Has anyone heard of a disabled person having WLS.

I am seriously considering WLS prob RNY, and I have a nuero-muscular disorder called Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease -CMT-{has nothing to do w/ my teeth} I am permanantly in a wheelchair and suffer w/ extreme muscle weekness especially in my lower extremeties. I am wondering if anyone out there including doctors have heard of others similar to me that have had WLS. Would my disability prevent me from being a candidate for surgery? I have found NO info on this yet and I would appreciate any and all info and input. Thank you in advanced, Renee Dodge [email protected]    — renee617 (posted on March 23, 2001)

March 22, 2001
Hi, I don't know a lot about your disablity. I would say yes that you could have WLS surgery. I would suggest calling a surgeon and explain your disablity and ask them if WLS is possible. Good Luck to you.
   — Angela E.

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