Could liquid iron prevent me from having to continue these monthly iron iv's?

I've been having iron infusions every month for the past 3months. I am losing my insurance due to divorce and I can't afford anything right now. I am wondering if I take liquid iron everyday if that would keep my levels up to where I don't have to have the iv's on a monthly basis. Has anyone who has had iv's tried this and gotten better/didn't have to do the iv thing again? How much do I take a day? Is this a good long term solution? Cuz I sure need an inexpensive one. Without blood work how would I know my levels are low again? Anybody got any better ideas?? Thanks for all your help. Everyone on here has been so helpful, I don't know what I'd do without you online angels.    — Jillisa R. (posted on April 19, 2005)

April 19, 2005
Jillisa, I too had to have iron IVs. Although an expensive treatment, it was the best way to get the iron in. First question would be is WHY IV's and not iron pills? In my case the IV was because my stored iron levels were so critically low that if they didn't get the iron in me quickly enough I could have suffered conjestive heart failure! Once my stored levels were back up they were able to put me on the iron pill. Unfortunately not long after that they found the problem and I had to have a complete hysterectomy! My levels are now in PERFECT ranges and I take NO iron at all! I know this hasn't been a helpful response, but you first need to check with your doctor as to WHY the IV's? What is your iron levels, both in the blood stream AND stored! If they tell you a decent range then you should be able to take a pill with iron. Downside being constipation! And believe me, LOTS of it! So take a stool softener if you think you could be that way.
   — Carole M.

April 20, 2005
I read on someone else's post that all iron supplements are absorbed after surgery, depending on what kind you have. They said carbonyl iron was good. Hope this helps. CVS pharmacies have it.
   — Diana C.

April 20, 2005
All iron supplements are NOT absorbed. Missed the NOT on the previous post.
   — Diana C.

April 27, 2005
I took chlorphyll liquid or pills so not to have anymore transfussions. you get it at the health food store and take it 2-3 times a day. have your blood drawn in a week and youll see the results. its a lot less coasty and works great. ill take a pill or liquid over an iv transfussion anyday. all the Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

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