Some mentioned something on the message board a while ago....

that has stuck in my head. They said that John Popper of Blues Traveler, who had WLS said on a late night talk show that he still eats whatever he wants, he just throws up a lot. That got me wondering how common this is. I know a lot of people won't want to admit it, but I'd like an honest answer, so post anonymous. How many of you are like this?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 17, 2002)

January 17, 2002
I don't do this either. I have had a problem with throwing up for a long time, but it was not from "eating whatever I want" and then just throwing it up for no good reason. I had a stricture that went undetected for a long time (too long) and so whatever I ate came back up. Now that I am better, I eat only things that I feel are healthly for my body. I truly hope that I don't ever get to the point where I eat unhealthy things, but I am still new to this and I cannot honestly say what I will be doing years from now. Hopefully I will still be eating healthy...
   — Kellie Jo B.

January 17, 2002
He may overeat, which can cause it to come back up. That is uncomfortable and you really have a desire to stop before you get too full. Puking is not fun for me. I can eat almost anything I want with few exceptions and I don't have any problems. Sounds like that guy has a problem.
   — Cheri M.

January 17, 2002
I'm not like this either. I threw up alot at the beginning because of strictures or food just not agreeing with me. But, NOW I never ever throw up. I eat any food I want as long as it meets certain criteria: no sugar in the first 3-5 ingredients. Low fat. Low cal. Low carb. These are my rules. I also take a bite, put my fork down, chew and wait about a minute (sometimes less :D) Then I eat until I feel satisfied. I wouldn't get yourself too worried. My guess is that he's just been overeating and that's very easy for "us" to solve. Good Luck.
   — Kristin R.

January 18, 2002
I saw the complete show of John Popper from Blues Traveler on VH1's behind the scenes. He talked about when he first had the surgery and would vomit whenever he ate fast food (he's a recovering fast food junkie), and how that helped him to break the habit of eating fast food all the time. I just wanted to kinda set the record straight as I saw this twice and it is what changed my opinion of WLS.
   — Andrew R.

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