interested in what I will be needing because I'm hopefully having surgery soon.
   — Sonya M.

July 26, 2002
If you're looking for protein bars or shakes with little to no sugar, I've got them listed at I'm also happy to answer any nutritional questions (specific one's should be directed to your doctor). There are protein bars that contain 2 sugars and 30 grams of protein, it's an awesome meal replacement!
   — Kristina W.

August 13, 2002
I am a vegetarian and just recently had the bypass (July 30). It is sometimes difficult to find protein shakes/bars/supplements that do NOT have gelatin or other animal derivitives. If anyone has any suggstions, feel free to email me at [email protected]. I bought a soy protein supplement for shakes, but frankly, it is disgusting. I'm also looking for something very low in sugar! Lactose free is nice, but not necessary. Thanks!
   — JJ L.

August 16, 2002
I get all of my vitamins and supplements and all the many different kinds of liquid and powder proteins from I love it as all the products are wholesale and very little cost in shipping!!!! you should check out this site it will save you major you can go shopping for the fun stuff!
   — teresa0088

August 16, 2002
I'm 2 years post-op and use the Pro Score 100 with great protein lab results. It mixes great with water & ice or using a blender to make special yummy recipes that I make as I go or trying different ones others post on Yahoo's Protein for WLS people web-site: I order samples and canisters from Michelle at: Her prices are fair, watch for sales but to me, the most important thing that can't be bought is she is 8 years post op and a wealth of information about the products. She's helped me in ways that 1.)Made my fast weight loss phase one of the most healthy and 2.) once I hit goal she's helped me learn how to maintain in a way that fits my life-style and helps me not just maintain my weight but my HEALTH. I do use protein bars when I am out and can't get a shake but surly do NOT want to hit a fast food place to eat. I don't count them in my "protein" for the day because it is unclear to me how much of it I actually absorb. Protein in the form of a shake or bar is 'never' a meal replacment for me... it is a supplement just like my Calcium "CITRATE" and multi-vit's, my B-12 (sub-linguals) and other "supplements" For me the greatest advantage of the use of protein shakes (high quality/highly absorbable) is that it give me control over the food choices I make. For other health purposes it is important that I eat 'heart healthy' and if I am just "starving" I tend to eat the first thing that sounds good -- BUT, if I drink a shake first, then I'm not starving, my body is getting a "good for me health wise" choice and I take more time to "choose wisely" my food choices. By using the shakes to help me stay in control of my choices I have been able to maintain my goal for 14 months now... a FIRST in my life time to ever stay the same weight/ same size / and VERY healthy all at once!!! The jeans and shorts I bought last summer still fit me this summer and my closet is all "one size" (another first in my life time!) instead of looking like a department store ~smile~ I look to the long term post op's like Felicia, Michelle at and sue and others who have "been there/done that" -- who have direct 'connections' with manufacturers and the chemists for the latest information -- these things you can't buy and they have proved invaluable in my own success. Hope this helps, hugz, ~denise
   — blank first name B.

August 18, 2002
TWINLAB ENERGY FUEL BARS: I tried these bars because I am a new post op and can't eat a whole protein bar without being stuffed. They are small in size (1.23oz) Low fat-4 grams, sugar-1 gram, and calories-140. 12 grams of protein along with herbal energy-(guarana, ginsing, green tea extract).*******The only flavor I have tried is Coconut fudge which was very good. Tasted a lot like a Mounds-(exactly like the snack bars from herbalife) Definitely an excellent breakfast for me, because I would rather chew than drink and it gives you a great energy kick.
   — Laurie V.

August 19, 2002
I am postop 4 weeks. I have tried all of the protein shakes I can find, powder and premixed. I also have tried the isopure fruit drinks (0 carbs) and boost fruit drinks with high protein. I have found that the Dr. Atkins chocolate and cafe latte are the best for me. The can cost less than the others, and are creamier in texture. Also, they are whey and not soy.
   — Betsy B.

