My BMI indicates I am

I am a size 12 (at 5'8" and 179 lbs) and the plastic surgeon said, 'You HAVE no fat, just skin". What's up with this? I am "done" losing weight, I look THIN - I THINK - and have had that verified.......any input?    — Debby M. (posted on November 15, 2003)

November 15, 2003
You sound like you don't quite believe it. ;-) Believe it!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
   — Chris T.

November 15, 2003
I guess I wasn't clear. My question is, how can I be moderately overweight? If I lose any more weight, I will look UNDERweight.....The term "moderately overweight" depresses me, and doesn't seem accurate...
   — Debby M.

November 15, 2003
I have some friends who are 5'8" and in the 130's, wearing size 4-6. They like it, but that doesn't mean YOU would like it. Others with a larger frazme are at 150 and THEY like it. You can look here at your frame size and think it through that way. Remember the sorta gaunt look you have today will be softened in a year. The angles will get a tiny layer of fat between skin & bone.
   — vitalady

November 15, 2003
My surgeon told me that the only thing that the BMI calculator is good for is getting insurance approval. I am also moderately overweight according to the BMI calculator but none of my doctors (WLS surgeon, orthopaedic surgeon or PCP) want me to lose another pound. In fact, my wls surgeon told me that I would look ill if I lost more. I do need reconstructive work on my thighs and the orthopaedic surgeon told me that he thought I would lose 20 pounds if I could get that done and that would help. Don't worry about the numbers - there is no way that a chart can fit all of us correctly.
   — Patty_Butler

November 15, 2003
There's a real good reason my goal weight is 200 - because I would look horrible at 156 which is what the Met Life height/weight chart says for 5'9 and medium build. Even my WLS surgeon says that is too low for me. He feels 180's is the ideal for me and how I am built and carry my weight. So goal is 200, then PS and that will remove somewhere around 15+ lbs and that puts me in the 180's. I'm 248 and in 18's and 20's for pants, totally driven by the size of the panni, and 14-16 tops, so at post PS I will easily be in 12's for pants and 10's for tops and that is far enough for me. I've always thought a healthy looking body had some fat under it's skin. Tall and really skinny looking is not something I want to be. Some are comfortable in a 4 or 6 or 8, but not me. If after I get to 10's and 12's I end up going further fine, but I do not intend to try and get smaller. To each his own. If you are comfrtable with your look then stop and enjoy!
   — zoedogcbr

November 15, 2003
The BMI calculation based on Height and weight is not a truly accurate calculation. The reason you have no fat at your current weight lean muscle. MO people have a height muscle mass do to having to carry around all that weight. If you exercised and ate your protein during your weight loss, you saved that lean muscle and actually burned fat. Usually when we diet, the body burns a large amount of muscle before it burns the fat. If you were to go to a hospital or health spa and have your BMI done by being immerse under water you would find your true BMI is much lower, probably in the 20's Gave yourself a pat on the back and enjoy the new you. Your are not overweight. Carolyn Berger
   — Carolyn B.

November 15, 2003
I am in your exact spot. I am 175, 5'8 and in a size 10. My BMI says I am still overweight, and 175 sounds like alot, but I had my body fat % measured last week. It is only 26%, which is physically fit. I have no fat... but lots of skin, which adds to the weight. I was 360 just one short year ago, so I have good bone and muscle mass from carrying around that much weight. It still blows me away, though, that I weigh 175. That sounds like a big number for all I have been through, but I know I am thin now, even if the poundage is there. A good friend of mine is 5'10, weighs 145 and wears the same size I do, a 10. She had her body fat % done the same time I did and hers is 28%, higher than me. Yeah!! SHe is 2 inches taller, weighs 30 lbs less, but has more fat. So when she told me that, I figure I am ok. When (if) I have PS done, it will likely remove 20-30 lbs from my arms, abd and legs. So, at 12 months out, I am done losing weight, just have to get the extra removed for me. Best of luck, sounds like you are doing great!!!
   — thecobles

November 15, 2003
Girlfriend, I think that its time for you to schedule make an appointment with a plastic surgeon if its skin that you have left over. They will cut the excess skin off and you will be a couple of sizes smaller too. Skin carries lbs also so you'll loose a few pounds. Hope this helps... Jaunine Jackson, MS
   — onepowerfullady

November 16, 2003
A previous poster said it best... the BMI calculator does NOT calculate body fat. It has no idea how much muscle mass you have. Please...if knowing your true fat vs muscle numbers are important to you, see someone who can give you those numbers. If you are comfortable with where you are, be happy! You definitely deserve to be proud of all you've accomplished!!! Best wishes!!
   — Diane S.

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