Is my stomach too big should I seek a revsion?

I am 8 months post-op, open RNY, lost 113 lbs. and am 5 lbs. from goal. I have found that in the last month I am able to hold at least 2 cups of food without feeling overly stuffed and more than once a day. I've tried dfferent foods since I know that they differ in density, but it doesn't seem to matter. I am VERY, VERY AFRAID of gaining the weight back since my tool is not limiting my intake sufficiently. What test (not cottage cheese, I want a visual) should I request to see the size of my stomach? I think I need a revision and I'm now afraid my insurance won't cover it - that scares me! My doc left 10% of my new stomach attached to the old if that makes a difference. I feel like I'm on the brink of spiraling out of control. Has this happened to anyone else - what did you do? Please advise!    — San (posted on March 19, 2003)

March 18, 2003
Calm down and pay attention to the scale. If the weight begins to creep back on, THEN figure out your options. For now, it sounds like you're going thru the normal "I can eat more at 8 months" blues. I'm almost 2 years out, maintaining at goal and go thru the "gee wow I ate a lot" blues from time to time. Then there are days where I barely eat anything. You'll get used to it. I get on the scale EVERY MORNING and the only time it goes up is during the weeks where I strayed in the food/exercise category. When it goes up, I snap to attention and get back on the plan. You'll be fine. Good luck and God bless!
   — Kimberly L.

March 19, 2003
Depending on what I eat and how fast will decide on how much I can eat. If I eat soft food like eggs then I can eat alot. Steak on the other hand is not so much. What I do is what the scale ever other day and if I see a upward trend then I go right back to pure protein and loose the excess. Just pay attention to the scale and then adjust on occassion.
   — Richard M.

March 19, 2003
on the Q&A;s a couple of days ago there was something about "resetting" your pouch. alot of people have done this and i think it makes sense. if you can't find it in the q&a look in the library. good luck
   — k K.

March 19, 2003
First check your mechanics. Is your pouch 10%? Sounds like youhave a staple line & were not transected? You can request a scope to have a look & see if you have astaple line disruption or other oddity going on.
   — vitalady

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