does anyone out there have M.S. and have had the surgery?

I am looking for people that have M.s. and have had the bypass surgery, to see how they are doing. I have remitting reocurring m.s., which to look at me you would not even know that I had it. I have been in remission for 2 years and I feel great for a 35 year old obese person. My M.s. doctor told me that he does not recommend that I have this surgery cause it may pull me back out of remission. But my thoughts are that he is old fashioned and wants me to diet and excercise, cause that is what he believes in. So if anyone out there can help me I need it!!!!I am so close to getting my surgery, all I need is my syc exam and to submit and then I am in. Good thing that I do not need my m.s. doctors approval to get approved. I have a general doctor that thinks its great. But for my piece of mind I would like to know. thank you Anna    — Anna C. (posted on March 20, 2002)

March 20, 2002
Anna, I too have MS. The same type as you r/r. Been diagnosed since May 29, 1997. I'm now 42 and have just had me op/rny as of 1-17-02. I am doing very well and have had NO signs of trouble from the ms. Good Luck for a new slimmer YOU! Email if you need to.
   — laurie W.

March 21, 2002
Anna if you look under the state of Ohio in Gallipolis for Jill Curry(Maybe listed as Bethany Jill Curry) she might be able to help you. Jill is about 35 y.o and has M.S. She has done fantastic. She had surgery in Dec and as of March 4 she had lost 48 pounds. Good luck.
   — Nancy P.

March 21, 2002
Anna, I can tell your frustration in your post. I am a female, 42, with R/R MS as well. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago and have been on Avonex since. I have not had many occurences over the years until I had my baby 20 months ago. Then all hell broke loose. I am 7 months post op, open RNY. I started at 300 lbs and am down to 184 today. I have not had any problems with the surgery or my MS since surgery. I've had the "same" problems ( numbness, tingling, nuscle spasticity in my legs) post op but they are no mean exaggerated by the surgery. If anything, my MS has been helped by being 120 lbs lighter. I am able to get up and move more, this morning walking 2 miles. I would have never been able to that preop, secondary to the weight and the MS. I think you will be doing yourself a great diservice if you forego the surgery for the MS. If you do get to the point where you fall frequently, lose the use of your legs and must use a cane or a wheelchair, wouldn't you rather do it in better physical shape. Carrying all the extra weight will inhibit you in some way, MS or not. It's a difficult decision, facing the unknown. I wish you well with your decision. For me the surgery was the best thing I ever did. Please feel free to write me if you have any questions.
   — Kelly H.

March 21, 2002
Just to let you know that my email address is [email protected] so that anyone can email me. I just wanted you all to know that you have been a great help in my decision on the surgery, and yes I am having it. I personally think that my doctor is narrow minded and I am his first patient that wants to have this surgery so of cousre he had to give me his negative opinion... Sorry had to vent!!! Its just that when you put your faith in your doctors you would think that they would do a little research before giving their opinion. Thanks so much for all the support I really do appreciate it. Anna
   — Anna C.

June 25, 2002
My Mom and I are both getting ready for lap rny the surgeon of course has warned us of possible problems. My Mom has had ms for 24 yrs and I am just diagnosed. We will post later with our results
   — jennifer T.

February 16, 2004
   — BARB W.

December 28, 2004
Dear Anna, I hope it is ok for the mother of a progressive MS as well as obese person to write here. I am very scared about my daughters MS. She can not stand alone, her speech and fine motor control is affected. She has no remissions. The best hope we are offered is the same ole same ole...if she would just loose weight. We got to this point in undiagnosed MS because stupid doctors just told us her condition was caused by her weight. "If she just lost weight she would be able to walk." "If she just lost weight she would be able to have the surgery needed on her knee." The worst one even passed off the upper body problems like being able to hold a knife and fork properly. It wasn't until I mentioned her speech problems that they finally didn't blame her weight. My question is this: Have you heard anything from someone who is in this serious a condition handling the surgery ok? My second question is that I ran across a chart somewhere of people who had bariatric surgery and MS and I thought it was on this web site. Is It? Thank you, Connie Noelle
   — Connie N.

December 29, 2004
Connie - Please get your daughter's B12, thiamine, and folate levels checked. These are B vites that deficiencies can cause MS-like symptoms. AFTER those levels are checked, get her on a good BComplex (B100 or StressB). And start protein=loading . . . get whey protein powder from (buy samples to start), and have her drink as much as possible until surgery. She'll wanna drink them after surgery, too. And Vitamin C loading . . . start small, and work up as tolerated, to 3-6 grams/day. Both of these will speed healing . . . Good luck, and very best to you.
   — RWH G.

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