Others starting at 5'4ish and 250lbs...or so

I'd love to hear from others who started out with similar stats. I started out at almost 5'4" and 253lbs. I've lost 42lbs in the last 10 weeks. When I read other's stories, it seems like I'm losing kinda slowly. Of course, after 10 weeks of eating so much less than usual, I feel like I should have wasted away into nothing. (From my lips to God's ears...) I know we're all different, but I'd still like to hear from others who started out about the same size. If some of you have lost quite a bit more than I have, I'd love to hear what you're doing to make that happen! Smiles, Kimberly    — Kimberly S. (posted on December 5, 2003)

December 5, 2003
I am 5'5 and was 267# and now am 134#. I have my weight loss in my profile. You are doing GREAT! We all lose at different paces, so don't worry and keep up the good work hun!
   — Sandy M.

December 5, 2003
Kim, I started out with the exact same stats. I am 5 feet 4 inches and weighed 253 the night before surgery, 250 the morning of thanks to the mag citrate! LOL! I had surgery on 6/27/03, and I am down 88 pounds. I lost weight very fast in the beginning which shocked me because I was told that as a lightweight I would lose slower than others. I lost 49 pounds in the first seven weeks, a pound a day, then the weight loss slowed. I am now losing approximately 10 pounds a month. That is okay with me, as long as I keep losing. I work very hard to get my protein in every day, a minimum of 60 grams, usually more, and my water. I did not start exercising regularly until I was 4 months out, simply because until that time I was having a hard time getting much more than 400 to 500 calories a day in, and if I exercised I would have burned off almost all I was taking in! I now exercise at least three times a week, anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes each session. I use Real Meals shakes in order to get all my protein in. Half a pouch equals 30 g of protein. I drink at least half a pouch a day, sometimes I do two halves, one in the morning and one in the evening. I think this is one of the things that has helped my weight loss. I still am able to eat very little at a time and would never get enough protein in by food alone. As long as you follow the basic rules, protein first, get your water in, exercise you will lose weight. Everyone is different. You lost 42 pounds in 10 weeks, that is 4.2 pounds per week! When have you ever been able to lose that much that fast on a diet? Hang in there and try not to compare with others. I know it is hard but try! Best of luck to you!!
   — DebT

December 5, 2003
I am 5'2", started out at 250lbs. I am now just over 10 weeks post op and have lost 41 lbs. Lost 30 lbs the first month, then didnt lose anything for 3 weeks. Now losing again, thank goodness. Not excercing much though, I am eating 600 to 700 calories per day. You probably feel like I do, it's discouraging to hear of other's big losses, when you want it all gone NOW! The weight will come off, just not as fast as others. Usually the people that lose big amounts of weight quickly, start out at a lot higher weight than us.
   — Rhonda S.

December 5, 2003
Hi! I started at 5'3" and 226 pounds. Tuesday the 9th is my one-year anniversary of my Lap RNY and I have lost 96 pounds. I am now at 130. It has been very slow going for the past six months, but it's going. Good luck to you and congratulations on your wonderful loss so far! Sandra
   — SandyParker

December 5, 2003
I started at 236 and am 5'4 and 3/4" tall. At 6 months I am down 86 lbs, but at 10 weeks I was exactly the same as you. I think that is pretty average but I am delighted with it. The loss has definitely slowed down but I am still averaging 2 lbs a week so I know I will eventually reach my goAL OF 135. I only began serious exercise about 2 weeks ago, although I did try to walk as much as possible before that. I am religious about vitamins and I drink 50 grams of protein everyday to make sure I get enough. I still don't eat very much and have not had any sugar since my surgery. Good luck!
   — Jannie N.

December 5, 2003
Kimberly, you can check out my website. I have a time line of weight loss provided at the bottom. I am 5'3-1/2 and started out 250. Surgery date of 2/19/03 and am now down to 145. Life is good!
   — doubleh

December 5, 2003
Hi I started at 5'3"-4" depending on whose measuring and 253lbs. I had surgery on 03/03/03 and as of 11/03/03 I have lost 100lbs. I was down 31 at 1 month, 49 at 2 months, 64 at 3 months then I started to slow. It took 5 more months to lose the next 35. YOu are doing great. Keep up the good work
   — kaysjourney

