had lap rny 5/5 and lost 16.5# in 1st week, in last 9 days only 1# lost.

am i doing something wrong? i am trying to stick to soft proteins...refried beans, soft veggies, cheese, fish. i have had a few bites of meats, but they didn't set well so i backed off. i may be worrying for nothing, but i thought i would have lost a little more after 2 1/2 weeks out.    — Wendy S. (posted on May 22, 2003)

May 21, 2003
What you are doing wrong is weighing yourself too often. Many say you should only weigh once a month. I weigh once a week but still see plateaus. This is not a smooth progression, it goes in bumps and starts. Relax, follow the program and you will do fine.
   — Sunny S.

May 21, 2003
Get your arse off the scale! I only weigh in at my monthly doc visits. 52 lbs in 8 weeks.
   — Jenny B.

May 22, 2003
Hide that scale! REALLY!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 22, 2003
You are doing fine! Your body may be holding onto fluid in order to maintain it's balance. You may drop several pounds in a short amount of time. You are taking in a lot less food than you did 2 1/2 weeks ago, and you may be in "starvation mode" - your body is sensing that not the same amount of food is coming in, so it is trying to maintain itself. Just takes some time to adjust. Now as far as weighing - if you have a good scale, I see no harm in weighing everyday. Personally, I weigh everyday and I graph my weight and what sometimes looks like a plateau is not - a weekly average can show an overall decrease in weight, especially when you get farther out. I would hate to weigh myself once a week - with my luck I would do it on the one day I happened to be up 2 lbs from the previous week! Any way (weigh?) graphing my weight is something that I find interesting (and reassuring). At this point, you are still doing quite a bit of healing, so be gentle with your new pouch and eat what is comfortable. You can always increase the protein in a few weeks as you tolerate it better.
   — koogy

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