1 week post op and can't seem to get in portein HELP!!!

1 week post op & I can't see how to get in all the protein (60-70g) aday can someone pleaseee!!! break this down for me in amounts and what kinds of foods can you do this with at 1 wk post-op my Dr still has me on a liquid diet. lap RNY    — Stacy R. (posted on July 16, 2003)

July 16, 2003
Relaqx thats normal. At this point hydration is more important. The protein is a goal, you cant get there instantly. Your tummy is still swollen from the trauma of being operated on.Soon you will be able to eat more and get all your protein in.
   — bob-haller

July 16, 2003
I had the same problem. I was able to increase my protein by mixing 2oz portions at a time. It should get better as the stomach swelling goes down.
   — M B.

July 16, 2003
I know the importance of protein should be the highest priority, but sometimes its just no possible to get all that in. I know for myself, i only had a 1/2 oz pouch and still have a hard time struggling to get things in almost 3 months postop..i just try to make sure protein is included in everything i eat. I also have to eat several times a day, but now that i dont care about eating i have to remind myself to get there. My dietician said not to worry that eventually you will be able to get everything in. I still eat a 'balanced' diet and i am still doing well. lap rny 4/22 -60
   — Kerry R.

July 16, 2003
Right now just worry about recovery. Your protein intake will increase over time.
   — susanje

July 16, 2003
The others are right, concentrate on hydration right now. You can also look in the vitamin stores for liquid proteins. I used a clear koolaid looking type of protein drink called Isopure Zero Carb that came in 20 oz glass bottles and flavors like Grape Frost or Blue Rasberry. With 40 grams of protein per bottle, I would cut it in 1/2 with water and sip on it all day. I know there are other types out there but you may want to try something like that at this early stage, but bottom line, don't worry about getting in enough protein for now.
   — Cindy R.

July 16, 2003
At a week post-op, I was on full liquids with no milk products. My surgeon told me not to worry about protein but to concentrate on drinking. I lived on V8 Juice. He was much more concerned with fluid intake than protein. I didn't start worrying about the amount of protein til I was about 3 months post-op. Up to that point, I ate protein first but since I couldn't eat much I didn't get a lot. That is when I started supplements and I've done great.
   — Patty_Butler

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