Oxford Freedom and Plastic surgery

Has anyone with Oxford Freedom been approved for abdominoplaty or other forms of plastic surgery? If so was there trouble getting approved? THANKS :)    — Keishia R. (posted on April 3, 2003)

April 3, 2003
I have Oxford Fredom Plan and asked my surgeon about abdominoplasty surgery and his experience with Oxford. He seemed to imply that if you are persistent and appeal a few times that it might happen. I am shooting for the summer of 2004 since I am only 6 weeks out, but I am planning to ask him how I should be documenting my case for it being medically necessary. I find it difficult to tie my shoes, ride the exercise bike, and do crunches and other exercises. My back is also in not the greatest shape. So, after I lose another 70 or so pounds, it's only going to be worse. I figure that I should make sure my "complaints" are documented long term. Please keep my e-mail address, and if you have any luck I'd appreciate the info thanks!!!
   — Fixnmyself

April 4, 2003
I, too, have Oxford Freedom and will be starting my plastic surgery investigation soon so I'll keep you updated with what I found out. I'm 6 months out and am looking to have some work done at then end of this year. There's not much in the library on this topic given how specific the issue is but I still do an "Oxford" word search evey month or so to see if anything new has been posted.
   — kelleykeith

April 23, 2003
I am in the process of trying to get abdominoplasty/panniculectomy and breast reduction through Oxford Freedom. Take a look at the website and just get an idea of what some people go through. Do not be discouraged. Right now I am trying to be as patient as possible.
   — Tamara N.

May 23, 2003
Hi all. It is May 23, 2003 and I wanted to update and let everyone know that I was approved May 21, 2003 for abdominoplasty and breast reduction by oxford freedom. My surgery is July 3rd and I was told I will be having the lollipop incision as opposed to the anchor incision for my breast. I am extremely excited and my back is feeling better just thinking about it....YEAH!!!
   — Tamara N.

May 24, 2003
I have Oxford Freedon and I was just approved for abdominoplasty and breast reduction on May 21. I am scheduled for surgery July 3rd. Any questions, please feel free to e-mail me...Good Luck
   — Tamara N.

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