I am 4 weeks post-op. Have not yet experienced the "full" feeling

and still on pureed foods and have not yet experienced the "full" feeling I've heard about. anyone else experience this?    — Melissa C. R. (posted on October 25, 2000)

October 25, 2000
Melissa, I would say you are doing very well. It appears the WLS is working as you have replaced your desire to be full with the feeling of saiety. Another of the wonders of WLS! Keep up the good work!
   — Allie B.

October 25, 2000
I am four months post-op and have never experienced the "full feeling". I never eat more than what was ordered by my Dr. and I feel satisfied.
   — Bobbie W.

October 25, 2000
It has been my experience that the "full" feeling doesn't come until you are eating real food.
   — Cindy H.

October 25, 2000
I never experienced feeling full while I was eating soft foods. After starting on regular foods I did feel full. Don't eat too fast or by the time you feel full you'll be over full!
   — georgiacarol

October 25, 2000
I was very lucky, My Dr. let me start eating meat early, since i was so weak and i had not go sick off of any foods. I am 5 weeks post op and have lost about 33 lbs. and i am glad i am eating meat, i have felt so much better,(i mainly eat broiled chicken or baked fish). I have only been really full once, this weekend as a matter of fact and it was not fun. I had not eaten much that day. So i ate a little when i got home and a little about 4 hours later, and needless to say, what i ate when i got home had to have to still be in my stomach. It's a strange feeling. Good luck to you.
   — Barbara R.

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