I am scheduled for surgery on 3/31, have finished all my testing including an

abdominal ultrasound which came out ok. I also take Prilosec on a daily basis along with diabetes meds. I have had stomach problems off and on for years and once again my stomach is acting up. This may be due to stress about the surgery but I am nervous that there may be something wrong but I fear they will think I'm a hypochodriac if I complain. Any advice or anything to share? Do they use an endoscope during surgery so that they will be able to see if anything is wrong with your stomach?    — Leslie R. (posted on March 11, 2003)

March 11, 2003
I have never heard of an endoscope being used during surgery. If you are concerned that something is the matter with your stomach it could be dangerous to not know this before surgery. Many people get scoped prior to surgery to check for ulcers, etc.. Please be smart and call your doctor! Don't set yourself up for later complications. Good Luck and I hope all goes well for you!
   — Carol S.

March 11, 2003
I had lap RNY and they did use an endoscope to insert the NG tube and to check for any leaks. Was the ultrasound of your gallbladder? Have you had that checked out?
   — Kristen S.

March 11, 2003
Leslie, it's better to be a hypochondriac than to be sorry later! SOmetimes an ultrasound cannot show everything, I had an ulcer and it didn't show in it. I would go to the gastroenterologist and get a scope done just in case. My surgeon had me do that just as a per-op test b/c they thought I might've had acid reflux. Insurance paid for it all, too. I would get it checked out just in case. Feel better! ~Lezlie :)
   — Lezlie Y.

March 12, 2003
My doctor made it clear that ANYTHING that bugs me should be tested...any thing feels off, I am to tell him so they can check it out. You want to be safe as can be...don't feel bad to ask them "is this normal" You didn't go to med just don't know.
   — Renee B.

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