How long does it take.....

Hi, I am a college student haveing surgery ina bout two weeks, I took off school for summer, but found a second job. First job I baby-sit, but am not on my feet that long, second job I am a cashier, but can sit in between long should it take for me to recover, I need to miss as less of work as possible? HELP    — trstears (posted on June 7, 2005)

June 7, 2005
Tama, You don't say if your surgery will be open or lap. I am going to assume that you will have it done laproscopically. I had mine done lap and althought I am a stay at home mom, I was back to full speed within a week. I would plan on two weeks at least and then just be really suprised if you can return to work sooner. My only concern for you would be the baby-sitting job. You won't want to be picking up a child even a baby. Discuss this with your doctor and he will tell you what your limits will be and for how long. The best thing I did for myself post-op was to really pay attention to my body. I rested or slept when I was tired and did not push myself to do more than I was comfortable with. Also you might ask your doctor if there are patients of his that you can speak with. Their recovery would give you some indication of what you can expect time wise, although you should expect some of what you experience to be unique to you. Good Luck and God Bless. Dana Gates
   — danagates

June 7, 2005
Hi good luck I am 9 months post op 297/165. I had the surgery on a Monday and I went back to work on a Saturday. Was only in the Hospital for two days but the norm is probably two to three weeks. I wish you the best keep us informed of you progress
   — rivercity4000

June 7, 2005
You have been given some good answers so far. I would also like to add the concern of fatigue. Because your body is receiving far less food, you become tired easily and more frequently. Even though your body may be feeling up to speed, sometimes you just need to rest.
   — RebeccaP

June 10, 2005
I had my surgery Lap and took 6 weeks off. I could have used a couple more because I got pretty sick. The first couple weeks back I was just exhausted and it was pretty grueling. Everyone is different though it just depends. Do neither of your work places have paid short-term disability? I wish you the best of luck!
   — SJP

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