I'm 4 days post op and still no bowel sounds or movement. Any suggestion?

Is this normal? I'm feeeling concerned cause I was told the leak test stuf would move them quickly and still nothing. Does any one have any suggestion? Help!!    — Donna R. (posted on May 31, 2003)

May 31, 2003
It took me 8 days. This questions has surfaced a few times and most people say that they had their first bowel movement 6-8 days after surgery.
   — thekatinthehat

May 31, 2003
I may depend on a few things: Did you have any kind of bowel prep before surgery, or were you on any kind of dietary restrictions before surgery? It will take awile for the small amount of food we eat now to move through. Also, any time the intestines are handled, they tend to become somewhat "shocked" by it, and it may take a few days before they start to function normally, so things could be quiet. Be sure you drink plenty of fluids and walk, walk, walk. That will help get things going.
   — koogy

May 31, 2003
I would ask your Dr. for a suggestion for some type of laxative. I got so blocked up from the pain meds as a previous poster mentioned could happen, that not even liquids would go through my pouch. I ended up back in the hospital being given an enema and laxatives. P.S. The Dr. cut me off my pain meds. To be safe, I would give him a call.
   — Fixnmyself

May 31, 2003
Coffee and a cigarette!! Ok...just kidding. Drink more water, alot more water...Hot water (decaf tea, etc.). helps more than cold. My surgeon said no laxatives and if you must, use only a suppository. Good luck !! I hope the train starts moving through the station soon.
   — msmaryk

June 1, 2003
It's normal to not have a bowel movement for the first several days. The pain meds will dry you out and constipate you. However, I found that 3 or 4 oz's of regular coffee with just a teaspoon of sugar in it works for me. That's what I use if it's been more that 3 days, and hasn't failed yet.
   — mellyhudel

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