August 25, 2002
When it came to a vitamin supplement I really didn't want to have to try to manage a gigantic horse pill like my dad does. My friend on the other hand recommended a vitamin that was much smaller, but you had to take, like, 5 pills twice a day. Finally, my Mom told me about these vitamins she takes that gives her 100% of the Daily Recommeded Value of all the vitamins plus it has a bunch of minerals and aloe vera juice. The best part is that it is a liquid! She takes just half an ounce of this stuff a day, which is such a small amount you can swallow it all in one shot, or mix it with your O.J. It has an Orange Juice kind of flavor that's not bad at all. The best part is that it's fairly inexpensive. A one month supply (one bottle) runs about $28 unless you sign up in the company that makes it. Then you can get it for $24. I put together a little website for my Mom with details you can go see about the vitamins and what's in it. The web address is
   — Christian M.

September 14, 2002

September 15, 2002
I take Flintstones Complete 2 x a day and one bottle of Isopure Zero-Carb once a day. So far they seem to be working great. I have more energy than I know what to with.
   — Louise Y.

September 18, 2002
I am 3 weeks post-op and have been doing a lot of Ensure High Protein and adding a scoop of Resource Instant Protein Powder (6 gr. per scoop) to get 18 grams of protein. I had the doctor write a script for both products and my insurance paid for it, probably because the Resource (available at your local Walgreens) says "Medical Food" on the canister. Whatever the reason, they paid for it and a case (6 cans) cost me $8--YEAH!!!! The other thing I discovered JUST today is that the Ensure High Calcium has JUST as much protein as their High Protein version so I need to get a new script!!!
   — Arlene J.

September 24, 2002
I have found Proisolean is a great protien powder. It is a whey/soy combination and only has 2 grams of carbohydrates and 0 grams of sugar. It comes in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. It is slightly gritty however it really tastes great.
   — Michelle B.

September 24, 2002
I use Vista Vitamins recommended by my surgeon's office (the same surgeons who did Carnie Wilson's surgery). They cost $77.83 every 2 months (8 week supply per box). Although I'm almost 5 months post-op and don't know about the vitamins long term, all of my labs so far have come back with flying colors. I don't use any types of protein supplements. I take in all of my protein through the foods I eat. Oh yeah, in case you're interested in looking at them. I've just bought a bottle of calcium citrate although my surgeon's nurse told me I don't need to take any calcium supplements at this time. I also just bought a bottle of glucosamine for the pain in my joints (arthritis). I'm hoping this helps me.
   — Jennifer A.

September 26, 2002
I drink one cup of decaffinated, sugar free cafe mocha with a teaspoon of Prolab Whey Protien in it. 24 grams of protien in one spoonful. I use the vanilla and you can not taste it at all...
   — Val S.

October 4, 2002
At GNC I bought Designer Whey in VAnilla Praline...Im 2 weeks Post Op and I love it!!!! My Md told me to only have it 2 times a week and I was actually bummed. But was happy to get to eat...:) Its 17.99. It has 90 Cal, 1.5 g fat 2g carb <1g sugar & 17.5g protein....Its really good.
   — Christine R.

October 24, 2002
I use the Herblife protein drinks and shakes. the drinks are thinner and can be tolerated better in the first few weeks. they have 15 grams of protein, 70 cals and NO sugar. you can add a sugar supplement to it to make it sweeter. you can use water, milk or even juice. It's pretty good. I have a herblife rep. i use but they also have a web site. I can not have the protein bars yet but before surgery i tryed the coconut choc. bar and it was good cold. good luck
   — Cynthia C.

October 31, 2002
I use 100%Whey Protein, I get it for $30.99 at I like it because it is easy to drink and it does not have an after taste like a lot of others do. My second Favorite is American Sports Nutrition Whey protein, I get through the same website. My Favorite flavor of the second one is Banana. They seem to have Great prices on most of the protein drink mixes. I use the One Source Multi Vitamins and use Caltrate 600 chewables.
   — W. P.

November 2, 2002
HI all.. God Bless ya!! I am a distributor of Herbalife products... their protein is the best... low in carbs and sugar and high in protein... if you would like more information please email me at [email protected]
   — Janell B.

November 6, 2002
I am 2 weeks post-op I am still on a liquid diet. Presently I am drinking designer whey liquid, they are a bit tart but I like that and they have 40g protein in each 16 oz bottle. They can be obtained at your local GNC and if you buy your products the first 7 days of the month with their gold card you will get a 20% discount, which make them reasonable. Kay Cooney
   — Catherine C.

