Have I stretched my pouch already?

I am 15 days post-op and wondering if I've already stretched my pouch...I am supposed to sip on 3 oz. of fluid per hour and I can take 6-8 oz...before I even realize, it is gone! I am worried that I'm taking too much but I'm dying of thirst so it is hard to resist! Help?!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 6, 2002)

March 6, 2002
You are supposed to get as much fluid in as possible (water esp) and the more the better. It just is like a drain, liquids go down well, and food will might plug it up. If your thirsty, you need the fluid. My freind is about the same as you and taking in 64oz a day. Your doing great!
   — ZZ S.

March 6, 2002
To only take in 3 ounces of fluid per hour is unrealistic. You need to get in as close to 64 ounces of water a day as you can. If you only took in 3 ounces an hour, for the 12 hours or so that you aren't sleeping or you are eating (remember, you aren't supposed to drink anything for 30 minutes before and up to 45 minutes after eating), you would only get in roughly 48 ounces a day. Also, at 15 days post-op, your swelling is going down and you are able to consume a little bit more and fluids go thru a lot faster then food does, so don't worry about being able to drink 6 to 8 ounces an hour. You are doing fine. I struggled for the first 3 to 4 weeks post-op to get enough fluids in and it is a blessing now to be able to drink my liquids a little faster. Congratulations on being a postie!
   — Susan M.

March 8, 2002
Thanks everyone! I didn't post this question, but am also 15 days post-op and was oh-so-paranoid that I was stretching my little pouch beyond repair by drinking tooooo much. I am so relieved.
   — Michelle B.

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