When can I go back to work???

I am a workaholic and one of my questions is how long it takes to get back to work. The job I have can be physical--I am in the transportation industry and work in a warehouse environment. My office is on the second floor w/ no elevator. I need to be able to climb stairs and walk extensively to do my job. Can you give me some feedback on how long it took you to get back into the swing of things?    — Cheryl A. (posted on June 8, 2001)

June 8, 2001
I was back to work in 2 weeks. I promised the doctor that I wouldn't lift heavy and I wouldn't over do it. I think it depends on the surgery and how well your recovery goes.
   — Dottie D.

July 13, 2001
I am also a workaholic and was back to work 5 days post-op. My job is strictly a desk job though and no lifting. I am now 2 1/2 wks post op and think I could probably comfortably climb stairs etc. My firm answer would be 3 weeks before I'd return to work in your type of environment. Good luck!
   — Julie P.

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