November 9, 2002
I'm 3 weeks post-op from having laparoscopic RNY. First week clear liquids, 2nd week soft foods that I couldn't chew. This week I've started solid foods slowly along with the soft foods - scrambled eggs, potatoes, spagetti, tuna fish with mayo, tuna cassarole. So far, I've had no dumping and no nausa. Although the potatoes and pasta hurt alittle but the pain went away after a few minutes, it "feels" heavy settling in my tummy. Dr. Boone said that I might have problems with milk, since some people become lactose intolarant and gasy. I've had no problems with skim milk and have sipped regular. I've purchased a couple of protein drinks and can't stand their taste. Doctor stated that their not necessary, but I will add them only as a supplement and not meal replacements since I don't want my hair to fall out! I haven't tried Herbalife, but will try. However, I hear that Herbalife shakes only has 10 g of protein. You can get the same amount from a fat-free, sugar-free flavored yogurt! Only thing is that shakes go down easier than yogurt. Vitamins go down okay, but using off-brand chewable like flinestones. Well, we'll see how things are in a couple of more months! Best of luck everyone!
   — ladymharris

November 10, 2002
I am 4 weeks post op and down 45 pounds. I started using the Results for Women from EAS. The Chocolate is really too sweet tasting for me. But the Vanilla Cream is great. 90 Calories per serving. 15 G of protein and 3 G of Carbs. I have not tried a protein drink I like yet until this one.
   — channa

November 23, 2002
I recommend Herbalife products.. shakes are chocolate and vanilla 15 grams of protein, no sugar and 3 carbs.. protein fruit drink.. wild berry and peach mango 15 grams of protein no sugar 2 or 3 carbs.. protein bars chocolate coconut,chocolate peanut butter,chocolate fudge, and lemon 12 grams of protein 2 grams of sugar and carbs.. i had surgery almost 2 years ago and these are truly the best i have found.. i have a great distributor if you are interested let me know.. [email protected]
   — Janell B.

January 16, 2003
I am sitting here this morning drinking a protein drink I made with 1 cup skim milk, one half banana, 4 ice cubes, dash of vanilla extract and one scoop of Ultra XT Soy Protein from Gen Soy. I bought this at GNC. It has O carbs, 0 sugar and 0 fat. It mixed very easily and is smooth and creamy. Since it is not sweetened, it can be added to soups or other foods. I am not sure if soy protein is as good as whey nutritionally speaking, but it is the first on I have tried that i enjoy.
   — Cynthia N.

January 17, 2003
I use the Walmart Kids plus C. They are about 5.99 a bottle and are chewable. I take two a day. I use the tums but am looking into coral cal. Then I take previcid, and Iron..Tests are fine, the potisim is low so now I am on that too.
   — Cheryl F.

January 27, 2003
I am 2 months post-op and drink 1 serving of ProComplex every day. I make it like a Starbucks Mocha Frapacino. Here's my recipe: 8 oz. water, 2 scoops of ProComplex Chocolate protein powder, 1 t folgers decafinated coffee crystals, 1/2 t unsweetended Hershey's baking cocoa & 1 cup of crushed ice. Blend in blender until ice chips are gone and you have the consistancy of a smoothie. It's really good and I look forward to having it for breakfast every morning. I also feel GREAT about getting 55 g of protein first thing in the morning. Try it!
   — huntersmom

January 30, 2003
I am 4 months post op and was beginning to see effects of lack of vitamins and nutrition. I am over 55 and my skin started really looking like "old lady skin". I hate the chewable vitamins, choke on the huge adult multi-vitamins, even when I cut them in half. So, I began a quest to find a liquid that I really liked and that worked. I found my answer - Seasilver,and I absolutely love it. In less than two weeks my skin tone is soft as a baby's. My deep wrinkles are smoothing out and it is what I would call a miracle liquid. I feel so strongly about it already that I have started to offer it to my friends. Please check out the details for yourself at You'll be glad you did. I really feel this is the answer for bariatrics patients. Good luck to you all.
   — Connie T.

