
I have a pre addmission coming up.I need to know if they do testing for ulcers?What are the tests for ulcers?And what are the sighns to know when you have an ulcer?But most important were you tested for ulcers before the surgery??????????????HELP    — nicole K. (posted on November 27, 2002)

November 27, 2002
most of the time they run a scope down your throat into your stomach and take a camera and look around! you will be dopey, but not out, and yes it hurts some. like swollowing a garden hose!!! good luck!!
   — janetc00

November 27, 2002
My experience was my test was a blood test for ulcers and mine was positive to my surprise so then I had two weeks of meds then they done the scope the previous person talked about. I guess I was lucky the scope did not bother me at all I was dopey but awake but felt nothing. Good luck.
   — Alicia K.

November 27, 2002
hiya! part of my pre op test included an upper gi - which will show if you have an ulcer. it's not too have to drink icky barium and some very carbonated stuff but it's over pretty quickly. good luck! kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

November 27, 2002
I think you are talking about the H-pylori test. YES my doctor (surgeon) requires it. If you are positive for H-pylori you will be given antibiotics prior to surgery ... it is not bad, don't worry!!!! It is a good thing to have checked and although it may cause a slight delay, is a minor detail that is for your benefit and eventual WLS success. Relax, please be glad your surgeon is careful with your health. Joy and blessings for your journey, Carly G.
   — Grace M.

November 27, 2002
My gastro guy just did an endoscopy. They actually put me out for a couple of hours. Could have been because I am a super heavyweight. I did not notice any hurt or soreness etc. Was not allowed to drive for a day because of the meds though. I also had an upper GI. The good news was no bacteria (HPylori). The bad news was I do have an ulcer. The results were sent to the surgeon.
   — snicklefritz

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