Can boils be removed?

I am 26 years old and I have had painful boils on my inner thighs since I was about 14 (sometimes under my arms and other such areas, too). They flare up every once in a while, or new ones form. My husband is great about putting band-aids on me when they pop, but I never wear shorts in pulic for fear of other people seeing them. I will be having a RNY in a few months. When I have loose skin from the weight loss, can I just have the infected areas removed by a plastic surgeon? What are some things I can do now to relieve these painful, embarassing buggers?    — amberVBchick (posted on July 31, 2003)

July 31, 2003
When my niece was here to visit, she complained about boils under her arms. I did some research and here's what we found helped her a great deal ... don't use roll on or stick deordorant only spray, wash a couple of times a day with neutrogena body wash (there are 2 kinds of liquid body wash, she wanted the one without the granules in it), kept the area clean and dry as possible. We were amazed at the change in the skin within a couple of weeks. The body wash can be used for the leg area too. Hope this helps you too.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 31, 2003
Forgot to add .. if you are going to shave your underarms do it at night not in the morning before you use deordorant. The deodorant can clog the pores and create the boils too. (my opinion on this only)
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 31, 2003
I am not sure if they can be removed....but my doctor had me change to an anti-bacterial soap like Lever 2000 or Dial that I use on inner thighs, under breasts, etc. It has helped so much! I rarely get them now. Another thing to use is powder to keep those areas dry. Unfortunately I still have the scars, etc in those areas. I am not sure what will happen to that.
   — Sasha A.

July 31, 2003
Hi! I get boils often, but behind my ears and in my groin area. My physician prescribed Clindamycin (sp?) for it. It is a topical antiobiotic, and it works great. They usually come to a head and heal within 2 - 3 days, not weeks, like before. It is a liquid that you apply directly to the spot. Boils are caused by bacteria and this kills it! Just wanted you to know.
   — doglover

July 31, 2003
O.K. Here is what my Doctor and I have figured out. I am a diabetic, sure some of the problem is that there is bacteria but we found that when ever I over do the sugar I tend to get the boils. Since I stoped cheating with candy bars and sugar soda I dont get the boils. Mind you my doc and I have been at this problem for 3 years now and when I fianlly got honest with him about my eating habits and I started doing the right diet I never get the boils anymore. And make sure you wash your under arms and groin area every day with antibacterial soap.
   — D P.

July 31, 2003
Hi Amber....I can actually help you with this. I used to get horrible boils and nothing worked not antibacterial soap nothing. I did my own research online and discovered antibitotics as treatment (since I didnt want to rely on a topical ointment, I had my Dr put me on Bactrim 1 a day, and believe it or not it works like a charm. If one does insist on developing it is so insignificant that it doesnt even hurt (bc it doesnt get to the point of exploding). I am so happy with this treatment and completely recommend it to anyone who suffers from boils. Check into it I think you will be happy with the results. I still have scarring from previous ones and am pre-op hoping perhaps after surgery if I need a tt that this can be removed during that surgery. Good luck
   — lillbitofsin

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