February 10, 2003
Carb Solutions High Protein Bar Creamy Chocolate Peanut Butter ... it has 24g of protein & only 2 effective carbs (1g of sugar). Its really good, especially if you like peanut butter! I got it at my local CVS Pharmacy, and it was $2.49. I am sure there are places that its cheaper! HTH!
   — RedSoxMommy

February 11, 2003
I get all my vitamins and protein supplements from She works closely with the manufacturers. I take 1000 mg of Vitamin C, 2 chewable multivitamins, 1000 mg Calcium Citrate (with Magnesium (500 mg) Vitamind D (400 IU)), Hair, Skin, and Nails (which works well for hair loss), 800 IU Vitamin E (dry), 100 mg Chelated Zinc, 4 Vitamin A & D, 1000 Milk Thistle (for liver function), Polysaccharide Iron complex 300 mg, 424 mg Chromogen Forte (Iron, Vit C, Folic Acid and B12 mixture), and 1 sublingual B12 dot. For protein I use 120-210 mg of protein daily (Champion Nutrition Pure Whey Stack - Chocolate) mixed only with water. I'm 16 months post surgery and my labs have been excellent, with the exception that I still need to drink more water. I'm currently upping my protein and vitamin C due to having my hernia repair and tummy tuck done on 03/03/03.
   — trtorrey

February 22, 2003
hi i ussually cook in the house beans at least twicw a week and eating lentils gives u alot of vitamins and protein.i do drink multyvitamins/calcium/b12/but i can't deal with the iron its make me sick so i stop taking it.about outside food i really don't eat much outside im scare of getting stomatch pain.well i have try eating a chiken sandwich if im far from home plus fruit its good for us post op.i also eat fish sometimes with broccoli and of my best food are the home made soup i feel very good with it..
   — maria T.

March 2, 2003
I have found the best liquid protien drinks are from herbalife... along with their wonderful protien bars.. chocolate coocnut,peanut butter and fudge..put the fudge ones in the microwave fora few seconds.. then add sugar free hot fudge and whip cream... mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm very good treat... if you are interested in trying some let me know...
   — Janell B.

March 21, 2003
Have had gas and at times loose stool with 9 out of 10 protein bars used, espically the powder supplements.
   — Gail T.

March 21, 2003
I am having a wonderful experience buying products from her and her husband have both had WLS so they know what is best for the gastric bypass patient. I am pre op and have been testing samples of protein powders. They answer questions if you have any and her prices are good.
   — Pat R.

March 21, 2003
Vitamins: Centrum Chewables (2 a day), from any store; Calcium Citrate (w/Vitamin D & Magnesium) (3x a day, 500 mg. apiece), from; Trinsicon (iron/B complex) (1 a day) (prescription from doc); TwinLabs B-12 sublinguals, also from (you can find them lots of places, though).<P>Protein Supplements: Proscore 100 Chocolate protein powder (2 shakes a day with water only, 30 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, 1 gr. of fat, 0 sugar, apiece), from; "Sportcookie," usually one a day (15 gr. protein, 10 gr. carb, 1 fat, no sugar), from<P>Other favorite snacks or high protein meals: turkey pepperoni; tofu cheese; turkey jerky; turkey bacon; turkey chili (sensing a theme here?); eggbeaters with fat-free cheese and mushrooms; tuna; boca burgers (soy burgers). I also use Lean Cuisine entrees such as mac & cheese or ravioli, but strictly as side dishes (meaning 1/2 serving per meal, along with a boca burger or some other protein source).<P>Other: Kellogg's All-Bran (to keep the train "leaving the station"); Benefiber (easy to mix into anything).
   — Suzy C.

March 22, 2003
I am only 14 days post surgery, but have been taking Designer Whey Protien Powder daily and a bottle of IsoPure ZeroCarb Protien Drink Daily as well. So far great results. I have a protien requirement of 76gm so it is hard to get solely in the food.
   — Tony C.

March 22, 2003
My protein intake is 77 grams and to eliminate having to eat too often I drink two protein shakes using the SHAKLEE ENERGIZING SOY PROTEIN. It has a good taste and it provides me with a minimum of 28 grams depending on my choice of liquid.
   — joyce H.

March 25, 2003
I am 3 weeks out. And have not found a protien drink I can stand. I have tried about 5 different types as well as the pre made drinks, I just can't stand the taste. What I do like are the Advantage , I thnk thier called, protien bars. The peanut butter and chocolate is my favorite. But i was told it was to soon to be eating them. I am still on blended foods.
   — Denise M.

