Tuck Before WLS - Tummy Tuck(abdoimno/panni) BEFORE WLS??

Can someone explain to me how it is possible to have the tummy tuck done during the gastric bypass? I understand the process of both surgeries, but it just seems impossible to me that they can reduce the amount of skin on my tummy BEFORE I lose any weight??    — Kristine P. (posted on February 8, 2002)

February 8, 2002
From what I understand, a panniculectomy may need to be done before sugery if the panniculus (hanging part of stomach)is causing the patient problems. Some people, especially those with diabetes, get rashes and abscesses that are caused either by lack of air to the skin under the panniculus or by not enough blood getting to the stretched out panniculus. Here is a link with very graphic pictures of this circumstance:
   — Jennifer Y.

February 8, 2002
Lucky for you that you don't have this problem prior to surgery. Some of us do have an obvious hanging pannus already. Having the panniculectomy done at the same time as the gastric bypass would not only give us a leaping head start on our weight loss but, in my case, help my lower back pain and cure the skin absesses that I have on the underside of my pannus.
   — JoanneML

February 8, 2002
Can't imagine why someone with diabetes would be more prone to infections or rashes than anyone else. But, I would add that in some people the pannus hangs low enough to make it difficult to walk. Since exercise is such an important post-op activity, it might be removed at the same time as the surgery.
   — garw

February 8, 2002
People w/diabetes are more prone to any type of infection due to decreased sensation so that non-visible areas that get inflammations are not always caught until fairly severe and bacteria loves a high sugar environment making it hard for diabetics to fight infection.
   — jsuggs

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