Does TOO much Iron make you feel dizzy?

Hi..QUick question as I do not have healt insurance any longer..I have been taking Iron pills (ferrogels Forte) for 16 months now..I recently also added 2 Womens Ultra Mega Vitamin pills a day..That is with my 3 B-12 sublingual daily..Lately I have been feeling very dizzy and am getting concerned..My mother told me that too much Iron will do that to you?? Is this true? should I not take the Prescription Iron(Chromagen Forte)?? Thank you    — Suzanne S. (posted on September 3, 2003)

September 3, 2003
I think if you were getting too much iron, you'd know because you'd be horribly constipated. Of course I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on tv:) Also, I was taking b12 every day as well, and my surgeon told me last week that once a week is adequate. He says more wont hurt you but you can only absorb x amount, and you just pee the rest out. Of course if your dr. told you differently, follow his directions:)
   — kathy B.

September 3, 2003
Might be too much vitamin A. Vitamin A stays in your fat and can be toxic. You might want to research the web and check for toxic levels of vitamins. There's only a couple you can overdo. My husband was getting dizzy, so he lowered his vitamins and it got better. He went back on the mega vitamins and is dizzy again.
   — Yvonne G.

September 3, 2003
Be careful because not only can having too much iron give you all the before mentioned symptoms, but it can hurt you, too. I have hemachromatosis, and it is a terminal disease. My body absorbs high doses of iron, but you can acquire the same problems by taking too much iron also. I would make sure you talk to your doctor about it. You can get liver cirrosis, liver cancer, stomach cancer, etc... from having high iron stores in your body for too long. Granted it usually takes years and years, but it can happen. Take care!
   — Red T.

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