Has anyone out there been approved for TT by Tricare Standard???

I am 52 years old and have lost 120 pounds. I still have another 60 or 70 to go. I have a HUGE "apron" that is so in the way. Aside from it being a hindrance, it also makes it difficult to find clothes to fit right. My legs and rear end and not that huge, but in order for the pants to fit my stomach, they hang everywhere else. It is very frustrating. Tricare Standard covered my WLS with no problem. I haven't yet started the reconstructive surgery part of it yet. I want to when I reach my goal. Has anyone been approved??? thanks Patti C    — Patwa (posted on June 24, 2004)

June 24, 2004
yes it covers it. i have tricare prime, but the same guidelines for reconstructive surgery are the same. it will be approved if you are having problems because of the apron. example-rashs, back pain, leg pain, boils, rips in the skin under the stomach,or any other pain caused by a big pannus. i'm 4 months post full tummy tuck, hernia repair and inner thigh lift. all pay for by tricare.
   — franbvan

June 25, 2004
As does Fran, I have Tricare Prime and they paid for a complete lower body lift which includes TT, butt lift and outer thighs. I wish I had the foresight to give them documentation and photos of the inner thigh rashes as I'm sure they would have covered that too as they did with Fran. Since I didn't think ahead, I'm self pay next Friday for inner thighs. Just make sure everything is documented in your PCP's chart and photos speak volumes to those sitting there in the insurance office reading your request for surgery. Best of luck!
   — Vicki S.

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