I need something for this constipation now!!!!! Please!!!

I need to know what we can take for constipation? I was also wondering if not eating enough could cause constipation, please help, I usually go at lest three times a day, lately I have been going, maybe once a day and not very much at all!!!    — bikerchic (posted on November 13, 2002)

November 12, 2002
constipation is usually from not drinking enough, and not getting enough fiber in your diet. Try increasing both of those (use a fiber supplement if you have too) and that should help. IF it does not help, then add prunes to your diet. That may help too.
   — Vicki L.

November 12, 2002
I use sugar free Fiber Choice - it's sold at Wal-Mart. It is orange chewable tablets (not very tasty, but not terrible either). I take at least 2 per day, sometimes more. It helps keep you regular. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 12, 2002
Eating some Kashi Go Lean cereal always gets me going, but regular for me may be going every other day or every third day. If you are not eating a lot, then there isn't a lot to come out every day *G*...
   — John Rushton

November 12, 2002
If you are currently constipated, I'd suggest milk of magnesia - or if you don't have any and can't afford it you can try diabetic candy, prunes (even the baby food kind), prune juice, a large amount of sweet juice (the sugars can get ya going), a high fiber cereal (100% bran)...and things of this nature. Just be forewarned that they may cause abdominal cramping. If you haven't went in a seriously long amount of time you probably should hollar at your doctor - concern becomes high you've become impacted. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 12, 2002
When I need relief, I need it FAST!!! I sound like a commercial, but for faster results, (15 minutes to an hour usually)use a laxative suppository (like dulcolax)
   — Denise W.

November 12, 2002
I'm a Milk of Mag person myself.
   — LionGirl2k

November 12, 2002
I don't think going once a day is considered constipated. But if you are used to going more often, then once a day is not "regular" for you. I have found that 1 cup or two of popcorn every night keeps me very regular. Though a carb, its a good carb and full of fiber, per my nutritionist. If I slack off my popcorn, I quickly become un-regular (is that a word?!)
   — Cindy R.

November 12, 2002
Are you taking iron? The other night at our support meeting a woman was saying she was constipated from the iron. She is using watered down prune juice. Also, last night at my nutrition class, the nutritionist said that iron will make you constipated and said we could not take stool softeners right after surgery. She suggested watered down prune juice. Now she said no stool stofteners right after surgery, I don't know how far out you are or if it is okay to take them after you are long time post op. This probably wasn't helpful, just what I heard the past two nights.
   — Sharon L.

November 13, 2002
As you have changed the types and amounts of foods you eat it is not surprising that your bowel habits have changed. I used to be a once in the morning kinda gal, now every 2-3 days. I asked my dr about it and he said as long as I am not uncomfortable, don't worry about it. Now, that said, I have had a couple of times where things got VERY uncomfortable. I now work fiber into my diet where possible including oatmeal, whole grain bread or pasta, and fruits/veggies. High protein can sure stop you up if you are not careful. But once a day doesn't sound like constipation, just different from life before surgery for you. Good luck and keep that fiber flowin'!
   — ctyst

November 13, 2002
It is so interesting that there are a few questions about this recently. I went to my family doctor on Monday. I had been having horrible cramping in my left side and my back. They checked for Kidney stones, infection found nothing. The pain kept getting worse. Today they ran all sorts of test, including the dreaded pelvic exam. After all this they tell me I am constipated. I saw the x-rays and can't believe all of that inside me. I am drinking magnesium citrate and they have me on prescription suppositories. Can't believe how painful constipation can be. I have never been in my life and I experience now for the first time. I literally thought I was dying. Well, you are not alone.
   — tulagirl

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