I'm 4 days post-op (rny lap) and I've started having like a gas bubble in my esophog

It's not really pain, it's just discomfort..and it's not only when I drink something...I'm just sitting here and I feel it for a few seconds and then it goes away. I feel like there's a big bubble in my esophogus. It's painful for a moment, but it's not going away. Can anyone relate, please? And what did you do about it? Did it go away? Thanks, Mabel    — Mabel P. (posted on July 28, 2002)

July 28, 2002
Mabel, not to worry. It will go away with time. Mine stopped at about 2 weeks. My doc says it is saliva bubbling up in there. Everything is slowed down (peristalsis), and we get kind of backed up. You may even have foamy stuff come up in your throat too. I am almost 6 weeks, and I have done it today. I think at this point it is gas. Don't worry about it. Good Luck on your road to finding the smaller you!
   — Tina B.

July 28, 2002
That awful "burp" stuck in the esophagus feeling! Ah, I remember it well. This happened to me constantly for about the first 3-4 weeks. Then it went away completely. It's very annoying, but it does go away in time. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 28, 2002
I had that, too. It was like my throat was disorganized, sending a gob of air down before anything else. Ow. Still does it and I THINK I know how to eat and drink at my advanced age! LOL! If it becomes bothersome, just lie on your left side til you burp. Of course, if it doesn't get better, you'll need to chat with your doc.
   — vitalady

July 28, 2002
Oh God yes! I remember those days. No fun. It still happens some, but not often. It happened most of the time for the first 2-3 months. It will get better but it's something that "time" will have to take care of.
   — Danmark

July 29, 2002
Thank you all for your responses. My sister is post op (4/2000) and she told me I'm probably swallowing too much too fast. I have to swallow tiny sips now and it's getting better. My mom also made me some tea with star anise last night and it really seemed to help too. Today it's only happened a few times. Much better. Now I have thrush. Another story. Take care, everyone.
   — Mabel P.

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