Has anyone experienced vaginal itching after LOTS of dumping?

I've been dumping for two days straight, I now have what feels like a yeast infection. I was wondering if it was the acid, the constant wiping or ?    — LionGirl2k (posted on October 21, 2002)

October 21, 2002
Are you wiping from front to back, or back to front? I know that with myself, it was always easier to wipe back to front, but I was always careful of not mixing the two. Anyway, if you wipe back to front, you may be transferring bacteria from your rectum to your vagina that could be causing some irritation. Try to be more careful. Although, you may have a genuine yeast infection and need treatment for that. See your doctor in any case. Good luck,
   — skennedy

October 21, 2002
If you were dumping because you ate too much sugar, then that might be the problem. I used to get yeast infections from eating candy (pre-op). Sugar in your blood stream affects vaginal yeast. It seems weird, but they are definately connected!
   — mandajuice

October 21, 2002
Hey, this is the original poster, thanks everyone so far for their responses. I haven't had any excessive amounts of sugar, wipe front to back & haven't had any antibiotics for over a year. Great suggestions though.
   — LionGirl2k

October 22, 2002
Hello-- try acidolphilis... this works WONDERS for yeast... it puts back all the good bacteria in your intestines that surgery, antibiotics, stress, etc. take out... after my hysterectomey I had the yeast infection from HELL... 5 rounds of antibiotics, creams all that junk.. nothing worked -- took Acidolphilis for 2 days and haven't had a yeast infection SINCE! Yeast causes many more bad things in your body besides just vaginal yeast... it causes you to feel cruddy, makes your stomach sick, do some research on it.. I was amazed!
   — Tammy T.

October 22, 2002
Hello-- try acidolphilis... this works WONDERS for yeast... it puts back all the good bacteria in your intestines that surgery, antibiotics, stress, etc. take out... after my hysterectomey I had the yeast infection from HELL... 5 rounds of antibiotics, creams all that junk.. nothing worked -- took Acidolphilis for 2 days and haven't had a yeast infection SINCE! Yeast causes many more bad things in your body besides just vaginal yeast... it causes you to feel cruddy, makes your stomach sick, do some research on it.. I was amazed!
   — Tammy T.

October 22, 2002
Keep a box of baby wipes in the bathroom, and cleans both rectal and vaginal area thoroughly EVERY time you go to the bathroom. Of course, use a separate one for each area and do the rectal area first. If it continues, you should see your PCP or OB/GYN to make sure you don't have an infection going on, which is quite possible.
   — Lynette B.

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