March 25, 2003
At 11 months Post Op, I still chew 3 Flintstones Complete vitamins and 3 Viactiv's (1500 mg calcium) per day. I also enjoy 1 Detour bar (30g Protein, 10g Fat, 310 calories) usually for breakfast (these are available at for about $23.00 per box with FREE delievery on orders above $50.00). These Detour bars are the best tasting protein supplement I've found, with peanuts, chocolate and a substance like the inside of a Payday candy bar. It tastes just like a Snickers! However, I am a bit concerned about the Fat (10g) and Sugar (9g) content. I work to get between 75g and 100g of Protein per day. I eat alot of Low Fat Cottage Cheese which I (literally) spice up with flavor. I also eat as much Sashimi as I can afford. I have problems eating rice (unwanted air gets swallowed, too), so I tend to stay away from Nigiri Sushi and Sushi Rolls.
   — wilson W.

April 4, 2003
04/04/03 i had the gastric by pass surgery a week ago and i feel great, the only problem is that i hate the protien drinks. help! what else should i eat? [email protected]
   — sonia C.

April 4, 2003
I could not tolerate the soy and whey protein powders. "Too Thick". I am 3 months post op and have been using a product from GNC called Amino 1850. 16 oz.for 17.99.(20% off the first week of the month with membership) It tastes like Kool Aid.It is punch flavor. I mix 2 oz. with 4 oz.water and 2 oz. Crystal light strawberry kiwi. 24 grams of protein. You can also drink it straight.
   — Becky L.

April 24, 2003
Has anyone tried any Juice Plus products?
   — Heather R.

April 28, 2003
I use the Juice Plus vitamins. Right now I just take one of each. At 6mths I decided I will take 2 of each.
   — spicyj6

May 4, 2003
I am two weeks post-op and I am drinking Carb Solutions high protein shake mix-- they have 20 grams of protein perserving. I blend two scoops with 8oz of skim milk and drink three a day-- giving me 60 grams of protein. I also highly recommend "Cal 100" powdered calcium packets. One packet has 1,000 grams of calcium and it is tasteless and in a small packet that I pour into my protein drink, It's painless! And it was only $6.99 for a pack of 30!
   — Nancy K S.

April 18, 2005
I really have had a horrible time drinking milk. In the Washington State you can buy a Skim Milk by Dairygold is called "Trim Deluxe" which has loads of added vitamins. Also I have found Trader Joes to be a real blessing. I cannot tolerate Soy and Whey is not to much better. Trader Joes has a product called "Milk and Egg Protein Powder" which is double that of the Vanilla or Chocolate Soy and Whey powders. I found that mixing it was okay, but I still do not like milk. I am 2 weeks post op and the nutrionist scolded me for not getting my vitamins in. So back to Trader Joes. They have a under the tongue vitamin that has all the B-12 you need (1000 mg) plus it has Folic Acid and B-6. Also they have some other supplements. I hate the high price that so many of these Baratric Vitamins charge, yet are no better than anything else. It annoys me that companies try and get rich off the misfortune of others. Anyway, I am exceptionally pleased with Trader Joes, if you have one in your area, treat yourself. I also bought a sugar free fudgesicle - it is just the popsicle brand, but it was a heavenly treat and very satisfying.
   — Melinda J.

June 28, 2005
I am 3 weeks post op for the adjustable gastric band and I have found the Atkins (Advantage) shakes are good. I like that I don't have to fuss about whether to use milk or water, or even to have to take a cup with me when I go places to mix them together. I just pop open a can and drink them. I find them at Wal Mart and one can has 20g of protein and only 4g of total carbs. The vanilla and strawberry are the best (I didn't like the chocolate).
   — PatriciaH

August 21, 2005
I take a sublingual B12 once a week. Daily, I take a Flintstone multi vitamin and three Viactiv Calcium. In my opinion, the best protein drink is AchievOne. They come in four flavors - Hazlenut, Vanilla Nut, Mocha Java and Cappucino. They taste just like a drink from Starbucks and provide 20 grams of protein in 9.5 ounces. I order them from Susan Maria Leach's bariatric website.
   — lottcynthia

August 28, 2005
My surgeon's pre-op and post-op diet included Myocel which I have been tolerating well. But, my FAVE is Muscle Milk that I found at GNC. Available flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate, Banana, Cookies and Cream, and Peanut Butter. They even have the single serving size in ready to drink cartons in the cold case - YUMMY! My favorite Muscle Milk recipe: 1/4 pkg. Jello Cheesecake Instant Pudding, 1 scoop Chocolate Muscle Milk, 1/2 cup very cold water. Mix in a small bowl and ENJOY!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 22, 2006
   — cprescott

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