Sleep question...

Hi everybody! I had my sleep study done last night. I can't remember what the tech said or if he gave me a name for a disorder, but it is NOT sleep apnea. He said a CPAP machine would really help me sleep better. I had it on last night at a 6-7 and did really well. He said I take really small shallow breaths while sleeping and don't take in enough oxygen. I also snore loudly and wake myself often during the night. (Not fully awake, but out of a deep sleep). I think he had a name for what I experience, but I can't remember what he said. Anyone heard of these symptoms?    — Kimberly S. (posted on May 2, 2003)

May 2, 2003
Hi! It was probably hypopnea.....which is considered a form of sleep apnea.
   — jennifer A.

May 2, 2003
Yes like she posted it is Hypopnea(sp) I have that and apneas as well, they are a little different but it is a form of sleep apnea, and the CPAP helps a ton if you can learn to live with it...:)
   — Saxbyd

May 2, 2003
I had my sleep study done and I too, snored very loudly. Since surgery I am happy to say I no longer have to leave my husband in our bed because my snoring was sooooo loud. I don't snore anymore. Now I leave my bed for the couch because he snores! Chances are you won't even need the CPAP machine after surgery. Hope it works for you. Good luck!
   — Meg T.

May 3, 2003
It sounds like Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome and is characterized by frequent arousals from snoring and obstructive hypopnea. CPAP often improves the quality of sleep. Left untreated it can progress to apnea.
   — LLinderman

May 3, 2003
Kim, That sounds like hypopnea. That is what I was told I had when I had my sleep study. Very shallow respirations. My cpap is set on 7 and I love it. The only time I have problems is if my nose is stopped up and then I feel like I am suffocating, then I just sleep without it. I have to say that I feel so much better since I got my cpap. Before I got it, I was afraid to drive long distances because I would fall asleep driving. Now that uncontrollable urge to sleep behind the wheel is gone, thank goodness. Take care. jane farmer.
   — peanutpatty

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