December 5, 2003
Hi I started at 5'3"-4" depending on whose measuring and 253lbs. I had surgery on 03/03/03 and as of 11/03/03 I have lost 100lbs. I was down 31 at 1 month, 49 at 2 months, 64 at 3 months then I started to slow. It took 5 more months to lose the next 35. YOu are doing great. Keep up the good work
   — kaysjourney

December 5, 2003
I think you are doing great. 5-7-03 surgery 5 foot 4 inches 264lbs.Now as of today almost 7 months later I'm down to 169 a loss of 95lbs.It has slowed down a lot but I will get to my goal of 135lbs.Good luck
   — madbird

December 5, 2003
I'm 5'4" and was 247 going into surgery. It's been about 6 weeks and I'm down 27 pounds. You can't pay attention to the pounds your are losing. You need to pay attention to the percentage. You are right on track and doing fine! And remember, everyone is different! Keep up the great work!
   — Ann B.

December 5, 2003
Kimberly I started at 5ft 3inches and was 251 day of surgery.. 256 was my highest weight.. I have lost 100 pounds from my highest weight and 95 from day of surgery.. I had my surgery on March 17th so I will be 9 months in 12 days .. I thought for sure I would have lost much more by now but I am pretty happy with my progress so far.. I would have never been able to loose this much weight any other way. And look at it this way this will be the first holiday I wont dread the new years resolution of loosing weight LOL ...
   — Catherine B

December 5, 2003
I hope by now you are convinced you are losing at a normal rate. I began this adventure (at age 38) at 5'3-1/2" and 276 lbs on 9/16/02. To date, I have lost 123 lbs and it does continue slowly (my goal is to lose this last 15 lbs). The one difference I may call to your attention about my journey is that with the introduction of strength and resistance training at 8 weeks post op, and adding a regular cardio workout, I have virtually no sagging skin. At my 13-month check up, my surgeon couldn't believe I have virtually no "subcutaneous" tissue. I read where many folks put forth the effort of a regular walking program, and that's great, but to really do justice to this awesome opportunity, I would strongly advise to also incorporate the weight training. There are just so many darn benefits to it, not the least of which are it helps the excess skin retract, provides definition to your muscle (which is quite a kick), and delivers more "bang" for the buck with respect to burning more fat quicker. So far, you are doing great..this journey is certainly not for the faint of heart or the impatient...steady as she goes. All the best.
   — Kimberly L. A.

December 5, 2003
Hello Im 5'5 starting weight 260lbs, im 9 months out-84lbs Your doing great. keep it up. 260/176/160
   — sexysag37

December 6, 2003
,I am 5'3" I had my surgery on 5/23/03 at 253 (like you). I am currently at 181. I feel great. But of course the weight loos has dramatically slowed down. I just have to get myself in gear with excercise and healtier eating. Good luck and enjoy the positve feedback!!
   — Antoinette B.

December 7, 2003
I started at 5'4" and 241#. I am 7+ months PO and am down 71#. I am sure that I would be down more but I have a problem with "grazing". I have recently upped my exercise by joining my local park district's fitness center. I feel that I have gotten my loosing back in a downward motion.
   — ChristineB

December 7, 2003
I am 5'4" and started at 255lbs. I had a lap rny on August 28, 2002. To date I have lost 119lbs and I am wearing a 2 or 4 depending on the clothes. I felt that I lost the weight slowly at first but when I figued that it averaged out to a little more ten pounds a month I felt better. Hang in there. The weight will come off. God Bless.
   — Linda K.

December 8, 2003
Hi, Kimberly. I'm a little taller than you at 5'7", but I started at 254.3 on the day of surgery. I'm proud to add that I took off 16 pounds before surgery, but it took over 3 months to do it!! LOL This is much better, even though I'm losing slower than a lot of folks. I'm at 49 pounds lost, and will be 13 weeks out on Thursday. There is NO WAY, NO HOW I could have lost this much this fast without WLS. So whether it's slow or not, I'm one happy girl. I've already suffered a 3-week plateau, which broke on Thanksgiving morning (I gave thanks!). I tried to pay much more attention to getting in my protein (water and liquids have never been a problem). When I made sure I was getting in at least 60 grams of protein a day, that seemed to help end the plateau. Good luck.
   — Carlita

December 15, 2003
I'm 5'5", started at 248 and after one year had lost over 100 lbs. I'm at 18 months, and weigh 130, size 4 and holding! Everyone is different so don't get discouraged if you slow down, just keep doing the right things and the weight will come off. Expect plateaus, they happen, but don't last forever! Best wishes!
   — San

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