How long before I can eat a bean burrito?

I love bean burritos from Taco Bell. Does anyone have experience with them post op?Portions, Gas, Hot Sauses??    — kitten75751 (posted on January 27, 2004)

January 26, 2004
I'm 8 mos out and have been eatting this type of food for a while now. Not specifically from Taco Bell, but my local shop rite has pre-made burritos and wraps that are quite good. At this point I'm able to eat half of one. I haven't used hot sauce, but I have enjoyed a spicey cocktail sauce with my shrimp with no repercussions. Enjoy! Linda
   — lorien

January 26, 2004
I don't eat the bean ones, but like the chili cheese ones. At about 3 weeks post I ate the insides of one. Tortillas have a lot of carbs and breads are not suggested for early post ops, so I ate just the insides...and was only able to eat about half the insides at 3 weeks.
   — Christy L.

January 26, 2004
I'm at a year and typically can eat half a bean burrito. I think I started eating them about 6 months. I use hot sauce all the time.
   — susanje

January 26, 2004
taco bell has a website that lists all their foods and calories......maybe you will change your mind about the burrito.
   — franbvan

January 27, 2004
If you are somewhat early post-op (a month or two out) and you can tolerate it, I wouldn't worry too much about the calories. We need all the calories we can get at that point. If you're about 4 months or more out, that's when I started worrying about calories. BTW, the bean burrito from Taco Bell was one of my "staples" as soon as I was able to tolerate it. I ate very little of it and ate more bean than tortilla. I didn't use hot sauce, but that was more personal preference than anything. Keep in mind there are bits of onion in them (if I remember correctly). Good luck.
   — Krista S

January 27, 2004
I started eating at Taco Bell quite early post op. Don't remember just when but was probally within the first four weeks. Just be careful with the beans. I had alot of painful gas and did'nt need beans to be "explosive". I used alot of GasX as a new post op. Perhaps you might want to use BeanO before you eat them... and have GasX with you should you need it afterwards.
   — Danmark

January 27, 2004
I started with the Pintos'n'cheese at Taco Bell and had them add some onions to it. Very tasty and I could tolerate this pretty well early on. Just be careful with Taco bell, while it's a great source of protein in most of their items, they are high in sodium. If you're the type that retains water, know this is a possibility.
   — Cathy S.

January 28, 2004
this was the first food I ever dumped on. I ate a 1/4 of one at about 7 weeks post. It was awful! The bad thing was that I was on the interstate and had about 50 miles to go to my destination. I had to stop at a rest stop and try and throw up. I think it may be the fat content in the beans. Open RYN 339/216/139
   — peggyp

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