When can you eat FRESH vegetables?

I am craving fresh veggies such as green peppers, califlower, radishes and celery. You know, things that crunch. I am at 4 weeks post-op and haven't had any dumping at all. I am supposed to be on the step III diet but I seem to be tolerating most everything. I don't do fat or sugar though.    — pstemen (posted on January 2, 2004)

January 2, 2004
I'm now 3 months post op - and sounds like I had similar experiences as you... I have been able to eat most everything and tolerated it well. Probably at about 2 months post op, I tried raw carrots (just a little) and broccoli. Those worked out OK and so I've continued experimenting and found that I can have a little green salad, celery (but chew REALLY well because it's so stringy!), raw zuchini, carrots, hmmm... what else, can't think of them now, but the main thing was taking it easy when trying something new, chewing well and being careful not to eat a lot. I've also been pleasantly surprised that I can eat a little bit of citrus fruits and they don't seem to bother me. Take it slow and experiment! Good luck to you.
   — w8free

January 2, 2004
Hello. I was not allowed fresh fruits or vegetables for 4 months. My doctor says they are too hard on your stomach. They are hard to digest. I also didn't have any problems with foods but I still waited the 4 months. I would call your doctor or nutritionist and ask.
   — AmyWollet

January 2, 2004
My doctor's nutritionist had us stay away from veggies that were gassey, like califlower, brocolli, cabbage, beans they can cause discomfort in the intestional track. Now, celery was a big no no for me because of it being stringy it is also hard to digest. Even now 8 months out I only eat well cooked celery. If I were you I would avoid that celery for a long time. I was to avoid all veggies that contained seeds also, like tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini. I ate them but cut the seeds out first. I started eating them with the seeds again at about 5-6 months. I had salad with onion on it, mushrooms, tomatoes without seeds. You just have to put your thinking cap on and you will be able to come up with something that you can eat. FIRST AND FOREMOST ASK YOUR SURGEON BEFORE YOU EAT ANY OF THE VEGGIES TO MAKE SURE THAT IT IS OK TO PROCEED ONTO THEM.
   — ChristineB

January 2, 2004
Perry...First of all, most of us crave foods from time to time. It is especially true right after surgery since we know we are not allowed any real food ...LOL I would suggest that you follow your doctors suggestions or call and ask the nurse when these foods are available for you to add to your diet. I was allowed all foods when I went in for my 6 week check-up, but before that I called to see if this food or that food was ok prior to that time. Since all doctors are different. Deb
   — Deb S.

January 2, 2004
First things first...SOME veggies do not break down like celery and corn, therefore they are a no-no. They have a habit of getting stuck no matter how well you chew. Second, veggie skins ( not sure which ones ) tend not to break down either. I am almost 8 weeks out and just now have started with veggies. So far, I've had tomatos and boiled carrots (can't do them raw). ALWAYS check with your surgeon about these things!
   — Renee B.

January 5, 2004
Hi Perry, I am 12 weeks post-op and I'm on stage IV diet. I craved vegies and fruit(esp. Apples) when I was 3-4 weeks out. For the first time last night I had celery with peanut butter and it went down fine. I'm going to try an apple with peanut butter tonight for a snack. I tried a raw carrot and had a hard time keeping it down. Ican't wait until I can keep a dill pickle down. Its funny what your little pouch will accept and what it will not. I have lost 56# and I am too a patient of Dr. Needleman. Good Luck with your losing journey. Natalie B.
   — jibjab

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