Is it feasible to continue law school post op?

I have my surgery consult tomorrow, and if all goes well, which it should, I can expect my RNY in about 12 weeks. That would put me in the beginning of my 6th semester of law school (I go part time). I plan to take an easy load, 2 classes plus Law Review. I also work 20 hours a week, but am hoping to take at least 1 month off of work. I can miss 2 weeks of classes, but not more than that. I'm also a single mom of a 2 year old, but have very helpful parents who are supportive in every way. Oh, I should mention that the surgery will most likely be done open, because the surgeon is just starting out (he has years of trauma gut surgery behind him and great training), and won't consider lap until he's done 50 successful open surgeries. I'd like to continue with classes next semester because if I don't that means no student loans, which pay my rent, car payment, etc. Please tell me this can be done!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on February 12, 2003)

February 12, 2003
It is possible as everyone is different. Sitting in class isn't to strenuous. I felt ok after my surgery but tired very easily. I was exhausted just going to a friends house and playing on their computer. It will really be up to you. If you feel like it, Go for it.
   — dkinson

February 12, 2003
Hi Inga. As long as you don't have to carry heavy books around there is no reason you shouldn't be able to go back to school after two weeks off. I had open RNY on 7/16 and felt that the 2 weeks I was off was too long. I was ready to go back after 10 days, but everyone is different. Actually I think that getting back to my normal schedule helped more than anything. Good luck to you!
   — Barbara I.

February 12, 2003
Hey girl...we've spoken before about related issues...congratulations on deciding to go ahead with surgery! And, of course, congratulations with being almost done with law school. My personal opinion, having been through both of these things myself (though not at the same time)...of course you can do it! My guess is that you won't need two weeks off from classes. Especially if you're only taking two classes and Law Review. Talk to your professors, tell them you're having surgery. Get someone to tape lectures for you. Hell, girl, you're going to be in bed...might as well catch up on all that lame Admin Law reading. :) Or get your darn article done. Good luck...and email me again if you want to talk more.
   — Tamara K.

February 12, 2003
Congrats on surgery and law school! :) I'm in my last semester of law school. I had surgery on Jan 7th and my classes started Jan 21 (exactly 2 weeks). I also commute over an hour. The first week was excruciating and carrying those damn books is still hard (and I have a wheelie book thingy). I still find my long day (10 am to 8 pm) difficult to get through but am getting sronger every week. I also haven't shared with anyone that I had surgery so when I am moving slowly people look at me like I've suddenly turned 80. If you were a first year I would question it but if you're taking a light load and will be able to talk to your professors, you should be okay. I am still behind in my reading and have a lot of apathy toward school but I think that may be more shorttimers disease than anything else :). Law school reading always puts me to sleep but I find that since surgery, its even worse but do-able. If you need to chat, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Best of luck to you!
   — susanje

February 13, 2003
Inga, you go to law school, are in Law Review, work 20 hours a week, and have 2 year old! You sound like a highly motivated, energetic and smart woman! If you think you can handle getting back to school after surgery, then you can do it! It sounds like you've taken on plenty of tough challenges before and succeeded. I am an attorney (graduated 11 years ago). I did law school with 3 small children and a job. It was hectic to say the least. I had open RNY on 12/5/02 and had a very easy time of it. I had very little pain and went back to work in 3 weeks. I could have gone back in 2, but decided to wait until after Christmas. Good luck to you, and you go girl! Michele
   — Michele C.

February 13, 2003
Wow, thanks for all the encouragement! I just met with the surgeon today (whom I have just a bit of a crush on!), and he's scheduling sooner than I had anticipated, so I am pretty sure I can have the surgery the first week of my 2 week break between semesters. I have to admit that I don't always read the assigned work, and certainly don't brief cases anymore, so a week or two of not reading won't make a difference. Having my parents help is instrumental to my success, too.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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