Alcohol consumption - part 2

ThankYou for your responses! But, oh my gosh, my drinking is not that excessive. But it does sound like post op it will be a definite no-no. Won't any "abnormalities" show up in my pre-op bloodwork?    — Debby M. (posted on August 29, 2002)

August 29, 2002
Hi Debbie - I too "lied" about my pre-op alchohol consumption. I told them "once in a while", when really it was more like every weekend. Hey, I am single, mid-twenties, that's what we do. Honestly, I still do have a few drinks every weekend (wine only). My bloodwork has consistently been A++ and I have lost 115 pounds as of today, exactly 6 months and 2 weeks post-op. On my last post-op appointment I asked my surgeon about this - he said as log is it not excessive, it shouldn't be a health factor - although we could go without the extra calories. :) But, you know it is my one single indulgence and the weight loss show that. I'd rather have a glass of wine than a cookie at this point.
   — PaulaM

August 29, 2002
In that case ;). I think you'll be ok. I know every surgeon has different requirements, but mine never asked us to abstain from alcohol pre surgery. I was not given any limitations until 11:00 PM the night before. Good luck! -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -127
   — KimBo36

August 29, 2002
Your blood work will show abnormalities to you liver, if there is any. But as far as showing alcohol it won't unless he runs a drug screen on you. But I would not indulge in any alcohol from here on out. Alcohol thins your blood, and you probably will be given blood thinners in the hospital, so you don't want to much. I am sure all will be fine. Good Luck.
   — Maryellen C.

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