I am on Effexor and 3 days pre-op, will I be able to continue it after surgery?

Also, went on Sarafem (Prozac)a yr. ago, immediately gained 40 lbs. Recently switched to Effexor (37.5 mg), and wondering how do you take this post-op (gastric bypass)? Do they need to be crushed up? Also, I tried to go off of it a week ago, and had lots of dizzy spells, etc.! I didn't think one was supposed to have withdrawal symptoms after discontinuing. I am afraid to go off it now. (Was hoping to be off of it by surgery time.) Does anyone else feel that anti-depressants added to their weight gain? Help! Lynn    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on February 16, 2002)

February 16, 2002
That is for your doctor to decide---I, for one, do not have M.D. tacked behind my name---I, too, am on effexor and my dr told me to not quit taking it---you will experience withdrawal symptoms---you really need to consult your PCP or surgeon for that information
   — Linda L.

February 16, 2002
I have to agree with Linda. Talk to your doctor about this. I have been on several different antidepressants over the last 10 years. There is one thing that appears to be common among them. If you NEED to quit taking them, it needs to be done gradually. Stopping them all of a sudden is not a good idea. Also, stopping them on your own is not a good idea. Again, talk to your doctor.
   — garw

February 16, 2002
First and foremost, you should never stop taking ANY medication that an M.D. has prescribed without first discussing it with the M.D. Effexor does have withdrawal symptoms. I take Effexor and stopped it once because my Medicaid got stopped and I wsa not informed until I went to the pharmacy to pick up my Effexor. I had horrible side effects. Please be careful, remember we are having this surgery to get better. Also you need to find out if the Effexor you are on is the extended release form. It should say Effexor XR on your prescription bottle. If you aren't sure consult with your M.D. and surgeon. I read on hear that extended realease meds do not work after this surgery. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist at the end of this month to discuss a change before I go into surgery. My surgery is insurance pending. I hope you have time to wean off the Effexor if you need to now before your surgery. It would be counter productive to have surgery and withdrawals at the same time. Good luck. PEACE
   — blank first name B.

February 16, 2002
I take Effexor,at night before I go to bed. I take this for prevention of migraines, I was only off for the day after surgery, plus about 2 days. i was afraid to take them, I had no w/drawal, but almost everyone does. My dr. suggested i take the non timereleased formula, but it made me too nauseated. So I went back to effexor, so I'm back on time realeased again. Be sure to check w/ your doctor.
   — Cindee A.

February 16, 2002
I too take effexor and found that the first few days after surgery that the best way to take them was to open the pill up and swollow the little balls inside with a mouthful of water. [this was doctor approved btw]. After about a week, I could take the whole pill properly - with a little rubbing of my chest to get it down. Now I can take them like normal. <br> Hope it helps.
   — blank first name B.

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