Can exercise make you hungrier than normal?

I just started to go to the gym and I have been swimming every day for about an hour. Trouble is, I am also eating more. The weight is coming off faster, but I am afraid that the pouch or stoma will get enlarged. Am I worrying over nothing? Is this normal?    — Heather M. (posted on July 19, 2003)

July 19, 2003
I truly believe exercise can increase your appetite. For some people it dulls the appetite. Are you drinking water before and after your workout? Are you getting enough protein? Are you getting in enough fluids? All these things can affect your appetite. Also "what" you eat can affect how long you feel full. A protein rich meal will stay with you longer than a high carb meal. Be sure not to drink when you eat either. You are doing great with the swimming. That is wonderful.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 19, 2003
I haven't had energy to exercise since wls, but it sure increased my appetite! And that is one thing I did'nt need ether.
   — Danmark

July 19, 2003
you might try drinking a protein shake after you exersize...might help curb your appetite a bit.
   — thekatinthehat

July 19, 2003
"Swimming" was a red flag when I read your question. Are you aware that a hormone that causes hunger is released when we are in cold water (that would include swimming, unless it's in a hot tub!) Yet swimming is such excellent no-impact aerobic exercise! Otherwise, aerobic land exercise normally REDUCES appetite, strangely, if it's sufficiently exerting, (even though less exerting exercise is wonderful for you too). You might want to try a different kind of exercise for a few days if possible and see if those hunger pangs are reduced. However, you are having success with the swimming in other ways, so it's a tough call! Let us know what happens, best to you!
   — Postop_nurse

July 20, 2003
I definitely found when I started personal training that I was hungrier more often. I did eat when I was hungry and dropped weight. I think our body needs more "good" calories when we are working out for fuel to keep going! Good luck. 212/114.5/108
   — TP

July 20, 2003
YESSSSSSSSSS! Your body especially asks for carbs after. ONE Recovery drink is more sugar g than I get in a week! However, if you're doing a protein shake before exercise, and another right after (I drink mine in the locker room) and then PLAN a healthy carb. Might mean having a healthy sandwich in a little cooler, or keeping some Ry KRisp in your car. I know we were ready to mow down the whole Twinnkie aisle before a body builder buddy clued us in on this.
   — vitalady

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